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Everything posted by isaanistical

  1. Whoah!! “wouldn't matter”? That's not a very inclusive remark, is it? The alphabet activists will get you cancelled in a heartbeat. Anyway, I thought they were giraffes.
  2. We all know that, but given that the consulates I mentioned don't currently bother to examine financials for a one-year document, I am asking if the same applies to "their" LTR.
  3. (If I am allowed): https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-65743967
  4. Thought so. In fact I have had one-years from both Savannakhet and Saigon before, but I used to travel a lot so was leaving TH at least once a month. Now, I have hung up the boots.
  5. First, I note the consulate general in Savannakhet now has the LTR 10-year visa on its list of visa fees at THB50,000. Does anyone know if they require the financials, or is it like the Non-O one-year version where they don't bother with the bank statements etc? If so, it could be good value. Secondly, I blush to ask this because I damn well should know by now, but with a one-year (multiple entry) NonO from Savannakhet (or indeed Saigon if they are still issuing), is it mandatory to actually leave Thailand every 90-days? That is, are you 'disqualified' from just going to an IO to report and getting a stamp like a Non-O issued locally in TH?
  6. Agreed. But then Prayut would not start by talking about changes to what we can only refer to as 112, would he? I just watched on BBC website; to outsiders, what Pita says is pretty innocuous, but also unequivocal and to those most likely to order a coup, it means something else altogether.
  7. What no-one here seems to notice is that the UN jobbie is June 1-2, while the Thailand jobbie is June 3, a Saturday, with a compensatory public holiday on Monday 5. The only important point here is -- which of these days in the no-drinking day? Because Visakha Bucha is definitely one of the no-booze days, just will it be 3, 4 or 5????
  8. ah yes, the internationally renowned go-to for Asian affairs. Kid reporter on vacation or fam-trip more likely.
  9. I was recommended by heart doctor not to use Voltaren or Celebrex on a regular basis as it can be harmful, as others have said. He recommended Naproxen, of which numerous local brands are easily available - Soproxen as in one photo above, or Synogin which I use daily. It works for me - keeping arthritis and muscle pain at bay - without any apparent stomach disorder. I pay 37 baht for 10 tabs.
  10. OP: thanks for the lecture. Do you have any credentials - any at all - to pontificate to us on road safety? Your spelling suggests US, which kind of makes it even worse, US being one of the countries with most varying and least clued-up legislation.
  11. SP is NOT a "suburb of BKK", it is a separate, neighbouring province. The BangPli office is not new either, as OP claims, it has been there about 18 months or more. And while I agree it's a real PITA to get to compared to the old one on the Pak Nam waterfront, I have had no more problems once at the "new" one than I did before. Any immigration issues and visa applicatins are a nuisance in any country you care to name, but I take my wife, ensure the paperwork is tidy and get no hassles. OP chose to call IO "cow", hand in wrong paperwork and - I suspect - hardly impressed with attitude. Thanks for making it easy for the rest of us. Not.
  12. There: travel broadens the mind, they say. WT&? A globe blows and it's suddenly rife throughout Asia? Such excitement - in 30 years here I have never had such fun...........
  13. not sure if that's the joke, but this is Benny Hill, right?
  14. don't forget Chuwit has already done his porridge. One of several things makes him so dfficult to nail, along with he knows much nastier people than Prayut/Prawit/Anutin. I have met and discussed politics etc with Chuwit. He's a very nice guy, speaks fantastic English and very reserved - until he hits a husting.
  15. tee-hee. I did something with Ublock and now the Maps page gives me a black space instead of the white space. To be honest, I know you're trying to help, but that doesn't!
  16. so it is or is not easy to revert? Not sure I want to. I mean I never want the new sidebar back.
  17. I have Ublock on Firefox (I should mention the dumb google box appears on Opera and even Chrome too). But how do I go from there? Amd are you saying I can stop this but only on FF? (which would still be better than nowt)?
  18. these being tourists who defy the filthy air pollution but will suddenly get scared by the heat? Not..........
  19. ... and probably means the UN or some such will pay out for climate change. Its nonsense. The Thai scientist probably thinks it sounds more spectacular - although I just passed the Department of Meteorology on Sukhumvit and their counter on the front of the buldling said 37.1. But this week I have seen 39 on my (in shade) thermometer and that equals the top I have seen here; locals are moaning a lot more than usual. Yes, this one is hot for a change.
  20. seems to be some new google trick, according to a quick internet search, and no-one knows how to dump it. See screenshot: this new panel on the left can't be stopped although I don't want it or want to "save searches". Anyone else seen this or can solve it?
  21. rabies? Anyway, who mentioned tourists?
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