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Posts posted by TenDreams

  1. Thanks for the replies.

    Unfortunately I don't have much time to look into yoga etc at the moment, but I would like to when/if I ever have time.

    I looked at the stress tabs yesterday, agree, just appear to be vitamins.

    Guess it's just a rough phase at work....the cause is pretty clear, but there's not a lot that can be done about it right now.

    Thanks again.

  2. Apologies if there are already posts on this, but my searches didn't come up with any...

    I am looking for any kind of OTC stress relief, preferably natural and nothing heavy. I know absolutely nothing about this, but I need an alternative to booze. I think I have seen 'stress tab' type things in the pharmacists, does anybody know what this is, and if it works? Or know of anything else?

    I work out almost everyday, and never used to drink during the week, but that seems to be the only thing that helps at the moment...

    EDIT: It's work related.

  3. I know a LOT of Japanese people in the Thong Lo area with a lot of time on their hands.

    I reckon there would be several willing to do a language exchange, English>Japanese.

    PM me if you are interested and I will put the word out.

  4. you could try the racket club on sukhumvit 49.

    the staff are possibly the laziest people i have ever come across, BUT, the other gym users (foreigners and thai) are friendly and helpful.

    It is never crowded, and upstairs they have yoga, tai chi, muay thai, etc etc. also racket sports, rock climbing, pools, gym and cardio room.

    (i have never attended any of the classes there, so best to look up their website and see what they offer)

  5. Oh yeah, one other thing that works for me when I miss home (may not work in all cases, depends where home is I guess) is remind myself of how much I thought the place sucked the last time I was there!

    well, that's half kidding.

    I always find having something to look forward to helps too. Big plans for xmas or new years? Trip home coming up in the future? If not maybe you could come up with something, actually thats what i should be doing now...

  6. Bangkok can be a lonely place sometimes...

    I find going to the gym whenever I can is always a good way to take my mind off things, have you tried that?

    If I had any free time here (my problem is the opposite of yours) I would probably join a Muay Thai gym, maybe take up another kind of lesson (cooking/massage/yoga/whatever), find a nearby shooting range (great fun and very therapeutic!), maybe do a bit of mall-karaoke.

    Just some ideas,

    Hope you feel better soon

  7. Hello everybody. I need to organize a small business trip to Thailand/Bangkok for 2 or 3 days. I need to come in contact with TOYOTA dealers in the region. Can some body help me to make contacts there and also when I am there to guide and help me on translations ? So I prefer a Thai (man or woman) who speak a realy good english. Thank you

    i think i know someone (Thai female, licensed tour guide, fluent English), when are you coming?

  8. Hi,

    Can anyone recommend a good place to purchase MMA (mixed martial arts) or Muay Thai shorts and training equipment. In or near Bangkok...


    Ten Toes Up :o

    hey, found a great little stall at the top of MBK (Fl.6 in the Paco Zone), called Arunrat.

    I was looking for MMA gloves and she had all original leather goods (Twins brand, I think), no PVC and no crap. Not sure if its the cheapest you will find though.

    All the stuff u see in the main sports shops here (like sports world etc) is utter rubbish. I have been looking around also.

  9. Kiakaha

    What about the gym culture did you not like? What was the atmosphere like and how did the staff behave that you found to be off putting? Just curious...

    Part of my stance is pure opinion...the rest is factual, based on observation(been living here 12 years and working out that whole time).....

    1) i dont like the fancy new equipment in thai gyms that encourage a lazy and laxidasical approach to exercising..i am old school..free weights and busting your ass..drop and give me 60 press ups...ya know !!

    2) i have observed that thais in gyms prefer to look pretty, socialize, talk, chat, fiddle with their phones and not exert themselves in the slightest manner whatsoever...hence completely defeating the purpose of even going to the gym

    3) the male gym assistants primary purpose is to make sure their hair is as boofy and japanese pop star like as is possible at all times....their secondary purpose is too annoy you right in the middle of your most strenuous moment in your set...their tertiary purpose is to sit around and use the gym gear exactly at the time when you need it...oh....and you know the saying..."never trust a skinny chef"....why are all thai male gym staff built like pre pubescent teenage girls with anorexia ?

