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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 17 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

    Just watched The xmas edition of shaun the sheep,the main human charectors are a mixed race black and white couple,even the cartoons are going woke ,oh and the xmas edition of all creatures great and small managed to get black villagers into it ,   still it was not bad ,

    Only black and white sheep? That's pure racism!

    Where are the yellow, brown and red sheep?

    This video has to be cancelled.

  2. 1 minute ago, Paulaew said:

    Since you have a lot of experience with the ATK kits, how successful are they in detecting the omicron variant? Apparently the antigen test is less sensitive than the RT-PCR test, but omicron is said to have a large viral load in the upper respiratory tract. Thanks for any information.


    Paul Laew



    I have no experience with ATK related to Omicron yet. I left Germany before it came up. Near future will show.

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