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Posts posted by stoffel45

  1. Just over a week ago, in a 5 floor building - mostly devoted to "authentic copies" ranging from DVDs to fashion garments and PC parts, the salesman told me that I must finish my purchases in 30 minutes because the BIB were due in one hour.

    I took a coffee and watched as all the "genuine, authentic reproduction" vendors shuttered their shops. The BIB duly arrived, complete with photographer and a video camera.

    Two "miscreants" paraded a table full of clothes (we were on the movies and games floor not a clothes seller in sight for 4 floors), DVDs (empty cases) and for some reason a bundle of plastic flowers and miniature trees. This all took some arranging until the video man was happy. The two "appointed" felons were ordered to look at the floor, a BIB with lots of brass stood beside pointing at the heap of "authentic imitations" and then it was time to pack up. The attendant BIBs then dived into the morass on the table and helped themselves, very openly. There was lots of laughter and smiles all round - and then they disappeared into the elevator which when it pinged - the shuttered shops roared up their gates.

    So - justice served. I purchased a couple of Lacoste polo shirts for 220 baht each. Even the plastic carry bag was inscribed Lacoste. Inside on a Lacoste label were the EU sizes and a legend in French explaining washing procedure. There was even a ticket of excellent quality showing the price to be $47 plus VAT at 7%.

    For 220 baht!

  2. I met my driver 14 years ago. He is impeccably punctual, clean and sober of habit. Naturally gentle and polite. Eminently trustworthy.

    His name is Jakapop or just Khun Jak. All of us in our family love him.

    If Khun Jak didn't want to drive for you - he has a popular taxi service but also does "tours" he could find someone good and you would know they had been well vetted.

    Someone is just going to tell me how I can give his telephone or email address so that you can decide for yourself.

  3. "Say you have an argument in a pub and call someone a stupid idiot. That is defamation - that is a crime for which you can be imprisoned."

    Looks like I'd better stay in then for the rest of my time in Thailand!whistling.gif

    No, you can still go out. But just stop calling people 'stupid idiots' whistling.gifthumbsup.gif

    Actually, Eesat, here in Belgium, you can call anyone a 'stupid idiot' and may not be wrong a lot.

    But you cannot "insult" or "offer offence to the character" of any Government or local Government employee, any official and of course, any politician.

    Which is why corruption on this side of the Channel is joyously rife. For example, in a public place or newspaper in most of the EU countries, when I read that the EU Commission "Lost or Misplaced" 87 billion euro in 2011 or 67 billion euro in 2010" and have no idea where it may have gone - on pain of imprisonment, I cannot say, "Old Barroso pocketed the larger part and shared the balance with....."

    That Law was introduced by Napoleone - that most enthusiastic of democratic dictators. After, Boney was thrashed at Waterloo, the Law remained in most of the countries he "liberated."

    • Like 1
  4. I agree with all of those who wish to deny this creature Tracey bail.

    In Thailand, defamation is a criminal offence, at least for now. Say you have an argument in a pub and call someone a stupid idiot. That is defamation - that is a crime for which you can be imprisoned.

    It is also a tool for putting pressure on you -so be careful what you say.

    For defamation of an "ordinary" person you could pay a bail of about 50,000 baht.

    Remember, too, that bail can be a "business" and massively lucrative for the bail bondsmen. Remember too (before I wander into the realms of 'defamation' that some jails are also 'businesses.'

    Bail is awarded to those who are not going to be a menace to society or who are not a flight risk.

    I share your horror of this 'man' Tracey. this child rapist. Paedophilia is alive and well in the world. Most of it is committed by homosexual men on male children.

    Which is why 'gay adoption rights' is a spine-chilling idea.

    One day, perhaps because of a traffic accident, YOU may need bail. The alternative is remaining in remand prison until your case is finished.

    If you are innocent - you cannot pursue evidence for your defence. If you cannot afford bail - you could spend years and years in a Thai prison and then be released as a free man.

    For those of you who live in Thailand, make a point of visiting a jail or prison. On its own it is a huge warning to behave well.

    Make certain you have a criminal defence lawyer and make certain they will come to visit you in jail (not prison).

    If, possibly through no fault of your own, you find yourself in the horror of being put in jail - you NEED that number urgently.

