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Everything posted by Shetraveler

  1. Still, you choose to live in Thailand, despite the horrors? Says something about you.
  2. There is nothing in this world more disgusting than religious colonization. Shame on you. Keep your delusions to yourself.
  3. If you look at NASA fire app, you'll see that most fires aren't even in Thailand. They're in Lao, Burma, & Cambodia. CM sits in a bowl. But please, continue talking from your position of ignorance.
  4. Pretty bizarre to have opinions about other people's bodies. You're pretty creepy.
  5. Ever hear of the country, the United States. They're more corrupt than Thailand on steroids. You really don't want to go there.
  6. BS, all westerners, especially those from the English speaking countries. Quit pointing fingers at others.
  7. Aw, virtue signaling after a complete "all about me" post. So sorry you can't figure out how to navigate a country where you choose to live. The worst of westerners seem to make it all about them; that would be you.
  8. Yet his last comment did exactly that, as if the western hellholes of capitalism are something to strive for.
  9. If that was so great, and Thailand is such <deleted>e, why not return? Certainly the opportunity to shop at your convenience, like nothing else in the world matters, is superior to your life in Thailand. Perhaps the entire world doesn't run on the capitalistic hell that you're clamoring for.
  10. It's a bonus if they are doing it to annoy the annoying. Thais have a work/home life. If the OP wants to live in a western hellhole, he's welcome to live in that western hellhole.
  11. Probably from your country. Wow, you're a piece of work. You act as if you, or your "homies" are a joy to be around.
  12. Perhaps take your own advice?
  13. Ah yes, no USians or Aussies or Brits, etc. would ever ruin a holiday. Got it.
  14. Why would you not go to the official source first? You don't find this embarrassing? You should.
  15. I'm sorry, but you just seem line an attention w**re. Is it Bob posting bizarre crap all day, every day? Inquiring minds want to know.
  16. Old Medicine Hospital.
  17. Or just follow the rules. So sorry you feel put upon to follow the laws of the country you chose to live in.
  18. Whataboutism is used when you have nothing. Are you condoning the attack on this woman?
  19. Don't go to a dog cafe. Pretty simple. I don't enjoy muay, so I don't go to matches. Why would I go and get mad about it? I see you're a quality farang.
  20. Everywhere, in every city/village/town, in every country. Mostly it's against women. The police do nothing until the abused partner is murdered. Even then, it's rarely prosecuted.
  21. I would believe all women would run from you and your attitude.
  22. It seems you're the type of male that they are avoiding. Who cares what people do sexually, or any other way, if it doesn't directly affect you?
  23. The entire temple complex is included in the clothing rules.
  24. Didn't happen to you, so it doesn't happen?
  25. And, I'll repeat. If you don't want to comply with their rules for their religious complexes, no one is forcing you to visit them. You apparently know absolutely nothing about the "religion" you're critiquing. There are no gods in Buddhism. Doing things just to be a jackal is so very western.
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