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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Amazing the way some people say Thailand is such a great place to live. Bad mouth other countries . But at the same time express how your life could be in danger if you have a minor issue with the locals here. And if you have an issue you should stick your head in the ground. Or possibly run away and move every time. You should do what you need to do about the music . Within reason of course.
  2. I guess when you take a holiday or move to the LOS. And have limited funds. You need to do anything to survive
  3. I have an IPhone 11. I can log into Facebook on my phone automatically using Safari. Using Google on my laptop. It always brings up messages with Facebook to use a log in and other things. It’s possible your browser. Or the way you have Facebook set up on your devices.
  4. I would take any steps you think necessary not to get taken advantage of. .Not illegal of course. Unfortunately some think they can get away with things because you are a foreigner. I lived in a condo for a year in Onut. A property agency found it for me. Owner was a young Thai woman. Spoke English fluently. She was very nice. Until a repair needed to be done. I had a rental contract signed by both of us. Specifically stating what she was responsible for. During that time the air conditioner in the bedroom started leaking from the unit itself, not the compressor outside. When I contacted her. She said I had to have it repaired. I told her according to the contract she was responsible for the air conditioner. She said I’m a foreigner and have no rights here. I told her we will see about that. And told her I will take legal action if necessary because we have a written contract. The property agency then called me. The owner called them whining I was going to take legal action against her. They told her she was responsible for anything the contract stated. She repaired the air conditioner. At the end of the contract I moved. And she returned the whole deposit to me. You have to stand up for yourself. A number of these people think they can get away with anything because you are a foreigner. So they try to take advantage. And if you allow them they will.
  5. It is difficult to say what happened. You can either keep an eye on your account for fraudulent transactions. Or contact your bank now for a new card. Explaining what happened.
  6. Any country you go to. You have a choice. If the choices in a large supermarket or mall are too overwhelming. And too many people. Then the person can find a small shop where the selection is limited and less shoppers.
  7. I don’t know what the issue is of someone reporting it. So I’m guessing it’s ok what these teenagers did. Just leave them have their fun? The person or persons reporting it did the right thing. If I was staying at a resort, hotel, or a residence. And people were having loud drug party. I would report it too. I don’t care what country it is.
  8. Same thing every year. Obviously stricter regulations and enforcement are needed. And a population that really cared would help also.
  9. swm59nj

    Drink Driving

    If a person goes out drinking exclusively. They should not be driving period. I don’t care what country they are in.
  10. In order to enforce something the enforcement agency has to be able to see it. And do something. If an enforcement agency is not around then it can’t be enforced
  11. I’m not going to give a specific answer. Just an honest honest one. The What the owner will do and not do depends on them. Just because other owners do or not do something , doesn’t mean yours will. You have to confer with your owner on specifics. And it sounds like you have a good amount of things. Take inventory of what you personally need and if you have it or not.
  12. You should not refreeze or eat defrosted food left out in the heat for a long period of time. You said your freezer and food was outside. You should not refreeze totally defrosted food anyway. And cooking the heck out of it is not going to make it safe to eat.
  13. When I was living at college a very long time ago . A girl that owned a car was a spoiled brat. She had her car parked blocking another person’s car. He asked her to move it. She tossed her keys to him and told him to move it. He did move it. He drove it to the next town over. Parked it on a street. Called a friend who drove him back. He handed her the keys and told her where the car was. She flipped out. He said you handed me the keys and said move it. But you didn’t say where.
  14. So I guess he thinks if he killed the right person it would be ok.
  15. It’s a great first step. But I’m sure there are many students that want to further their education. But they themselves and families are even too poor to pay a loan.
  16. There are issues that are idiotic. For example. I order often from a website owned by a major company here in Thailand. They own a large number of malls and retail stores. I have done this for about two years, no issues. I have always used my American credit card. I tried to place an order yesterday. I kept getting error messages. I called customer service. Explained I could not place the order. The English speaking person asked me for an order or confirmation number. I said how can I have that if I can’t place the order. She then said ok. Then she said two weeks ago this group stopped excepting overseas credit cards. I asked if I can do a bank transfer. She said this company was not equipped for bank transfers. So I said I guess you only want Thai customers then. Then a few hours later someone else called me. This person said the company is only not accepting overseas cards for online purchases. But you can still use it in person. I said that makes no sense. The person agreed. They said they think some customers were complaining about getting refunds on their cards.
  17. I find them friendly at times. But not to the point of what I would term a friend. But I also find quite a few will act like a friend. Especially if they think you are going to pay them for something
  18. So if they looked older that’s an excuse? Seems like trying to justify it with excuses. I’m sure the people interested knew the ages. And I’m sure that is what they were looking and paying for
  19. He probably was on a very limited budget and income . So couldn’t afford the fare
  20. Driving down a narrow road cannot just make you overturn. Obviously something was done to cause it.
  21. Surprised he got away with minor injuries. The car looks totally destroyed. I’m seeing the common “causes” for motor vehicle accidents in LOS are: Brake Failure, Wet Roads, Microsleep. I wouldn’t think it’s just plain unsafe driving.
  22. The road isn’t wet so there goes that excuse. Must have to go with brake failure then.
  23. Shooting at a vehicle with other vehicles and people nearby is not a good idea.
  24. Another man child. They have to learn to man up and handle their own business. If the woman has a new boyfriend then just move on. Demands an ex girlfriend to help him pay his debts because he has issues. Then commits an act of violence because she probably refuses and has a new man.
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