    4) you can rarely find someone who can spot you

    5) apparently sweating when you exercise is seen as something rather disgusting...hahaha

    6) i dont need a gay backpack with my gym membership

    7) i dont like the snide thai comments(dont thai people realize that some foreigners are fluent in thai) when i bench or curl more than their bodyweight....chang noi ma laeo...blah blah blah

    god...i could go on forever..this is too easy..but i cant be arsed.....


    HAH HAH HAH! that was almost the exact post i was gonna write today after my gym session, before i even saw this thread...

    was wondering if 'fitness centre' / 'gym' translates to 'place to go to talk on the phone, watch TV, do your hair and generally relax' in Thai.

    Spot on post mate!

    ...off the topic a bit...but i am getting worried about the level of ...um, anger (?) i feel about dopes at the gym who sit there with their phones laid out across a bench made for lifting weights, while watching tv or looking at themselves in the mirror and occasionally doing the odd rep, makes me feel. i am a very chilled out person, nothing winds me up this much! i need to sort this out before i became a real a-hole. I could go on too, but ICBA either...

  10. So went down there yesterday and got a motorbike and car license. No WP required.

    Nice one.

    I want to go get a bike license on Friday, did u get any useful/accurate info from them? I have limited time cos of work, so would u mind telling me what their hours are, and the quickest way to get there from the BTS?

    I think i got all the paperwork i need, just got to get that medical check today.

    Cheers mate.

    The car license was quick because they accepted my US (Maine state) drivers license, so i did not have to do the written test or driving test.

    However for the bike license i did have to do both of these tests. There is not much waiting in line (they have a separate cubical for foreigners), but it is quite a long process and it took me from 11:30-3:30 (hour lunch in middle) to get my 2 licenses.

    If you arrive at 1pm for just a bike license you should be done with all the tests and have your card by 3 or 3:30 (they close at 3:30).

    OK, thanks.

  11. So went down there yesterday and got a motorbike and car license. No WP required.

    Nice one.

    I want to go get a bike license on Friday, did u get any useful/accurate info from them? I have limited time cos of work, so would u mind telling me what their hours are, and the quickest way to get there from the BTS?

    I think i got all the paperwork i need, just got to get that medical check today.

    Cheers mate.

  12. if anyone else finds themselves in the same boat, this is what i found:

    Tesco Lotus, Full face, biggest size (L-61) 1350Baht - didn't fit. The others they had were rubbish.

    Yamaha Dealer on Pridi Banomyong full face, L size 1000Baht, fit like a glove and seems to be as good as u will get for the money (matt black, index brand)

  13. Hi,

    I have never bought or owned a crash helmet before, but as it turns out, I need one now.

    I don't know what size my head is, but definitely bigger than the average Thai.

    Any suggestions where to buy in Bangkok, please? Preferably around higher Suk. but any suggestions welcome,

    thanks in advance!

  14. I've noticed quite a few Thai's drinking it, do any of you?

    Are there any health benefits you have found? (plenty according to their own website- increased stamina, mental and physical, etc)

    Was just wondering if it may be a good supplement as I work hellish hours and am always tired until I get home (late) and then can't sleep (I usually squeeze in a workout during the day too, so I do get a bit of excercise).

    or any other energy-boosting tips would be appreciated too,


  15. Haven't seen one here, but saw one in Laos.

    Was visible for about 20 seconds, and there were multiple witnesses (not all drunk or shrooming!) I was not the first to see it, a Japanese man pointed it out to us.

    At first I thought it must be a satellite or plane, but that was just a reaction I think as the mind tries to classify something unclassifiable, which is what it was.

  16. Was expecting all kinds of problems because SP1 had not been offered to me through windows update even though my Vista is 100% legit

    cheers for the responses!

    do u know how i can check if my vista is totally legit? I assume I would know by now if it wasn't, but after the experience I had when buying the laptop, I don't have much faith in the retailer!

  17. have read some helpful previous posts on the subject, but i think the suggestions made (i.e. Bumrungrad etc) are out of my price range at the mo.

    i am waiting for my insurance to process (another story) and don't have much cash to fork out this month, but want to get checked out ASAP.

    silly billy, i spent a few weeks jogging around my neighborhood and have done some damage to my knees (was fully warmed up and have very good running shoes). Something similar has happened before a long time ago (guess i didn't learn my lesson!) in Japan, where i went to a joint clinic and they injected my knees with fluid which sorted out the problem. I want to seek affordable treatment here, any help appreciated.


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