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Everything posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. That's the worst bs story I've ever heard. 100% not what happened for sure. Send him and his friends to rot in jail PLEASE! It's absurd that a Swiss idiot is facing jail and deportation for bruising some bitch's ego, while these actual criminals put two men in hospital and they'll probably walk away with a small fine. Ohh, and "foreigners"? Chinese or Myanmar or something similar. These are not who we think about when you say "foreigners".
  2. Obviously drunk off his mind (if not drugged). Disgusting but I don't think it's disrespectful - he had no idea what he was doing so respect doesn't come into the equation. No doubt however that the racist/xenophobic mob out there would condemn all foreigners based on this incident. Thailand really is better without tourists. They drive up prices, overcrowd the place, and give us all a bad name with singular ridiculous incidents like this. My rent has gone up 30% since tourism restarted - it's not much of a dent but it's annoying and overpriced in relation to the rest of the country. Will probably move when my contract ends and no doubt landlord will jack up price again.
  3. I'm not saying the guy isn't guilty - he is and he should be punished. But he should be equal under the law, and the typical punishment for a kick is not jail and deportation. In this case because the case went viral and the doctor has connections you have top government intervening and basically telling the court to go harsh on him - that is discrimination. He should be made to pay a fine, pay the good doctor some money for her alleged "trauma" (bs), and move on with their lives. Instead you have the attention-seeking doctor keep holding press releases, top government doing the same - for what? a kick that didn't even leave a bruise aside from her ego? it's ridiculous. Give the man a fine and move the **** on already.
  4. Keep telling yourself that while you poison anyone around you. Do some research- it is not harmless and it is not "water vapor". It is full of chemicals like formaldehyde, benzene, diacetyl, and a whole bunch of other substances that are known to cause lung issues.
  5. Anutin once against reaffirming that he is racist. As if us "dirty foreigners" didn't know what he thinks of us already. A Thai kicks another Thai- police won't even prosecute. 500 baht and a wai max. Swiss rich guy vs an attention-whore doctor? prosecution, possible deportation, top of government gets involved. If this isn't discrimination then what is?
  6. Of course it can cause lung cancer. If you put chemicals into your lungs in large enough quantities for long enough time, it's a no-brainer. But lung cancer isn't the only option - there have been thousands of documented cases of EVALI (E-cigarette or Vaping Use-Associated Lung Injury) in the US alone, 96% of them required hospitalization, and some of them died. It's already injuring and killing people.
  7. Just shows how clueless people are to the dangers of vaping. It absolutely IS harmful and particularly harmful to those with allergies or that already have pre-existing lung respiratory issues. Personally I literally choke and start violently coughing up phlegm when exposed to it - it's become a huge problem for me because people are completely clueless and just assume it's ok to vape in your face, anywhere. People smoking in no-smoking rooms is even more ridiculous - you (owners) went out of your way to provide a safe-air space for your customers, only to let mindless drones fill it with vape vapor? Funny that you mention Thailand pollution - or as they call it here PM2.5 - vape vapor literally is smaller than PM2.5 - it IS air pollution. Hopefully this woman gets arrested and made an example of. She broke at least 3 laws - the two mentioned in the article, and the obvious one which is so commonly ignored they didn't even think to mention it - vapes and vaping are illegal in Thailand - it's just no longer enforced which is a shame. The public absolutely needs more awareness that they should not vape in no-smoking areas, it's common sense, but people these days lack common sense.
  8. And you are a clown who cares about no one else but himself. Zero empathy. Great human.
  9. Do you not understand English? I am allergic to it and it leads me to violent fits of coughing, gagging, and nearly vomiting for days after being exposed to too much of it. Gasoline vapors are in open air - not indoors - and they don't affect me the same way (likely because it's outdoors so the concentration in the air is significantly lower). I'm guessing you're a vaper and it's inconvenient to accept the truth that it's harmful. Speaking of concentration- it would be an interesting experiment to take a PM2.5 meter to a venue that allows vapes. I bet it'd be off the charts. Google it. I don't work for you. Vape juice is mostly unregulated, you have no idea what some Chinese company put in it, and even the substances we do know are in it can be toxic, especially at high temperatures. I know- inconvenient truth.
  10. Of course they'll say that. It interferes with them being able to control, manipulate, and financially rape men. Anything that even remotely threatens their monopoly on sex is vilified. Funny though- in Thailand they reach for your pocket before marriage, back home they'll take your pants and shirt too after. Don't think I'll ever remarry. What's the benefit to me? I can have all the sex I want at a fraction of the cost, and if I want emotional connection a gf will do just fine.
  11. I just wrote I'm aware of that in a subsequent post. Obviously foreigners working in forbidden professions like waiters and bartenders are responsible for their own choices and actions. Getting a work permit for a DJ, performer, manager, etc shouldn't be a problem for a business that cares about their employees. The specific people I'm thinking about are mostly club managers, security managers, PR team managers, DJs, etc. I don't think I know any westerners working as bartenders or cleaners - and it makes sense since the wages are too low. I do know some Burmese and such who do, but I have no idea what their visa status is.
