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Everything posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. I knew a few sons of in Tokyo - they had diplomatic passports and basically did whatever they want. Whenever they got into trouble they would simply ring up the embassy who sent a car and driver to pick them up, and since the embassy is essentially a different country they were protected legally no matter what they did. To be fair though - they weren't very violent nor seek out violence - they just wanted to get drunk and party and were generally cool guys. Nothing like these thugs who I'd be guessing do NOT hold diplomatic passports - probably just criminals and/or European Arab mafia. These gangsters love to come to Phuket and intimidate everyone around them for fun. Might even be the same people.
  2. In Bangkok and other tourist-heavy areas - sure. But this won't have an impact on property prices in Isaan etc. Anyway I do agree Chinese shouldn't be allowed to buy out locals, but they can and do illegally circumvent the rules (buying in a company name or with a Thai as the owner). There's nothing they can do to stop it without actual enforcement and harsh penalties - which they don't do usually.
  3. There's a special place in hell for people who produce fake alcohol. They are guilty of murdering several people, and making life a living hell (permanent kidney failure, blindness) for many others. They deserve the death penalty, not 6-12 months in jail. These clowns deliberately used methyl alcohol instead of distilling safe alcohol. The proper punishment would be to make them drink methyl alcohol until they die.
  4. They have them on camera. Arrest and deport. Anything less is a joke. Do your <deleted> job already, Pattaya police!
  5. I literally said nothing about taxes. But yes- I'm pro lower taxes for everybody. Taxation is theft.
  6. What reputation? a cessepool of the world's worst tourists vs overpriced tuktuks, expired hookers, and scammy venues? Patong is truly one of the worst places on earth in so many ways. It was fun during Covid when there were no tourists, but on normal times...ugh.
  7. Please don't settle. This is exactly the kind of clown that needs a time out in prison to learn that actions have consequences. Then deport this turd.
  8. Why do you need an explanation? Benevolent men supporting the local economy in Isaan, countless herds of water buffalo, single mothers and their children and their mothers, and sometimes even gambling-addicted drunk husbands needs no explanation - it's good to give back to the world! Two crisp notes at a time! To be fair though, I don't do short time. It's extra long or it wasn't meant to be.
  9. If you're doing it to "show off" then yes - it's ridiculous. Personally I don't date/pay anyone that I don't geuninely like and feel like they like me beyond just money, and if I like them then sure I will hold hands and hug them - because I like them, not to show off.
  10. Yeah. Very unlikely they will alter it drastically. Maybe small changes like a shorter duration or more scrutiny, but unlikely to be scrapped altogether.
  11. None. She's absolutely NOT qualified and she will be a terrible president if elected - which is unlikely. I'd take madman Trump over her in a heartbeat. The whole Democratic party is being eaten alive by the progressives driving it down the drain. I'm generally liberal: pro-abortion, believe everyone should be able to do whatever they want, etc - but this isn't what the Democrapic party represents anymore. Republicans at least make sense, Democrats do not these days.
  12. And that justifies a screwdriver to the neck??? It doesn't matter how it started. It matters that there was deliberate attempted murder. Lock him up.
  13. While I have met big spending Indians too, yes - the vast majority of the ones who travel in large groups spend very little. The stereotypes of 5 guys sharing a beer and a girl are in fact true. Thailand needs more quality, not more quantity, something they always seem to forget. Pattaya too is completely flooded with Indians - they're mostly harmless but there's just too many of them walking around in the middle of the road making second street look like Mumbai.
  14. Why wait? Just get the DTV now, while you can, and don't worry about it.
  15. The "obvious solution"? Not only are there plenty of genuine tourists who enter a lot more than one or two times a year (seriously - wtf?). This sounds more like the usual drivel from expats who hate expats than actual news - has anyone in government actually mentioned ANY of these ideas of how to limit the visas? Yeah didn't think so - the whole point of allowing 60 day entries and the DTV is because they want MORE foreigners (money), not less. Yes, I do think 5 years without any checks whatsoever afterwards is excessive not to mention an insult to anyone who purchased Elite recently, but let them decide what they want to do with it before we start suggesting any draconian changes.
  16. Senile old ****. Just retire already. This wasn't much of assault as much as it was a person who should be in a retirement home. Hopefully this helps drive him out of politics.
  17. Tiktok generation. B**** literally had a near death experience and the first thing she thinks of doing is taking a video of exiting the death trap. smh. Would smash though. 👍
  18. Absolute rubbish. False information. There is no such rule or law 100%. Show me the actual law that states this - it doesn't exist. P.S. I am currently on a more stable visa, but I lived in Thailand on exempts and tourist visas from 2016 to 2020. There is no actual law or rule and it's totally at the discretion of the IO.
  19. I spoke too soon. Literally his daughter. This can't get any better. 🤣
  20. I know it's puzzling, but ladyboys are still the same species, just....different. I think the word you're looking for is...gay.
  21. That's no way to describe a lady. Seriously though: don't go try to **** random cows without their consent. Works for both cattle and humans.
  22. If you want to help, give money to charities. Giving money to beggars just encourages more begging, and encourages illegal activities and human trafficking.
  23. Most beggars and beggar-alikes (flower sellers and other parasites) in tourist areas aren't even Thai. They come from Vietnam and other countries to prey on tourists. It's nice to educate the public to stop giving them money, but what they really should be doing is arresting, blacklisting, and deporting them. Especially nasty are the flower-sellers who rent children to work with them all night to try to gather sympathy, and that's not even getting into the children hired to pickpocket. Protect your pockets when they swarm you! There is a reason they travel in packs.
  24. There is no such rule. False information. Next.
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