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Everything posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. That's exactly what I'm talking about. While I have no problem with supporting a girlfriend and her kids - having her extended family expect her to support them just because of the "rich falang" is ridiculous. If she wants to throw away her own money that she earned working - that's up to her - but using money that I give to support her to other people is completely disrespectful IMO, not to mention always asking for more because it's never enough. And then of course you have those who actually have a boyfriend/husband other than you, and use YOUR money to support him. Sadly a lot more common than most guys realize.
  2. Amazing how many loser self-defeating foreigners live in Thailand. You are ABSOLUTELY the prize when compared with other options most women here have. True that you can't get any woman you want, and if she's young and attractive she will have more choices, but there's just SO MANY women here who are very attractive yet cannot find a mate due to societal reasons (single mom, over 30, etc) that the pool of options for a falang here are virtually endless. Obviously you should work out, take care of yourself, and strive to bring more to the table than money - but if you take care of yourself the dating pool is probably the best in the world (for us) here.
  3. Your entire description of her is red flags. She is old, has kids, and is clearly more interested in financial support than a loving relationship. Best case scenario she's "only" a gold digger and will milk you for what she can. Worst case it's entirely possible she has multiple other "boyfriends" sending her money every month - that's very common. Also entirely possible that she moonlights as a freelancer (hooker) - also very common for single mothers here - they need to support a family and a government salary usually isn't enough. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it - but you should first come to Bangkok, meet the lady, see what she's like and if there is an actual genuine connection - and only then decide if you want to commit to her. You say she's out of your league - but that's completely ridiculous - she's 38yo and a single mom - why do you think she's looking abroad for older men? This is Thailand - you can easily get a younger woman who isn't a mom (yet) if you wanted to. Bottom line is becareful with your money and what you bring to Thailand with you. Anything you buy her you will never see again. Be ready to support not only her and her kids, but also her mom, possibly uncle, and various other family members who'll come to her asking for money once they learn she married a "rich" falang. (assuming a worst case scenario here - not ALL relationships are like that - but it's common enough that it needs mentioning)
  4. Nope. Won't happen. Doesn't matter. America leads the way absolutely. 20 baht I'm not firm about, lol. Why and how do you think there will be an election this year??
  5. This is literally the entire point of the OP- that the American "progressive" (regressive) movement has completely distorted language to mean the exact opposite. "tolerance" means intolerance. "woke" means hating everyone who's not a perceived underdog. Or are you just trolling?
  6. Maybe many years ago. These days being "woke" is just another name for being intensely racist towards whites, Jews, and anything that's successful and fruitful.
  7. Talking about the US - which leads the world's economy. Thailand is a different story but will likely follow suit. Election years are rarely gloom.
  8. Anti-white, and these days also anti-Jewish. Zero tolerance for racist "woke" idiots. Go woke and go broke
  9. LOL what recession? 2024 is fixing to be a boom year unless something drastic (war) happens. Marriage: terrible idea for a man in the US, if you have to get married do it in Thailand. Greed card: if you wait two years after the marriage before taking her to the US, it will simplify and speed up her green card application so she'll get a permanent green card instead of a conditional one which she'll have to change to permanent one after two years. Divorce: absolutely do it in Thailand if you can. If you live with her in the US you will have to divorce in the US, and say goodbye to over half your savings, investments, and retirement savings. Groom beware.
  10. She's a gold digger who chose her partner based on his wealth. He was looking for a womb with a pretty face - not a life partner. She failed to deliver her part (or rather delivered something he didn't want) so he ditched her. That's what happens when you choose a partner for utility rather than love - they'll leave if you're no longer useful to them. Very much like a bar girl "girlfriend" - no matter how much she "loves you", she will leave as soon as you fail to pay her. Ironically, every Chinese guy who bolts after learning it's a daughter leaves Thailand with two more single women, and China's gender imbalance which caused him to look for a womb overseas will just continue to grow! I don't think he did anything illegal here, but Thailand should definitely crack down on Chinese "matchmakers", and more importantly hopefully this will go viral so Thai women understand that Chinese men are trouble and avoid them. I think the government is partially to blame for this as their infatuation with the Chinese misleads Thai women into a false sense of security with them.
