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Mr Dome

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Everything posted by Mr Dome

  1. Since Oman Air is an established player, I will report back, as it could be an indicator of the airline having a more relaxed attitude and thus potentially having value for others. Just don't read it then ???? I've flown into Thailand since 1999 and dealt with this issue many times. If certain politicians feel that we're all "dirty" drug taking no good layabout farang whose only goal after arriving is to overstay, that's not my problem. I aim get away with what works best for me to satisfy that rule ☺️.
  2. I live in the region. My ticket to Bangkok IS my return ticket ???? Anyway, I asked the non-low cost carrier and received an answer in the positive. Might be different on the actual day of departure, I realize that but I won't do/get anything else in advance. This is in the same category as the "must have 20K THB (in any currency)" rule. This is only enforced if they don't approve of "your nose" upon arrival. Imagine if the burden was on the airlines to check that also.
  3. I asked them, they said yes. Carries a lot more weight than some stranger's opinion on the internet. I'm not disputing the rules nor claiming this would always be sufficient but not all airlines handle this the same way. I shall report back here on the 25th.
  4. Just to add another angle here. Had some time to kill waiting for my connecting flight upon arrival at FRA with Oman Air and asked them if for my return to BKK my (within 30 days of arrival) bus ticket from Aranyaprathet/Poipet to Siem Reap would be accepted. They said it would and that their policy was traveler self-responsibility anyway. I would love this if true & practiced by all airlines. Will put that to the test then on the 24th at MUC.
  5. Maybe but we haven't even moved on fully from military rule & into the next phase yet.
  6. And then disappear in jail? I could warm up to that outcome. ☺️
  7. Should he return, the countdown for the next army coup will start.
  8. So, you're in favor of that? With restaurants, we have a choice - ilke don't go to the crowded ones - with public transportation, most don't ????.
  9. "unclamping" the opposite of clamping isn't mentioned anywhere. My question would be, why clamp a vehicle blocking traffic in the first place? I'd have trucks with cranes standing by removing any gross offenders asap.
  10. It's not done with us yet. Good to see a 90+% masking rate on public transportation.
  11. Well, dear Kitty, when people think money is to be made it's always like this and can't be helped. It was always going to be like this. Plus, let's face it, the factor that's hurting your industry the most by far is the unclear legal situation. But now that it's become clear that neither the demand not the profits are really there, the great "weeding" out will slowly start and only the most resilient ones will survive. Unless the new political bosses take it all back, of course. Chohk Dee, krub.
  12. Wow, looks like he didn't mind having a very "structured" & rent + food free kind of retirement. ????
  13. They didn't even let him say goodbye to his cognitively partially furnished die-hard audience - Ouch! Seems everyone eventually goes "woke" if the bill is high enough ???? Nice to see that actions still have consequences, even for a big corporation like Fox Entertainment (definitely not news). And the next law suit is already lined up. Imagine the possibilities ☺️
  14. The thought of taking a prostitute to a room with you, in Thailand to boot, while you have over five grand cash on you is pure insanity to me. But then again, I don't go out at night - with that money on me - and get so hammered that I can't think straight anymore.
  15. Gives a completely new meaning to "urine luck" ???? I dare say if you really want to catch illegals, you need to target different venues and work smarter not harder. This basically satisfies their intrinsic need to throw their weight around.
  16. He better pray the worker makes a speedy & complete recovery. Make him pay and then blacklist him.
  17. I don't happen to frequent Walking Street or Pattaya, that's correct. Kathoeys have existed in Thailand for decades. To make it sound like it's part of a new "woke agenda" by linking that Fox Entertainment link is a bit much. As a visitor or even as a long-term resident the deck is stacked against us in that we won't change the culture, you can become a target. I'd just avoid going where the perpetrators tend to hang out & otherwise don't keep your wallet in the expected places.
  18. I bet. Kind of cruel to do this but it fits with my image of Malaysia & how it's run. Lots of videos on YT now praising it as a retirement destination. Are they all SuperRich or haven't they gotten around to reading the details yet?
  19. Signed "Not the crazy old neighbor at all, oh no" ????
  20. I will say this, compared to the revised "Malaysia my 2nd Home" rules, the millions you'd need to retire in Singapore, the restrictions Vietnam still hasn't lifted post-Covid or the obstacles Indonesia puts up, retiring in Thailand looks indeed pretty good. It's all about what you compare it with ????.
  21. No, actually I don't think the same would happen in Europe or in *any* other Asian country. People would frown at the crazy guy but resorting to violence for insults isn't the norm in every country yet, thank Buddha. In the US, it would depend on where & the circumstances & the reactions range from a frown to a bullet in the head. Curiously though, you did leave out all those places where they don't take to national insults kindly. ????????‍♂️ Since both accounts differ so wildly, it's hard to say what really happened here. It's doesn't sound though that SE Asia is the right place for "the man in black".
  22. The rule is, if you're so fat/your belly is so big that it buries the front part of your swimwear and it looks like you're naked, then no ????
  23. In anyway, should Thaksin actually return or a Shinawatra puppet get in, the marijuana legalization will most certainly end.
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