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Posts posted by TenDreams

  1. I am thinking that my paltry savings from teaching here for 4 months are not going to last long on a 4 week trip back home, so I'm looking to make a few beer tokens by taking back some bits and pieces and selling them.

    Anyone done this before and have any good ideas? Was thinking along the line of watches but not sure if it will be worth while...

  2. Hi,

    Anyone know if Bob's Guesthouse (hostel/place..?) is still around?

    I stayed there about 3 years ago, and he had just opened it up.

    Unfortunately, I can't remember where it was, but seemed fairly central in Chiang Mai.

    haven't found any info. on it online either...

    Any help appeciated,


    Is "Bob's Guesthouse" the actual name of the place or just the owners name. If just the owner's name it could be Bob of Ex Lanna Paradise Guest house that was at the north end of Moonmuang Rd. Now a bike shop!

    OOPS! New evidence suggests it may be called "Colonial Guesthouse", and as far as I can recall, the owner was an American guy called Bob. Cheers for the response!

  3. Hi,

    Anyone know if Bob's Guesthouse (hostel/place..?) is still around?

    I stayed there about 3 years ago, and he had just opened it up.

    Unfortunately, I can't remember where it was, but seemed fairly central in Chiang Mai.

    haven't found any info. on it online either...

    Any help appeciated,


  4. Hi all,

    I am interested in participating in this 'special project',


    but wonder if anyone has any knowledge of TEFL International or the programmes that they run?

    I was accepted on the project, and confirmed my place. After sending some copies of documents, I have now been sent a contract and some letters (mostly in Thai) that I'm to take to the embassy in order to get a visa. I'm just seeking advice because the project is supposed to only be 4 months of teaching (though the contract I have to sign states 1 year) and the project offers 'many locations to choose from all over Thailand' (I seem to have a contract from a school in a part of Thailand I have never heard of, let alone chosen - Mahasarakham, I have looked into this place, but have particular reasons for wanting to be in central or southern Thailand). Oh, and the contract has no mention of TEFL International, but 'Media Kids' instead, who I had not heard of up until now.

    Anyone got any opinions on how this looks? I can find little information regarding the reputation of Media Kids or TEFL International.

    Sorry for the vaguness of this query.

    Thanks for reading.

  5. Hi all,

    Apologies for posting this age-old question, but after sifting through so much information I thought I would start a thread.

    I'm English, 27, have a BA, and I'm thinking of relocating to Thailand. I am seriously considering taking the CELTA with ECC, but for me, it’s a lot of money to spend.

    I have been teaching English for the last 3 years in rural Japan.

    I have taught ages 5-50+, in 1-1 settings, private groups, languages schools, elementary schools and junior high schools. I would like the learning experience and the qualification from the CELTA course, but wonder if it’s worth it?

    From what I see, all the higher paying jobs ask for a CELTA or equivalent. I was basically wondering whether it is possible to get a decent job with this experience and good references? (For me, decent means Mon-Fri 8-5, health insurance, around 35K+, - is that asking a lot?)

    Also, if there is anyone who has taken the CELTA at ECC and has any stories/points of interest I would be keen to hear them.

    Thank you,


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