  12. What a ridiculous woman. She is either after money, or revenge, but one thing's for sure: you don't get PTSD from a minor kick - that's just BS. While it's understandable she wants the guy to be punished, giving him a harsher sentence than a Thai would have been given for the same crime is discrimination and sends the exact opposite message Thailand should be sending: that foreigners aren't equal under the law. We all know this is true to some degree, but the guy shouldn't rot in jail for years over a minor incident that a Thai would've gotten out of with 500 baht and a wai. The guy might be an <deleted>, but this affects all of us. Every time this ***** is on TV it creates more hostility towards ALL foreigners. It's ironic that she lives in Phuket - one of the richest provinces in Thailand thanks to the foreigners she seems to hate so much. During Covid the place was a wasteland without the tourists.
  13. Both. Yes I am aware that it requires 2mil baht registered capital and 4 Thai employees per foreigner sponsored, which is exactly why they avoid and delay sponsoring their employees until a quota clears up (either they hire more Thais or a foreigner quits). Of course a lot of foreigners are being employed in jobs that cannot legally be employed in like bartenders, cleaners, wait staff, etc - but in that case why are they hiring foreigners for jobs they could hire Thais (and probably pay them less) for? Want foreign managers - get them a work permit. If all your other staff is Thai then no problem.
  14. It's amazing how some people think their right to smoke supersedes everyone else's right to breath clean air. This is true for both cigarettes and vapes. Send that entitled POS to jail and deport. Trash out.
  15. Tell her you want a divorce, she'll lose weight real quick... 😜 Seriously though- my gf gained quite a bit in the last few months and she's unrecognizable. When I met her she was skinny 45kg, now she's 60kg. She asked me before if I would leave her if she got fat - I said yes - that's not the only reason but I'm planning my exit strategy already.
  16. I'd take a hot bar girl over a "sophisticated" business woman any day. Fact: most successful business women in Thailand are fat, ugly, entitled, snobby, and think the world revolves around them. I am sure there are exceptions, but I have yet to meet them. I've met a lot of hard working business owners who are great people, but they're not "sophisticated". Men don't give a **** about how rich or successful women are. We care how hot they are, how faithful they are, and whether they're crazy or not. My money is our money, her money is her money, so why should I care how much money she has?
  17. Doubly-stuid. First of all for marrying a 47yo - what is the point? she can't have children, there are much better (and cheaper) sex options - why get married to begin with??? And yes- paying a dowry is stupid. You are not Thai. You are going to provide her a much better life than she'd get otherwise - she should and would say thank you and shut up without a dowry. And if she demanded it? boot her out and find someone who isn't a gold digger.
  18. And what about the employers who chose to hire them without arranging for proper visas? I know a lot of foreigners working in the nightlife industry, the majority of the cases they would love to become legal, but the company they work for does everything to avoid and delay sponsoring their visas. One of my friends took two years(!) before he was able to get one, others had to resort to questionable agent-bought visas because management didn't want/bother to arrange a proper one. If they prosecuted management and owners instead of employees things would get fixed real quick...
  19. Update about last night: Asian-American douchebag on the dancefloor vaping nonstop for 2 hours. Had one drink the whole time. Russian hooker vaping like a chimney for hours, also just one drink. She is one of many I've seen lately. Again- how is this good for business? people vaping and not drinking. Driving away heavy drinkers to accommodate one-beer heroes does not sound like a winning strategy.
  20. Yes, but I can choose to put that in my body or not. With secondhand vapor I have no choice (other than to avoid the venue). This argument is the same as cigarettes - if cigarettes aren't allowed in a room because secondhand smoke (may) cause harm then why are vapes allowed? Wrong. Read up about it. Not all vape juice is made alike, and plenty of them contain toxic substances including paint solvent, formaldehyde, metals, etc. Regardless- personally I seem to be allergic and it's affecting me severely. This is a fact.
  21. That depends on your criteria of success. Financially speaking I'd be alright either way as not spending money in other venues would offset losses, if there are any. Having said that- I wouldn't enjoy nor want to operate a nightclub that isn't at least somewhat successful. If there's no people there's no fun and no point. I do have some ideas about how to bring in customers, but it'll be an uphill battle for sure starting from scratch.
  22. How exactly is this prioritizing profits? They already have a smoking area - all they need to do is ask vapers to go there. They are losing revenue from people who do not wish to be around vape vapor, and I'm sure that will only increase as people become more aware that it isn't harmless as the tobacco/vape industry would have you believe. I just it doesn't take as many years and as many deaths for people to wake up that it's dangerous too.
  23. I would be surprised if they're not making "revenue" for avoiding those raids. Forbidden and illegal, but has been gaining in popularity recently and it's become a big problem for non-smokers who were "safe" before in no-smoking areas - which are now effectively nonexistent as the air is full of PM2.5/vape vapor. Police enforcement has gone down to zero, and staff at the venues I talked to are instructed by the owners to allow it (which is bizarre in itself - you'd think an owner who went through the trouble of establishing a no-smoking room would realize that a significant portion of their clientele does not want vape secondhand smoke either).
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