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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Wow and only 16 years old doing all that. She’s on her way to be a model citizen in the LOS
  2. They should have shamed the driver more by having it towed. The driver obviously didn’t care to begin with. And care even less about the sign
  3. Condé Nast centers on a more exclusive clientele. And focuses on mostly destinations and properties which are on a higher end scale. And of course are for the most part are in a high price range. If a person can afford to go to some of these places why not. I haven’t read Condé Nast for years. But when I did. The places and properties were beautiful.
  4. Shouldn’t be any confrontations like this to begin with. The flood waters need to be receded for all involved everywhere with proper planning. Opps I forgot where I was.
  5. I personally would not do banking on public WiFi. Since the security of it is debatable. I would consider getting a VPN for doing your personal transactions.
  6. Been living in Bangkok for a while. The costs in the article are way off. And making no sense. The only thing I find saving money compared to the states is on rent. Of course I can save a lot of money if I wanted to eat street food everyday. And live in a little room.
  7. You will need to use a service that you can make a direct call. A bank is not going to accept collect calls. As most other businesses
  8. I have used the DHL office at Nana BTS. The guy there spoke English very well and was very helpful. I showed him my passport. He did everything including fill out the paperwork. Very easy
  9. This is an example of why people need health insurance. Even if the policy does not pay 100%. A person saying health insurance is too expensive, they never get sick. Well if you do get sick, don’t depend on strangers to pay your bills. Everything is ok until something happens. And people get sick and hurt at times. One way or another
  10. So a person has an argument with their wife. Gets stressed and robs a jewelry store. Yeah ok.
  11. I’m kind of surprised they are using real names. Usually they are fake. Just sounds like two intelligent individuals on an evening out in the LOS.
  12. Did I waste my life? I think there are instances in everyone’s life where time could have been wasted. The only difference is, whether you remain in that specific situation, Or do something about it. Im 67 years old now. As a young adult I didn’t have much money. I could have constantly complained about it. Whined about the government, blamed my situation on this and that. And just be the same now. But I always moved forward. Always trying to better myself. I’m retired since age 62. I collect social security plus a decent pension from my job I worked 32 years. I have savings and investments. Discounted health insurance from my previous job. Covers me world wide. I always wanted to experience living overseas. When I vacationed I mostly took trips overseas. I chose Thailand to retire. Living in Bangkok almost three years now. Chose it because of the retirement visa. Living in Thailand is not my cup of tea. I would say I wasted that time in my life giving it a try. So I will move back to the states by the middle of next year.
  13. Email the individual schools regarding their policy.
  14. If a person had a chance to retire in Scotland. A lot would depend on finances. Amount of retirement income. While Thailand seems to draw a lot of retirees with minimal income and finances . That could not afford to live well in a western country.
  15. Ah that wet road will do it every time. Maybe when the road is wet these drivers should slow down and be more careful. But I guess that is out of the range of their mentality and arrogance.
  16. I personally would not use this product. Until there is more research on Covid Nasal Sprays. I don’t care what country the product is from. One issue with this is the statement that it contains Human Antibodies. Which I would guess if it did. The product would be very costly to individually purchase.
  17. I wish her well. Canada is usually helpful in these matters
  18. If you have frequent urination . Especially in cooler climates it gets more frequent. You can have an enlarged prostate.
  19. First the deceased officer RIP. And hopefully the others recover. There is very heavy damage to that vehicle. Drivers need to learn how to drive according to weather conditions, among other things of course. Thank goodness there is no snow or ice here. I could only imagine what would it would be like then
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