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CM Dad

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Everything posted by CM Dad

  1. Does this include the thousands who freelance on apps?
  2. Several years ago, my car was backed into in the parking lot of a private school in Chiang Mai. My car was only two moths old. The driver of the other car rented a car for me for one week while my car was being repaired. He also apologized profusely and repeatedly.
  3. I live in a spacious house, not a small concrete room or condo. You probably live in a one-room box in Bangkok.
  4. Do I stink? Absolutely not! I bathe twice a day, and, in fact, I am often told how nice I smell by both women and men. Unlike many foreign males here, I am not overweight and I do not drink copious amounts of alcohol. I also live in a house that I designed with double, insulated walls, high ceilings and an insulated roof.
  5. I have lived in Thailand for thirty-four years and have never had air conditioning. I just paid my electric bill for the past month today. it was 767 baht.
  6. I'm very pretty, but I always have to pay.
  7. Mr. Morgan needs to focus on his own country. Donald Trump is a lying, cheating, bullying, disgusting individual who needs to be put away for all the harm and damage he has caused in The United States of America.
  8. There are so many quality Chinese coming to Thailand now that they can enter visa free.
  9. Thick skin? Really? He is an immature crybaby and resorts to name-calling and bullying every time anyone says anything about him that his tiny brain considers negative. He is an extremely thin-skinned demented piece of excrement.
  10. No, this is going to be the ugliest election in US history because of one person - Donald John Trump!
  11. The mushrooms are a small part of the problem, but are blamed by the government so as to not offend a certain large corporation that supports contract farming - growing corn - for their business.
  12. My Thai wife has never been a part of the sex trade. In fact, She has never been in a bar in her life. Most foreign men who are married to Thai women did not meet their wives in bars. To assume so is insulting.
  13. The Brit was DRUNK! He was not high on cannabis, he was drunk on alcohol.
  14. Donate them to rural schools. I am sure that you can find a Thai teacher to help you do this. That is what I did with all of my son's books. He graduated from high school in February and we donated the books that were useable (That had not been written in).
  15. If you chose to live in Thailand then learn the Thai language.
  16. Trump is a very poor business man who is well known for failed businesses and filing bankruptcy.
  17. Wow, you pay 3,000 more than I do and my agent also does all my 90-day reports.
  18. There are so many people who choose to live in Thailand who enjoy making mountains out of molehills. More than thirty years ago when I still lived in the United States, I managed a very large food and drug store. The store was open 24 hours a day. Much of the restocking was done at night. However, there was still quite a bit that was done during the day. I never had any customer complaints about staff blocking aisles. In fact, customers could always easily find staff on the sales floor if they needed any help. There are many issues that are much more important to address. Relax, calm down and enjoy the time you have left in your life.
  19. No, PM Srettha, the two months of extreme air pollution throughout many regions of Thailand is what is causing huge damage to the country. The pollution seems to get worse and worse each year but the government does nothing to try and correct it. Srettha blamed it on neighboring countries when he was in Chiang Mai a few weeks ago just like he is now blaming neighboring countries for smuggling in marijuana.
  20. Aww - piss like a horse - those were the good old days.
  21. How can we miss you when you won't stay away! What do you call a man with no arms and legs in a swimming pool? Bob...
  22. The real danger to the country is the air pollution every spring that is getting worse and worse each year, but let's not talk about that - we don't want to upset the agri-business.
  23. The world-wide pandemic of Covid 19 came from the Chinese. Therefore I propose that all Chinese citizens in Thailand and all Thai people of Chinese descent in Thailand be forced to wear masks and a large badge in Chinese, Thai and English that says "Stay away, I am unclean".
  24. Women are in malls for one of two reasons - either they work there or they like to shop - the latter are to be avoided.
  25. From the looks of your photo, I seriously doubt it. In my opinion, Bob Smith has an exaggerated opinion of himself.
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