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Everything posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. He is clearly lying. Either this is completely made up, or there is a lot more to the story that he's leaving out. Very likely "evening stroll' means drunk off his *** walking around being a nuisance. People don't normally walk into signs, more likely he deliberately hit it, causing damage. Thais don't normally refuse compensation when offered on the spot - more likely he refused to compensate and was rude about it. Police don't normally haul you off to jail if you can compensate unless you're being difficult and uncooperative. Airbnb hosts don't normally kick you out or rob you for no reason. Police don't normally arrest you again after you paid the fine and was released. So much is missing and makes no sense here that it wouldn't be a wonder if completely made up - not to mention the same photos used in multiple incidents.
  2. 🤣😂 Thanks, needed a laugh. Bitcoin is just a bubble of hopes and dreams that will come crashing down eventually once countries start cracking down on it's insane waste of energy and environmental impact. It has no practical use for people who aren't criminals or dreamers.
  3. Finally some good news. **** tourists. Already had enough for high season, ready for low season yesterday.
  4. Put this animal down. It doesn't matter what he was on - attacking random people for no reason makes you an animal, not human. Hope he gets what he deserves (jail+deportation+lifetime ban)
  5. Could've been easily preventable with a child-proof lid, which begs the question why the hell didn't they put a lid on it?!? Aside from being dangerous to a toddler (negligent really), it's unsanitary as who knows what kind of things will make it in there.
  6. Being on the losing end of a fight doesn't make you a victim if you're the one who started it. All of this wouldn't have happened if the bike driver wasn't aggressive and didn't break the car's mirror and try to flee. Sure, the car driver shouldn't have deliberately hit him - but it's unlikely he intended to kill him. This isn't murder, it's just stupid road rage gone wrong - which the so-called victim actually instigated. Moral of the story: play stupid games, win stupid prizes. On both ends.
  7. What for? Thailand already has enough tourists (too many). It will just drive crime and prices up while providing very little benefit for normal people. The only ones who stand to gain from this are the wealthy. For the regular Thai this is a lose-lose-lose. Not to mention it will drive away "good" tourists in favor of gamblers and criminals. Net loss for the country.
  8. I think it's not so much that they want to leave Thailand as it is that they realize in other countries they have better financial opportunities. But at the end of the day they miss Thai food, they miss Thai lifestyle and partying, they miss their friends, and Europe is cold - have you ever seen a Thai person who likes the cold? 🙃 I know a few girls who stuck it out in Europe, but they are the exception. I've met more who lived abroad for a while then came back. Some do it routinely and go work overseas for a few months at a time (in various jobs - legit or not so legit) then come back to recharge.
  9. Did you read till the end? she did it in the Netherlands, not Thailand, so it's not illegal. No doubt the real reason behind her announcement that she's "quitting" is that she wants to return to Thailand without being prosecured.
  10. Before you judge so harshly: who paid for the land? my guess would be he paid 100% or close to it, but when he figured out either she's stepping out on him or about to leave he decided to act. His only mistake was to return to Thailand afterwards. (ok his first mistake was getting married, and second mistake starting a company and buying land with the wife) Legally speaking if he did forge documents then yes, it's fraud, but morally speaking if he was the one who financed the company 100% it is not.
  11. What an idiot. There is no country where it's normal to spank a complete stranger. Not in a convenience store and not even in night clubs - yes, if you talk to the girl and she's being playful with you it might be ok, depends on the situation, but a complete stranger without talking to them first? I've seen fights start over this in the sleaziest of clubs. But then again it's high season- brings out all the idiots who think every Thai woman is a hooker and you can do whatever you want to a hooker even if you just met her a minute ago. Neither are true obviously.
  12. Why the **** did they arrest her? for what? she didn't do anything. TBH sounds like a great girl. Sorry for the som tam vendor but there's 3 sides to every story.
  13. As if there wasn't enough traffic already... Hope they aren't stupid enough to implement this on the highways- at least keep that reasonable (120).
  14. Which venues? (so we can avoid) I don't do drugs so don't have to worry about that, but getting caught up in a raid will ruin the night. Pretty stupid of them to do it during high season as tourists affected may not return next time. The drugs they should worry about are not some party favors at a club - it's meth and ice and other hardcore stuff that's used regularly by so many Thais.
