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Posts posted by stoffel45

  1. I have found this "problem" when flying Etihad.

    If I book economy and then upgrade 6 days before the flight - I get the promotion rate for Business Class and just upgrade.

    I understand that an airline sells its 'premium' seats at a good rate either 6 months in advance, but if there are some still left just before departure, then as close to the departure date.

    I like Etihad but it has behaved in a very buccaneering way with its "regulars". Guest member miles were slashed to 50% last year. Redemption fares Europe to BKK return are now double. (when you buy a ticket with your points) and this week the "Free Chauffeur" service for First or Business class pax had a 60 km distance limit slapped on it. Exit seats in Economy are now available at an extra cost (even for disable pax) and a charge is levied for online booking of a seat.

    Etihad has a great recipe and their service in the air is superb. Price wise they are now near the middle of fares available where they used to be first and best.

    We are reluctantly looking around.

  2. Our daughter went to Regents.

    Regent's first motive is profit. Fair enough - except education seem far behind that priority. I think it is the only school I know of where the staff are lined up at the classroom door for a quick exit when the bell rings for end of day.

    • Like 1
  3. Available in USA but not Thailand.

    Thais are VERY picky about using FRESH ingredients and garlic in a jar IS, obviously, not fresh.

    Everyone's idea that you use your garlic mincer is right - then put it in a jar in vegetable or olive oil. Then it is ready for use when you need it.

  4. I know the problem you mention about the Reception people trying to get involved in what kind of doctor you need.

    Sometimes they are almost rude - almost.

    Just say, politely but firmly, I do not wish to discuss my medical condition with you, please direct me to a General Practitioner aka Family Doctor.

    You only have to do this once. When you see the Doctor, and like him/her - tell the Doctor that you would like him to be your Doctor and miss out on Reception.

    Next time, you just walk straight to that Doctor's "surgery/consulting room" and tell the nurse that you made a telephone appointment to see Dr ZBC.


    All the "chain" hospitals ramp up the price of their "out patient" medication enormously. Ask your GP for the names of your medication and the doses. YOU have to write these down.

    When you leave, the FIRST stop is the Cashier which is often part of the Pharmacy. Keeping a COPY of the Invoice, just inform the Pharmacist that you will not take the medication.

    You could ask for a Downtown Pharmacist.....they shouldn't but most of the qualified Pharmacists have a downtown "shop". If they won't give you a name (Oh - Ms Pharmacist, it's not for me it is for my friend) anyone will do. The prices for the SAME medication will cost about 50 - 70% less.

    Even if you don't want this, LOOK at your list of meds. If they recommend Tylenol or any Paracetamol or Aspirin DON'T buy it there. Way too expensive.

    Get well soon.

  5. I think the whole world is very lucky that you don't have the qualifications to be in charge! Why does it matter what someone LOOKS like people are still people and deserve respect from others!!

    The only reason we have so much security at our airports, causing massive delays and frustration, and costing literally billions, is because people who look like the subject of this post, killed tens of thousands of people all over the world - in the name of their God and wearing "uniforms" like this.

    No it is not nice - but if I am flying that day - I am very glad. What is most wrong is that the issue of his "no good identity" was not handled better.

  6. The Carrier from Belgium is Etihad to Thailand. BRU-AUH-BKK.

    From Suvarnabhumi it is Bangkok Air to USM.

    Then USM to UTP and then of course Etihad to BRU via AUH.

    Thanks to Ricardo for his suggestion to check with Bangkok Airways. As he says their website confirms that for certain Airlines, Etihad included, one can route Baggage through to eg Brussels from Samui.

    Alas there is nothing about INTO Samui.

    I will phone Etihad tomorrow (a trial in itself) and ask.

    To everybody - Thank YOU.

  7. I am informed this evening that it is possible for a passenger travelling from Brussels to Koh Samui - through Bangkok Suvarnabhumi - can check her baggage directly from Brussels to Samui.

    From Suvarnabhumi they will take the Bangkok Airways flight to Samui.

    Apparently they are able to remain 'airside' and 'in transit' missing out Immigration and Customs.

    She believes one can then clear Immigration, retrieve the luggage and pass Customs in Samui.

    Clearly if this is possible it would save a lot of time and hassle.

    Question: Is this allowed?

  8. In days gone by, pure silk was used for putting the propellant (cordite or RDX) in large calibre artillery shells. The reason was simple - when silk burns it leaves no residue.

    Holding a lighter to silk means absolutely nothing. Ask for a single thread - put it in an ashtray. Now set fire to it. If it burns to a slight, fine ash - it was silk.

    It if burns to a little hard blob and has a burning plastic smell - it is a polyester or nylon.

    • Like 1
  9. Much depends on what your friends enjoy.

    I think it is prudent to miss out Phuket - it seems there is too much violence there.

    For "Peace and Quiet" and I mean REALLY peaceful and quiet, may I recommend the West Coast of Koh Samui on the Lipa Noi area. You will find kilometres of beautiful and still unspoilt beach with views and sunsets to lift the spirit.

