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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 1 minute ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    ...an organiser that didn't have the authority to give him a "go".

    If you're invited by the organizer of a famous tournament - not a beer bar invent - after providing the required documents, that you can play, would you not think the information is correct?

    Disgusting, if the organizer really was correctly informed by the government, that the rules do not apply to non-Australians and nevertheless misinformed the player. So who's to blame?

    • Like 1
  2. According to a German media report, Djokovic was PCR tested positive on Dec 16 and is to be regarded as "recovered".

    Because of that the Australien Tennis Association gave him an ok for coming, though the "recovered"-rule only applies to Australien citizens. According to the same report, the Tennis Association was informed by the governmnent in Nov. 2021.

    If true, it's definitely not Djoko's fault.


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  3. 13 minutes ago, ozimoron said:



    Again, are these mandatory policies a crime?

    You have a severe problem with reading comprehension.

    Therefore again:

    There is NO mandatory vaccination for kids against a disease with such a minimal risk as Covid.

    Important: Vaccination campaigns of the past mostly were reasoned to whipe out a disease. Covid vaccines fail to do that.

    You really have no clue what you're talking about. Believe what you like to.

  4. 26 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Here is further justification for making vaccines compulsory, especially for children so they don't suffer from poor parenting.



    LoL. You know, how rare C19-complications are amongst kids, do you? How many of the 238 cases in your link had pre existing conditions?


    According to RKI, these are the numbers for Germany:

    Deaths of or with Covid (nice term, stands for itself!). 112.740 (2022-01-06)

    Victims age 0-19: 47 = 0.041%. More than 50% out of the 47 victims had reported relevant pre-existing conditions.


    Data from 2021-11-25 for age 0-19:

    Out of 900.000 registered infections (unreported cases are expected to be 2-4 times higher!), 7.000 kids were treated in a hospital - many of them counted as "Covid" because tested on entry but there for a different reason (broken leg, whatever).



    Germany and Austria report 464 such cases: After released from hospital 433 of them were fully recovered. 31 kids had consequentional damages in the cardiovascular system. NO death cases reported. (data source:  Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases DGPI)


    Conclusion: To vaccinate kids, even if there were no reported side effects (but there are) is at least questionable. To make it mandatory to them is imo a crime driven by hysteria.

    Remember: 85% of the death cases of (or with!) Covid are aged 70+. Below that the risk is small or (kids) close to zero


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  5. 4 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    You're halfway to the truth. Vaccinations reduce the spread of the virus.

    "Reduce" is the crusial word. To "reduce" the spread (no exact data available on how much the reduction is) is enough to force whole societies into vaccination and to crusade against those who don'Ät want to get vaxxed - whatever their reasons may be. 

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  6. 11 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    There is no right to endanger public health. You have a right to not be vaccinated but that right doesn't mean coming here to play tennis. Most (nearly all) Australians are pro vax and couldn't give a toss about anti vaxers and their right to infect other people. And they could bring in the next worst mutant strain.

    Meanwhile even the hardest of the hardcore Vaxxiban should have comprehended that double and triple vaccinated people can be and are infected by large numbers. And the more intelligent ones of the Vaxxiban even could know that who's infected can spread the infection to others.

    The scapegoat fairytale is dying a slow death.

    Vaccination does not save others, it saves yourself (more) of getting seriously ill.

    • Like 1
  7. 21 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Where I live, the village boss just turn on his speaker play music first and then start telling the todays news and orders 5:30 in the mornin. Brilliant system 

    That's one of the many reasons I never would live in the outback ????

  8. 6 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

    It means you can take a picture of a negative flow test and use it wherever you want to go. No need for a new one every day. If you're postivie, no worry just grab an image from the net.... 

    That's what I wanted to say. A home made test does not show the date, so you can use it as long as you like.

    So anywhere else I would guess such tests would not be accepted, but here you can't be sure. TiT

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