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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. This is why people on these bikes should wear helmets. It might not have protected this person in this particular circumstance. But it can protect you in other instances. I see both Thais and westerners in Bangkok not wearing helmets driving motorbikes. I guess if you think you can get away with it, that’s the mentality. Even if it was permitted. I would wear a helmet. This person sustained very severe injuries. An indication of crashing at high speed.
  2. Ask people you know. Or you can google it. But I’m sure you know this already. Unfortunately you need to be careful who you hire. Just like everywhere but here especially. I haven’t seen any specific websites for recommendations. I rent my condo. And some contractors will be sent to do repairs. And the job isn’t done properly. As an example. The air conditioner in the bedroom was a little less than two years old. It started not maintaining temperature properly. It is manufactured by a major company. The company sent technicians and after the first three visits an engineer. No exaggeration. They had to return 13 times before the issue was resolved. Replacing different parts in the aiir conditioner and compressor each time. Luckily they only charged for the first two visits and a couple of parts. The rest of the visits and parts were free because the owner complained to their corporate headquarters.
  3. This organization might help. https://www.thaiwelfare.org/about Their main focus is helping people of domestic violence. But if you read their whole objective they also help and advise Thai people in Australia who have all types of personal issues. You might get some advice or referrals from this organization
  4. Just go on the US Embassy website. You will find all you need to do on there. I’m guessing you have internet access? . I recently did it . It was easy and took about three weeks to process.
  5. The delivery people are doing it to make money, not friends. Don’t be so concerned you can’t speak Thai to them. It’s not a social visit. They want to drop off their deliveries as quickly as possible. They don’t care if you engage them in conversation or not. You are not obligated to tip anyone. But I always give the food delivery a small tip. And they appreciate it. I have said thank you to them either in Thai or English. When I give them the tip they always thank me first.
  6. 20 vs 2? What’s so surprising. I thought that was the norm in the LOS
  7. The shipping will vary according to location. And some vendors will do that on all websites not just Lazada. It’s sometimes referred to as a teaser price. But here we are talking about around 53 cents more in USD for both product and shipping. Not a significant increase
  8. To be honest. I have been to a couple of the massage shops since living in Bangkok. I didn’t think they did a very good job. It was like they were rubbing the surface of my skin. When I visited some other cities in Thailand I got massages at the hotel spas and they were good . I suggest you look into the major hotel spas instead of the shops. But it is going to cost you more.
  9. The landlord has a responsibility to file a TM 30. Some do and some don’t. For example my landlord wife Thai, husband Brit. Said they owned 12 condos in Bangkok and rent them out. When it came to register the TM30 on line. They kept contacting me for instructions.
  10. It has nothing specifically to do with police. It seems to be a general overall mentality with many of the locals. Not all but a number of them. A childish , immature, aggressive mentality. Where the slightest little thing would set them off. They react to things like children having a tantrum. But sometimes with more serious consequences.
  11. I would not recommend it for females that are alone late at night. As for grab. They do have an option in the app called Ladies for Ladies. They will send a female driver for a female passenger. The issue will be if any are available. I use grab kind of often . I haven’t seen many female drivers. But worth a try.
  12. After living here for three years. I’m in Bangkok but traveled to other places. I have come to the conclusion that the whole Thai friendliness thing is a tourist gimmick. I’m giving a personal impression of course. I find a lot of rudeness here. Big lack of manners and no concern for others. I’m not sure if it’s due to ignorance or that’s just the culture. And if you are a foreigner. A number people will be nice to you. If they think they can get something from you. Of course not all people are like this. Some are nice, considerate, trustworthy, and have manners. But from what I observe most are not. As for the government hospitals. I don’t use them. But Thais I have spoken to in the past gave the impression they are not treated well either. And my opinion is based on what I see in Thailand. I’m not going to sugar coat it as some do because they don’t like their own country.
  13. If you do go to Bangkok. I believe you can still get Moderna at Bumrungard Hospital. The vaccines are not the latest versions. The latest Moderna is not available here yet.
  14. Exploding manhole covers are not frequent, but not uncommon. They are usually caused by the insulation of underground cables being damaged. Caused by age, rats, or other damage. The damaged insulation eventually heats up from the voltage causing gas. to form. Then the pressure shoots off the manhole cover.
  15. This story might give some of the cheap Charlie expats and tourists ideas. Saving money on accommodations and other expenses.
  16. Just going somewhere and being alone and quiet will not solve your issues. If you just want to relax that’s different. You have to resolve your issues. Work out a plan. Depending what your issues are , they will still be there wherever you go. And being alone in a strange place might make you feel worse. Many people for have moved to Thailand for example. Cost of of living might have improved. But a lot of them have the same issues they always had. And from the way it looks, just as miserable.
  17. You should see a doctor. Especially since you are having specific symptoms. The doctor will prescribe specific blood work relating to your issues and concerns. Just like the previous person that responded suggested.
  18. That type of return service is Thai Style
  19. If an item is extremely less expensive than the normal price. Then it’s probably too good to be true. Especially if it’s online. You get what you pay for.
  20. Thailand seems to have a lot of brake failure accidents. Must be cultural thing.
  21. Lack of concern depends on the individual person. Not the country. Some people will help. Others will just go on by.
  22. The pollution is an ongoing issue that probably is never going to be resolved.
  23. The Cross has good reviews. The biggest complaint is the acceleration. It’s based on the Corolla which is a reliable vehicle. I rode in one. I thought it was roomy with good cargo space. The suspension of the front wheel drive is different from the all wheel drive. The reviews say the all wheel drive suspension has a smoother ride.
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