    If you stay in a truly excellent family hotel like the Rajapruek Samui resort, the hotel will arrange a car (Honda Civic automatic) for 1100 baht per day, when you need it.

    If they need the bright lights and Go Go scene, then there is an amazing collection of hotels in all categories in Chaweng or Lamai.

    Samui is so handy for Koh Tao.

    A bit more info Dogpoo and we can try to fill in the gaps.

  10. I am in the process of writing to two friends in Belgium, who wish to visit Thailand for the first time.

    Initially, the trip was Bangkok, Racha Islands, Phuket, Samui, Koh Tao and thence to Bangkok.

    In view of the seemingly endless violence in and around Phuket where senior ambassadors plead with the Governor of Phuket to at least try and reduce, just reduce the robbery, the jet ski violent scams in which the Police seem to be involved, Russians beaten up or beating up others I wrote to them to cut out the ten days planned for Phuket.

    Yes, I know that since the advent of Taksin and his lawless red-shirts, law and order in Thailand take a back seat - it would be nice to hear that things are getting better on this front.

  11. All in all it is a good hospital - for Thailand.

    I think if you have a really serious illness or injury you should think of Australia, USA, Northern Europe. Closer to home Singapore.

    BPH is run, quite correctly as a profit making enterprise. No complaints there. But it has a vicious and aggressive policy of "Accounts Department Rules!"

    If you have an Insurance policy you may find that they will find a need to do a Brain or cervical spine MRI - when in fact you have an upset tummy.

    For those of you "trapped by a surprisingly large bill - built on imaginative accounting rather than medical reality" - call your honorary Consul. Most of them know the problem with BPH's accounts department and though it means they have to slog out there - your bill will be halved or quartered.

  12. Here in the drear, which IS Belgium, it is normal for cyclists and motorcyclists to drive on the sidewalk, quite often at some speed.

    By painting a pinkish colour ON the sidewalk, the Law (such as it is here) permits and even encourages this lunacy.

    Yet crossing the street without a signal light to permit it - well.

  13. As Ban Harn Silpa-Archa was slinking off to Suphan Buri and Mr Froggie was becoming Prime Minister and all the Ministers were 'cashing in as fast as their little legs would allow them.

    When the cranes were the most prominent items on the skylines of most Thai cities - when it was all "we are booming" - when the US Dollar, after years of stability weakened against a baht of doubtful strength, my friend in Bangkok told me, "Don't buy that apartment Stoffel - High Baht, Property Development out of control" - it's going to POP.

    And it did with a resounding WHOOOOOOSH - and that STRONG baht was suddenly 55 to the US$ and Big Jaew was looking at Casinos in Cambodia with a Telecomms guy by the name of Shinawatra.

    Today, the Property Developers are "Way Up There" - the Baht is strong - but no particular reason for it - do you think something's going to "POP?"

    • Like 2
  14. Dengue Fever is as we all know BAD news!

    In "Some" countries, where tourism is important, there is an active campaign to suppress information about such pathologies. Dengue is prevalent in Thailand.

    Take precautions.


    This link takes you to the World Health Organisation's centre and gives facts about Dengue and its deadly follow on - Haemorrhagic Fever.

    CDC in Atlanta is probably the best site for any epidemic or dread infection.

    CDC also have a Dengue Site Map.


  15. Yes, get a 59 day Tourist Visa. The Consulate/Hon Consulate charge a little for it.

    Application form can be downloaded in English from the Embassy site - you then print it.

    Sometimes they want 1 original and 2 copies - sometimes 3 originals.

    Usually they want 2 but sometimes 3 recent passport photos.

    The travellers' passports - which must have at least 6 months before expiry date.

    Air line tickets for the RETURN journey. (nowadays they will accept printed E-Tickets with itinerary)

    Fill in the applications - check 'em.

    Take with photos and passports, Tickets (copies) and money to Consulate.

    REMEMBER when you complete the application it should not read 60 days - write 59 days. (no I don't know why).

    If the boy is a minor (under 18) you may require a letter from the boy's Father (you?) saying the Mother has permission to take the boy out of the country.

    And / or

    A letter from the Mother's Commune/Municipality/Local Government Office - giving her permission to take the boy out of the country.

    OK - I am sure there are REAL experts in this Forum who can help clue you in perfectly.


  16. Hi Fakename,

    Taxi to get to Suvarnabhumi from Pattaya.

    Regardless of time - 04:00 - no problem.

    Driver's name is Khun Jak. He has been my driver for 13 years and has never been late - never.

    His mobile telephone number is - 0818 175 882

    Let him know Khun Chris introduced you.

    Khun Jak has a Toyota Camry and charges 1500 - 1600 baht per trip. Please don't embarrass me by asking for a discount - it's a fantastic service, safe, comfortable and punctual.

    Happy Trails

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