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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Long term holidays? Most tourists come to Thailand for short term holidays. Because they can’t afford much else.
  2. Oh yeah. Thailand initially handled the Covid situation very well. Especially with the Sinovac vaccine. And all the other chaos trying to get a vaccine.
  3. People are giving opinions on the facts of the incident. Not judging who is right or wrong based on who is Thai or not. It makes no sense. That a person riding in a vehicle is going to attack another person. Just because that person said they have a nice car.
  4. swm59nj


    I can only speak for private hospitals. They are usually busy. But the majority of times I can get an appointment same day or next day. But in certain instances . With some specialists. I had to wait a week or more. This is because of the limited amount of doctors in that particular medical field. But that was rare. But I live in Bangkok.
  5. The Moderna vaccine given here is not the latest version . It does help but does not have direct protection against Omicron and the newer variants. The latest Moderna version has been available in the states I believe since last month.
  6. If nothing specific is in your contract. I would give at least 30 days notice out of courtesy.
  7. I purchased a small appliance in Bangkok from a major department store chain. It has a two year manufacturer warranty. It stopped working in less then a month. I saved the receipt and all paperwork. I contacted the store for instructions. Customer service told me to bring it to the store. Upon bringing it to the store I went to customer service. They sent an employee to speak to me . Luckily I brought a Thai speaker. Because the employee did not speak or understand a word of English. The employee took the item . Then gave me a repair receipt. A month passed. I happened to be near the store. I went to customer service asking about the item. The lady said it hasn’t been returned yet. After another month passed I got the same answer. I then called their corporate headquarters. Who contacted the store. The item was found in a storage room. It was never sent for repair. Corporate instructed the store to give me a replacement. If that’s the way things are handled. Good luck.
  8. I would not recommend carrying large amounts of cash around for any purpose. Especially when traveling
  9. Like complaining about having bare bones income, little to no health insurance, western countries, and how they barely made it in life of no fault of themselves.
  10. Hmmm . So a person comments how nice a car looks. The driver then chases after them honking the horn. The people stop , thinking the car occupants are lost. Then one of the car’s occupants attacks the person who thought they were lost. Because I guess they didn’t like the comment about their car being nice. All sounds logical to me
  11. He should be given a commendation just for risking standing in the road and not getting run over
  12. Just call the airline ASAP and explain your situation. This was you will get specific information relating to your concerns
  13. It’s difficult to change jobs or move ahead. When many jobs are restricted by gender and age
  14. From all the complaints on the forums about living in Thailand. It seems many expats are not happy here either. Not happy with their home countries or Thailand for that matter. Having little to no health insurance, and a barebones income would make it difficult living just about anywhere.
  15. You should only fight if you feel you are in imminent danger. Or of course if someone actually attacks you. If you want to learn self defense at your age. I’m older than you . From research I have done in the past. You should look into Krav Maga. It’s recommended for older people. It’s a form of self defense based on street fighting
  16. It depends on the situation, if you are renting or own. If you own, press the Juristic and notify the condo board. The other alternative is to sell of course. If you rent, contact the owner. If it’s owned by an individual they might resolve the situation. Because this issue will cause ongoing problems renting it. You should attempt to move anyway. It sounds like the Juristic is not good. Poorly managed building. Even though the police might not be reliable. The Juristic should contact them anyway to report the goings on. One other option. Contact the main office of the management company. If it is a fairly large company. Explain the issue to them.
  17. Sounds to me like a lot of jealousy regarding the OP”s marriage I wouldn’t criticize the guy for getting married. Best of luck to him.
  18. Last week I saw a road sweeper in Bangkok. She was cleaning he middle section of a constantly busy main road. There are barricades and shrubbery there. She was standing facing the opposite of the oncoming traffic. Vehicles had to move away a little bit to not sideswipe her when passing. She was alone wearing the orange safety vest. Three lane road. I know it’s too much to ask. But cleaning an area such as this should have a crew. With a vehicle with flashing lights. Not one woman with a straw broom. But I know that’s the way it is. And I think part of the issue is. Some of the drivers look at the cleaners as a low class job. So they don’t care about them
  19. I sincerely doubt nuclear war is going to happen in the near future. And if Putin did attack the West , I doubt very much that Thailand itself would be involved. Unless the nuclear fallout happens to travel into Thailand
  20. Yes the story says a foreign tourist. Which does not mean a westerner. And the story states the tourist was assaulted because he approached and looked at the guy’s girlfriend. Does not give specifics. But does not say he touched the girl or what was said if anything. I’m speculating. But possibly the girl was not standing with the boyfriend at the time. And the foreigner thought the girl was alone. I’m not condoning what the foreigner might have done. Because a guy has to be on something or stupid to attempt to approach a female that appears to be with a male. Nevertheless. You just don’t assault a guy for something like this. Unless the guy became threatening and you need to protect yourself. Or protect the female from harm. As for the guy using the skate board. The foreigner must have been pretty huge and violent for two guys not able to control him. And have to try to bash the guys head in. And from what I see on Thai news. There are many cases of assaults. The majority Thais against Thais. Where one person is assaulted by a group. Usually for the smallest things. Behavior fused by an immature mentality .
  21. Well at least the American haters found a place to live such as Thailand. Maybe the LOS thing should be changed to: If you hate your own country can’t afford to live there, have no health insurance, and barebones income. Come to Thailand
  22. Incidents such as this have nothing to do with the country it happens in. Some people always quick to blame the specific country. Very popular way of thinking on these forums. So in that case I guess Thailand is at fault for what this person did. The fact of the matter is the people that do this type of violence are mentally disturbed. Then unfortunately other disturbed people hear about it on the news. Then you have the copycats. Doesn’t matter where it happens. And a country cannot control a sick person’s mind. A terrible tragedy.
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