    My friend, I'm not quite sure what your post is intended to be, but before the pack gets at you, I would suggest a lot more research to some of your comments....................thumbsup.gif

    "In Thailand, defamation is a criminal offence, at least for now"................Really, seriously, they are going to de-criminalize it?

    "Most of it is committed by homosexual men on male children".................Suggest you research Paedophilia!

    "Which is why 'gay adoption rights' is a spine-chilling idea.".................<deleted>

    Chrisinth, I spent 11 years visiting people in jail and prison and helping where possible.

    To address your points.

    You ask are they going to de-criminalise Defamation. It clearly escaped your notice that a Parliamentary Commission has been studying this crime, with a view to putting it on the civil complaints list - as it is in most countries. Meanwhile we wait.

    2. In those years our organisation handled every type of criminal. Including paedophiles. I noticed that over 90% of paedophiles were homosexual men raping male children. I had my wife research the matter to find that this is a very accurate average.

    In Pattaya the paedophile rarely stayed longer than a day and night. Normally someone from the Gay Association came to "pay the ticket out".

    This Chrisinth is not hearsay, nor second hand knowledge.

    3. I see your attitude to gay adoption is <deleted>. Interesting.

  5. I agree with all of those who wish to deny this creature Tracey bail.

    In Thailand, defamation is a criminal offence, at least for now. Say you have an argument in a pub and call someone a stupid idiot. That is defamation - that is a crime for which you can be imprisoned.

    It is also a tool for putting pressure on you -so be careful what you say.

    For defamation of an "ordinary" person you could pay a bail of about 50,000 baht.

    Remember, too, that bail can be a "business" and massively lucrative for the bail bondsmen. Remember too (before I wander into the realms of 'defamation' that some jails are also 'businesses.'

    Bail is awarded to those who are not going to be a menace to society or who are not a flight risk.

    I share your horror of this 'man' Tracey. this child rapist. Paedophilia is alive and well in the world. Most of it is committed by homosexual men on male children.

    Which is why 'gay adoption rights' is a spine-chilling idea.

    One day, perhaps because of a traffic accident, YOU may need bail. The alternative is remaining in remand prison until your case is finished.

    If you are innocent - you cannot pursue evidence for your defence. If you cannot afford bail - you could spend years and years in a Thai prison and then be released as a free man.

    For those of you who live in Thailand, make a point of visiting a jail or prison. On its own it is a huge warning to behave well.

    Make certain you have a criminal defence lawyer and make certain they will come to visit you in jail (not prison).

    If, possibly through no fault of your own, you find yourself in the horror of being put in jail - you NEED that number urgently.

    • Like 1
  6. If you want to see a biomass power plant, which takes a farmed algae and turns it into electrical power, you should visit Horse Shoe Point.

    The plant, designed by the very eco-responsible owner, produces enough power for the whole - and it is extensive area, including accomodations and a hotel.

    He is visited by many of the people in the World wishing to use, vegetable and animal waste products to create power.

    He has done it - others are still talking.

  7. For serious crimes like rape, human traficking or robbery maybe, but for a non-crime like overstaying it's pervert, barbaric and sadistic and belongs in the Middleages. Sick minded retards.

    Guess which sick minded retards thought it up, implemented it and left the laws behind. Hint: they were not muslims nor the barbaric natives.

    Why didn't you just tell us all the answer?

    The genteel, colonial Bwitish in the Malay states introduced the fine art of corporal punishment to the natives.

    Since it's over 40 years since independence, one would have thought that the local governments, mostly Muslim, would have banned this form of punishment by now?

    Sorry, but flogging, often to death has been a Sharia punishment many centuries before the British or any whites came.

    • Like 2
  8. In my three years working at the Australian embassy from 96-98 I visited Patong regularly to assist Australian warships visiting Ao Makham and anchoring off Patong. During that period I am ashamed to say I saw some of the worst behaviour I have ever seen from Australian servicemen! I visited Patong again as a civilian last year and I was absolutely disgusted at the appearance and behaviour of young Australian "Bogans" there for a week of alcohol abuse and depravity.

    It seems Australian tourists are quickly developing a reputation for being the most aggressive and rude nationality across the world. One of the reasons I chose to leave Australia and live in Thailand was the seemingly rampant disregard to the rule of law by the young people of Australia.

    Disgusting behaviour by two Australian men who clearly do not know when they have had enough to drink. They must have been truly wasted for the bouncers at Hollywood to refuse them entry judging by the state of some of the people I have seen admitted over the years!