  11. It's pretty predictable actually: 10k will fall apart. There will be no rise in deaths due to booze. The SET may rise but only if the US rally continues beyond the new year. 20 baht system probably will happen. BA grads getting 25k? nah that's a joke - won't happen. But even if none of these materialize - so what? there'll be protests? how will that matter to the elections being 3 years from now?
  12. Which puts into question the sanity of a woman who'd get into a taxi again after calling the police about being ejected from it. Would you ride with the driver again?! Just another case of a crazy one looking for drama and getting it.
  13. No good deed goes unpunished. Had he dropped her in the middle of nowhere there would be no cameras to document this and make it go viral.
  14. All I'm seeing is an entitled spoiled brat who thinks yelling "help" will magically make people side with her and attack him. This ain't the west sweetie - no one is going to gang up on him just because you're a woman. I have no love for Phuket taxi drivers, but if she was being annoying and throwing a violent temper tantrum in his car he has every right to eject her by any means necessary. Taxi drivers are not slaves and if you don't treat them with respect you don't deserve respect either. As far as "attacking" her - he didn't - he just pulled her out by force because she was resisting. After successfuly ejecting her he didn't proceed to further attack her - just get her belongings out. Tourists like this damage the reputation of foreigners and just cause more animosity towards us all. Stay home if you're an entitled b****.
  15. Shut the place down and send the guards to jail. Unprovoked violence starts from violent people, not lack of training. Of course that won't happen - a wai and some money to the victims and all is forgiven - until next time.
  16. Case in point: the EEC train Bangkok<->Pattaya is supposed to take something like 45 minutes for the trip, as opposed to currently 2-3 hours by taxi/car. Of course I would choose the train every time if/when that option is available. Real incentive is to make the alternative more attractive rather than artificially making cars less attractive. (I know you agree.. I just hope Thai government agrees too, lol)
  17. I've only been in London a few times, but last I remember travelling via the subway was pretty convenient and you could get anywhere within the city in a timely manner. Bangkok has a long way to go to reach that level of ride-walkability. Tokyo is a prime example of a successful implementation- you can get within short walking distance of literally anywhere in the city and suburbs by train within ~30 minutes (a bit more for suburbs). Hell you can even get to onsen resorts in other provinces by train without walking too much. Not to mention the trains arrive EXACTLY on time as scheduled, 99% reliable. I think the point I'm trying to make is that if they want to incentivize people to ride the train they should make riding the train more convenient/efficient than a car rather than bullying poor people into trains by making it unaffordable to ride cars.
  18. Hours of operation will have a net zero effect on the number of road deaths. Those who want to drink later will also start drinking later, and those who drunk drive will do so anyway. Next.
  19. If and when they actually finish the EEA high-speed train between Bangkok and Pattaya then there will be something to incentivize. As far as local travel within Bangkoka hike in petrol prices will just be a tax hike - those who already travel by train will continue to do so, and those who have cars aren't going to start selling them and switch to trains - they're just going to take the hit and pay more taxes for no reason. In general taxation is a rotten way to "incentize" and control people's behavior. Most people will not be "incentivized" by it and will just have to pay more for the same things. Stealing from the poor, basically.
  20. What does it matter who is "preffered"? the facts on the ground here and now PTP is in charge. Polls don't really matter for the next 3 years.
  21. Yes, they seem to finally start realizing who their actual targets are- it's not families and it's not rich Chinese/Indians (or rich any nationality). Most tourists come to Thailand to relax and/or party, and obvious alcohol consumption goes with that for most. The previous government thought it could force Thailand into being Singapore - and failed miserably resulting in lower tourist numbers. Lowering alcohol taxes (especially if they tackle the ridiculous 300% on imported stuff) is a step in the right direction for everybody.
  22. The right to travel is a constitutional right. While the Supreme Court allowed states to require driver's licenses - it is doubtful it will stand for denying people travel based on a "carbon passport". That's clearly a violation of the constitution. (not to mention not everybody in the US is a crazy progressive - there's still plenty of conservatives and libertarians who won't go along with this)
  23. Hahahahaha. Idiots. Really have no words beyond that. The level of stupid has exceeded the quota allotted.
  24. None of this is going to happen. It's insane to think people will accept carbon passports as they represent a huge infringement on personal liberty and most likely unconstitutional in most countries. And that is assuming a government is crazy enough to even try it - there's zero chance my home country will, and Thailand with it's reliance on tourism... are they going to accept it?
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