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CM Dad

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Everything posted by CM Dad

  1. I agree with Brit Tim. I didn't understand what your original post was about either. In fact, I still am confused about what you are asking. Perhaps you need to write more clearly and maybe even give more information. For example, what kind of service are you requesting at Chiang Mai Immigration? If you are trying to extend your visa then what kind of visa do you currently have? It would appear that you are the one who needs to 'chill'.
  2. Nobody would buy them since they are worthless.
  3. Agents prepare paperwork. They do not appear at immigration offices in place of foreigners. The agents do not help people hide. You posted that you do not use an agent. I believe you since you have no idea what an agent does.
  4. If I am not happy with a hotel, I simply move to another. I do that even if I have already paid for one night.
  5. I used to use Mr. Clean to sanitize my toilet.
  6. He's trying to show his "manliness" by wearing earrings. All he needs is a bone through his nose to complete the picture. What a neanderthal!
  7. I had Krungthai account for almost two decades and never had problems. Sadly, I quit using it a few years ago when they became quite unfriendly towards Farang.
  8. Pronouns won't matter but the verbs will all be past tense.
  9. These 109 need to be immediately blacklisted. Coming here and dying gives Thailand a bad name.
  10. My solution to loud music is to fight fire with fire. I play Wagner operas at high volume with speakers facing the late night revelers, only I do it early in the morning when they are usually hungover. I never have had to do it more than once - ohh, and my other Thai neighbors thanked me for ending the late at night racket.
  11. I did all of my visa extensions for more than two decades. I began using an agent even though I meet all of the requirements for my extensions when my country's embassy and consulate refused Thai Immigration's insistence that they verify income with more than a notarized letter. I was growing quite tired of the needless amount of paperwork that seemed to be increasing each year along with the 90-day and TM 30 reports. I have several times the amount of money in a Thai bank account and more than the needed income, but I opened a separate bank account to use for my visa extensions only and deposited the required funds. I pay my very reliable agent, who is also a personal friend, 9,900 baht per year, which includes the 1,900 baht fee, and she handles all of my needed paperwork. She also does all of my 90-day and TM30 reports. All I have to do is sign my name innumerable times and spend less than thirty minutes once a year at the Thai Immigration office. The entire process is well worth the price, time saved and aggravation of the whole process. Most of us who use agents DO meet the requirements to stay long term. Using an agent is simply more convenient.
  12. I have no idea where this gentleman lives in Thailand, but in Chiang Mai, where I live, no supermarkets or convenience stores will give you a plastic bag. In fact, they do not have any plastic bags to even offer. The only places you will see plastic used is in fresh markets and small food stalls.
  13. Stevey, is there a point to your rambling post?
  14. Not just rice and sugar cane but the contract farming of corn that has taken over the Northern part of the country by the large Thai corporation whose name never seems to be mentioned...
  15. How much money does he have?
  16. I live in a village about 20 kms outside of Chiang Mai. As far as I know, I am the only Farang in my area - at least I never see any others. All of my Thai neighbors burn. I am the only one who does not.
  17. Just renew your passport now. Why do you want to wait until June to do it? You have plenty of time now so why would you want to risk putting yourself in situation where you are subject to the pressure of time?
  18. Why do so many people think it is funny to post what they see as amusing or clever remarks when there is a weather-related disaster like what happened in some areas of Chiang Mai on Saturday. Childish, asinine remarks are inappropriate and are not appreciated by those whose homes and businesses were damaged by the storm.
  19. Thirty-two years old and already with five children, so he decides to "follow his dream" and come to Thailand looking for work. Once here he rides a motorbike without a helmet while out drinking with friends and is involved in an accident while riding the bike and talking on his phone. He sounds like a really responsible guy. He wasn't smart enough to wear either a condom or a helmet. I'm sorry about his current condition, but people often create their problems when they act without thinking. His mother should be more concerned about her five grandchildren.
  20. This is an example of why I prefer driving when I travel around Thailand. There are so many interesting little side trips that can be discovered when driving.
  21. Bathrooms can be quite dangerous and a slip and fall would become even more dangerous when a person's head hits the hard surfaces found in a bathroom which would explain the head wound.
  22. Ask to see his Thai ID card. If he is really a Thai citizen, he should be proud to show it to you.
  23. Hospitals are filled with diseased people. It is best to avoid them if at all possible.
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