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Posts posted by kiever

  1. I have another idea 


    I will go rd and ask Thai tax id (TIN) because I want to send money from overseas to my Thai bank account and I want to pay tax for this money. I believe RD will give me tax id for that purpose  ? 


    And then I will really send some money and make tax declaration to pay its tax by an accountant agency. 


    And after that I can get tax residency certificate? 


    This idea will work ?

  2. thank you for your answer.
    - i will be in thailand more than  183 days in july. i am spending in turkey less than 90 days each year. i want tax residency certificate from thailand, because i will pay no tax in thailand unless i bring my overseas incomes same year to thailand. therefore i want to obtain that document. that document is demanded by my bank in switzerland, not a bank in turkey and all incomes is paid in swiss bank. but banks in switzerland share our informations with Turkish tax departments.  and i also must report my overseas and abroad bank accounts to goverment. i have no income in Turkey but our tax system make me responsible to pay tax for all world incomes, not only incomes in Turkey - unless i have a tax residency in another country.
    to make it short, i need that document and i dont know how to get it.

  3. i am a trader, invest stock markets and get dividents and also i have bond interests  from my bank in switzerland. my bank asks me tax residency certificate and Turkey tax department also want to see this document. basically my home country says if im not a tax resident anywhere else, i must pay tax in my home country. i have no work permit in thailand but i live here with tourist visa. i have no registered business anywhere and my only  residency address in thailand.

  4. Tax office in my home country  and my bank in Turkey demanded it. I work online and I have Multiple incomes from overseas, not from Thailand. If I cannot provide tax residency certificate, I must pay tax on Turkey. I already live in Thailand. How I can get this document on tourist visa ? I can send money from overseas to my Thai bank account and pay its tax. This is good idea ? I need help for that. Agencies such as tiktok and maneerat cannot help me for this. Do you know an agency to arrange me this certificate?

  5. hi for all. i need tax residency certificate from RD to give my home country tax department. i will stay more than 183 days in one calender year in LOS. Currently i have 6 months multiple Entry tourist visa and im planning to buy 20 years elite visa . my visa already doesnt allow me to work in LOS so i dont work in thailand and i have no income in thailand.this is certiticate i want : https://www.rd.go.th/publish/21978.0.html


    anyone has experience to get it ? can i get this certificate with no income in thailand ? i must apply this document after i spend 183 days in Thailand ? can i get this certificate with tourist visa ?

  6. hi for all,

    i live at pattaya and staying at a hotel currently  but will move to a condo  this wek. i want to pay rent monthly. i plan to stay in a condo such as vt6 and rent it with one of offices that located downstairs such as pat42 or honey.

    as well as i read, i wil need  Lease Agreement .

    these kind of agencies can provide  me , lease agreement or only landlord can do it ?

    And second, can i get residency certificate with 1-2 months lease agreement ?

    Thanks in advance 

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