    Makes one ashamed to be Australian!

    You shouldn't be ashamed because of a few, these two thugs should be deported!!

    Ooh, they WILL be, after a VERY unpleasant stay, in a VERY unsanitary jail.

  9. May I suggest to the enquirer that she contact a KNOWN charity organisation or Church in or around Chiang Rai.

    Probably everything is fine and above board - but it doesn't take long to check if the organisation you are joining IS actually a bona fide and recognised Charity.

    As other posters have said - there are a LOT of bogus - good sounding outfits - please be prudent.

    And good on you.

  10. My post comes from hope and ignorance.

    If you, as a friend of the bride and groom/ family - were to take excellent photos/videos of the wedding events - as so very many people do, then in that capacity, I can not see the need for a WP.

    It is the "professional" relationship which would, I assume, most definitely need a WP. Such assumes contracts and consideration (money/payment).

    Whilst emphatically NOT suggesting you break any rules...

    • Like 1
  11. I stopped "using" TV for about 3 years. I found most of the comments, pretty anti-Thai and anti-Thailand, and 80% of those comments were, in my opinion, such as it is, childish and close to stupid.

    I don't know what happened in the last year or so - but IN THE MAIN posts are more mature, with a few, maybe only 20% of the former clowns being present.

    Yes, I do believe Thai Visa colours perceptions of Thailand.

    Quintessentially, I believe it would be a good site to visit, TV if one is considering a job offer in Thailand.

    There is a fount of very useful and well guided information to help would be "Settlers" with a wide range of information.

    New Tourists.

    Yes the post certainly highlighted the problem of overdiscussion of the main evils of Thailand. Taksin, Corruption in Politics and Police, the Thai/Chinese mafia and all the bag and necklace snatching druggies.

    Frankly, I live in Belgium, the heart of the EU (sniff) and EU corruption is on a truly professional scale with our EU Commissioners and their lackeys.

    I know these things are bad in Thailand, but you know - they pale into insignificance here in the EU. At least in Thailand they get mentioned in the newspapers from time to time. At least Taksin was brought to justice, sentenced and convicted. That is nearly impossible here.

    The POSITIVE side of a HOLIDAY in Thailand is enormous, incredibly good and incomparable with anywhere else. Boost it.

    OK you can ask new tourists to try and avoid hotels with large Russian numbers or Indians. Just point them to Agoda Reviews or Trip Advisor and suggest they READ the reviews.

    Not foolproof but it works so far.

    Point out the horrors of renting a jet ski - tell them clearly that it is ALL a racket and to avoid it completely. Fair enough.

    The Forums (Fora?) Often excellent and informative.

    For the minority of people who have only BAD things to say of Thailand - it really seems YOU are in the wrong place.

    No I have no delusions I lived and worked in Thailand for 12 years and have been a thrice yearly visitor for 8 years since.

    Thai Visa - you do a damn good job and juggle the moderation ball, mostly quite deftly. So this poster says thank you.

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  12. Write a report about the hotel online. Tripadvisor is a website where you can post a report about a hotel. Most hotels do not like bad publicity on the web.


    Most reputable hotels do not like bad publicity, but many of the hotels I've stayed in do not give a monkey's flying f*** what it says on tripadvisor or anywhere else.

    I don't know the hotels in which you have stayed Ripstanley, but I know from practical experience over some years, that hotels in the past two years, really do care about Trip Advisor comments.

    Many holiday planners like me, visiting a new hotel, will build a short list of where and how much. Reading say 15 to 20 Reviews - Agoda does this too as well as Trip Advisor - is the final criterion. If I see "rude Reception or Unhelpful Reception place comments pop up more than 4 times, it comes off my list.

    I actually wrote to a Hotel in Koh Tao we wanted to stay at. I told the owner that I was concerned at all the negative comments about her staff. Nearly 70% of former guests were scathing in their reviews. She promised that all would be well. Fair enough it was a great stay and the Reception staff were pleasant - until she left and went to Bangkok - and every thing changed for the worse.

    We wanted to go there last year - but again the complaints outweighed the compliments 3 to 1.

    So RipStanley if you take the average of 20 reviews on a hotel - it is enough to weed out extremists and take a decision - It is YOUR holiday.

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