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Mr Dome

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Everything posted by Mr Dome

  1. The rule is, if you're so fat/your belly is so big that it buries the front part of your swimwear and it looks like you're naked, then no ????
  2. In anyway, should Thaksin actually return or a Shinawatra puppet get in, the marijuana legalization will most certainly end.
  3. Sorry about that term. I change it to "the insurance company is claiming that no helmet was worn."
  4. So, all this because the auto door opener didn't work? ???? Dude doesn't appear drunk but what do I know. I want a tearful apology video with wai now just before he gets deported & blacklisted ????
  5. No, it doesn't. The helmet wearing is in dispute, that's all. You'd be saying your keyboard warrior self would know for sure that he hadn't worn one and that's ridiculous.
  6. Do you guys even bother to read the posts or do you have a comment already prepared for each tragedy? He did have insurance but there's a clause in it preventing the pay out for *repatriation* if the insured can be found to be partially at fault. He may have worn one or he may not but none of us will answer that question with 100% confidence, so not going to go there.
  7. I lived in Thailand during his rule and remembering how anti-foreigner he was and how he divided the country, that's a very weird statement from a farang. Does Thailand really need the vote buying & his own brand of corruption back that he was so good at? I doubt it.
  8. Wasn't expecting him to be in cuffs. My mind will add them anyway because he sure deserves them ????
  9. That lines up with my thinking, that they let it slip to someone that they were on overstay.
  10. How would any stranger know your visa status? ???? Would also like to know the reason for overstaying in each case.
  11. A not so subtle hint to raise the quality of your contributions or you'll be replaced by ChatGPT ????
  12. ????? Were you even under the slightest impression I was praising life in the GDR? You'd be quite wrong. Also, since they didn't get shot at for going starkers at the FKK beaches, your comment is rather unrelated & gratuitous. The "Scheissbefehl" (misspelling fully intended) at the border is also common knowledge, isn't it?
  13. As a former Berlin resident of 11 years I can confirm. Former East Germany used to be the perhaps most relaxed place in the world when it comes to going starkers.
  14. I kind of want to admire his "not a care in the world attitude" but it probably was just dementia.
  15. Fact: Many Christians have been killed in bus crashes over the decades. Instead of instrumentalizing this tragedy for your anti-Muslim agenda, it seems to me that there may actually not be a god that directs these accidents (or anything else in anyone's life) and plays favors. Life is cause & effect. It's even in the bible ("You reap what you sow"). Even our smallest actions count.
  16. That projected Thai cool-ness is only a thin facade in some that can get dissolved by alcohol fast and then it may escalate fast to attempted murder. How can you target the innocent?
  17. Been there, 2001 during Songkran in Chiang Mai, what turned out to be a drunk off duty cop who had invited me to eat & drink with him took his gun out when he was unhappy about something in the restaurant we were in. It sure changes the atmosphere, let me tell you.
  18. Unless they start prohibiting the most polluting engines & activities, which would lead to immediate problems & issues, this will take decades to fix. And it will get worse before it gets better and contribute to the premature deaths of tens of thousands. Used to live in Bangkok & Chiang Mai and am glad I don't anymore.
  19. If I'd gotten wind of this, I'd have switched all the H with pineapple again and incinerated that ****. The buyers coming after the sellers would have been the better punishment.
  20. So the headline has him stating it's "Crazy" but the text says, he thinks that "the government's plan to offer vaccines to foreign visitors is a step in the right direction, but it may not be enough ...". We're clearly being manipulated here.
  21. His motivation is in the right place, he gets some exercise and he isn't looking down on them or this type of labor. So, good for him & time objectively spent better than that of the average Western retiree. Also, nice midriff on his Thai lover ????.
  22. Not this route, which isn't that challenging as the approach into Pokhara is concerned but some of the more remote mountain airports, especially Tenzing Hillary airport/Lukla are hairraising. Bad weather, a highly demanding terrain & small planes are often not a good mix.
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