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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 45 minutes ago, DavisH said:

    A false negative rate is higher than a false positive. Two positives on an atk and one is almost certainly positive.

    From my nearly two years experience with many thousands of ATK tests it's more around 50/50. Hard to say because a false positive is more likely to detect. But anyway. I would not report after just one positive test and I would even think about doing it after a second positive without symptoms.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Isaanlife said:

    There is NO THAI spoken in RURAL Isaan. Got it now? It is a completely different dialect. [....]

    There are NO English teachers anywhere, and I mean at least 50+ KM from where I live in RURAL Isaan. (The farmland is all there is, no stores, no restaurants no nothing. No fantasies. Rice Fields and Sugar Cane.)

    Memories of when? 1950?

    Nowadays Isan kids got to school at least a few years. In schools they teach Thai, by the way.

    I wonder where your "rural" Isan would be without all of that you find in each village even in the middle of the nowhere.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Broken Record said:

    My Grandfather was in Germany in 1945 at wars end, many German woman had to do whatever it took to put food on the table.

    ...or just to get nylons, chocolate or other things that were not available for them. Or to escape for a moment the reality in a widely destroyed country with a lack of men.

    It mus have been hundreds of thousands of these women.

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