I fail to understand why so many are against using an agent. I did all my own extensions and 90-day reports for twenty years, but started using an agent when the US Consulate in Chiang Mai stopped doing income verification letters. After that, I began using an agent. I usually kept several hundred thousand baht in the bank here, so I just made sure to have the required 400,000 in one account all of the time. My agent charges me 9,900 baht per year to do my extensions. That price includes the extension fee of 1,900 and all of my 90-day reports. My agents fee of 8,000 baht is well worth it to me since I don't have to prepare anything and only have to go to Immigration once a year which takes me less than 15 minutes. I never pay any fines because I follow all the rules and everyone at Immigration treats me very well.