  15. As she should. Going in an elevator with a guy twice her size is a bad idea for any girl, Thai or not. It will be interesting to see what his version of the events was.
  16. It's quite simple: anyone shooting at them, trying to stab them, or otherwise attacking them is a "terrorist". By definition Hamas is a terrorist organization, so any known member is a terrorist.
  17. He should've filed a police report rather than look for them with his friends. Police have a higher chance of catching them and probably would've. Either paranoid that the police would side with the attackers, or there is more to the story and he provoked them first. They say "German" but more likely it's Muslim immigrants. Even if provoked verbally the attack was still racially motivated, but Israelis could do a better job of not sticking out and not provoking groups of Muslims overseas.
  18. Many have left the game, many have moved to Pattaya, and younger ones go directly to Pattaya and Phuket so no one to replace the ones who quit or move. Basically Bangkok clubs are now a mixture of wannabe hiso, old freelancers who haven't given up yet, and foreign pros (Vietnamese, Africans, Russians, etc). Not much interesting anymore. I still go visit BKK occassionally to see friends, but generally moved to Pattaya which is a lot more fun. Speaking of Pattaya and Indians, on any night you'll see groups of Indian tourists going to their hotel with 1-2 fat chicks to share between a few guys. I've never seen them take a girl I would consider attractive. I'm not sure if they just like fat women, or these are the only women who target them because they have no chance competing with the hotter ones who target falang and Asians, or if these women are just willing to get paid a little extra to go with multiple men. An Indian guy once told me and 4 friends hired a girl for a bachelors party, each had a round with her, went out to party leaving her in the hotel then came back for another round in the morning and she left. They each paid her 1000 so she got 5000 total which I guess for a less attractive woman in Pattaya would be impossible to get. They don't bother me too much in Pattaya since they tend to stick to their clubs and the girls in those clubs, but in Bangkok they are definitely a prime cause for soi 11's decline. Falang stopped coming, and with that women who liked them stopped coming. Everybody loses. Except the Indians, maybe.
  19. Interesting. Can you give an example of such a venue? I like the occassional gogo but the prices have gone up drastically. I also used to go to soi 11 on a daily basis pre-Covid - it was always more expensive but these days the prices are even higher and so not worth it with the type of crowd that shows up. I just moved to more falang friendly venues, zero interest in soi 11 in it's current form. It was good while it lasted.
  20. Yep. I know many girls with tattoos who are not prostitutes, but most foreign guys in Thailand only ever engage with ones who are so have blinders to the fact not every girl you meet in an entertainment venue is a hooker. Reminds me of a girl I dated who works in a car dealership who had several (discreet) tattoos and so did her friend (hiso rich ***** who liked foreigners but absolutely did not need their money). Also basically most girls I've met from Isaan had tattoos, working or not.
  21. You're taking biased "studies" done in western developed countries where there is a heavy stigma around prostitution and workers do suffer humiliation and poor conditions and applying them to a country where the attitude about sex and morality and money is very different. There is a whole spectrum of sex work in Thailand and while sure there are many who have suffered trauma and abuse, the majority did not. An extreme example would be girls with dayjobs who just moonlight occasionally to make ends meet, or a student who sidelines to get through school. As far as reasons for tattoos go - I think there's many reasons: some girls do it to express themselves, some for the art, some think it's attractive, some do it after trauma, some do buddhist symbols because they think it'll bless them. And some are indeed suffering from varying degrees of mental illness and punish/brand themselves so they can feel pain. Personally I like the tattoos on them if done well - especially full back tattoos - but I myself have no tattoos because I don't want to put anything permanent on my body in case I'll regret it later. I know these days it's possible to laser it out, but ouch...
  22. No need maybe to own farm land and land for investment, but for residential purposes absolutely there is a need. It's ridiculous that foreigners can live in Thailand for many years, even be married, and still cannot even own a house.
  23. You're speaking like she was a drug dealer or something. She just owned rental properties. The real question is why foreigners cannot own land in Thailand. I'd understand a limitation to X properties per person, sure, but a swift ban on foreigners owning houses is ridiculous and is the reason why this so-called "illegal" activities are taking place.
  24. So they're stealing it. Legally. FFS.
  25. Agreed. Pattaya people are used to seeing people drunk off their ***. That in itself would not provoke a beating. You'd have to be drunk and aggressive and annoying enough for them to snap.
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