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Posts posted by Mel52

  1. I'm on board with your outlook re: Trump - don't like how he comports himself or all that he does but, in broad strokes, support the various objectives on Immigration.
    To my ear, doing away with 14th Ammendment isn't going overboard at all.  Be like someone crawling into your house at night through an open window, without your consent or knowledge.  They give birth to a kid in the bedroom. You discover all this the next morning, but by law, the kid, and the parents, are now your houseguests for life.
    The tail is definitely wagging the dog on this one, although I'm sure it made sense in the 1860s, as the country was re-building after a bloody civil war.

    Yeah well we should do the best we can for everyone whenever possible I totally understand we can’t let everyone in America just like Thailand can’t let everyone in.
  2. Not to mention it also saves me a trip from Korat to Bangkok once a year just to pay $50 dollars for their stupid letter at the United States Embassy. So of course someone like me likes their new income verification procedures a lot better than the old way with the income affidavits. It made me nervous at first last year but once the new procedures were announced by immigration I was very glad because they never moved the goal post as some people like to say or changed their rules they merely just changed the income verification procedures for the 3 embassies actually that stopped providing the income letters. It’s the United States Embassy, the British Embassy, and it was the Australian Embassy of course. The Denmark Embassy I think they do still provide the income letters. I’m just over all satisfied with my personal situation though. And I do understand that it might not work out so nicely for everyone.



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  3. Don't forget that only 4 embassies stopped issuing income letters. 

    Yes I am very well aware of that I’ve been living here for 5 years and I used to visit here for 10 years before retiring here and actually I’m glad they did. I prefer the new income verification procedures better than the income letters it saves me a lot of time and even money. So yeah I know and I’m glad. But that’s just me everyone’s situation is different but for me their system works well.
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  4. I have upgraded my Crystal Ball and Ouija Board to the latest water-cooled, high performance models...and even this cutting edge technology still gets the prediction wrong approximately 50% of the time regardless of the future date I'm interested in.   Still no better that the coin I use to flip to base my prediction on.



    I’m not sure what you’re referring to but I’m sure eventually all the banks will be in sync with Immigration’s rules and they’re already getting there now as far as I can see after I spoke to my local immigration office about it a few times. I go to my bank once a month after payday to update my passbook, get my credit advices, and my bank statements. In January before I do my next extension I’ll probably have to get another letter from my local SCB branch as well to verify my monthly deposits from the VA coming from the United States. My military retirement pay still goes to our bank in the states with my wife’s Social Security payments but I have my VA Disability pension set up on the IDD program which is awesome I absolutely love the IDD program and that’s like 102,000 baht a month give or take a few thousand baht depending on the current months exchange rate which has been holding pretty steady lately. The exchange rate isn’t as good as it used to be but it’s still pretty good and it’s at least holding steady I’m happy with it. I’ve heard bad things about the British pound and the Australian Dollar though hopefully their currency will pickup some steam as well for our European and Australian friends as well.

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  5. Hoping for third world status?

    You know I don’t particularly like Trump either but he has done some good and yes some bad as well and he talks to much before thinking about what he’s saying first and then suddenly it becomes policy like the border wall lol. But seriously the hatred of him is horrible I know he does bring some of it on himself but I’ve never seen a United States President so hated by the media as Trump ever in my life time. And that’s probably because he really isn’t a very likable guy but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a bad guy or a racist. I’m in the middle politically I’m a moderate when it comes to politics in fact I can’t stand politics at all it drives me nuts trying to rationalize some of these things we hear on the news and things I’ve actually been involved in over the past 30 years or so. But I really don’t hate him at all I don’t necessarily like him particularly but I respect him as my elected president just like I respected Obama and all of our presidents in my life time including Bush and Clinton. Obama was just more likable even I liked him even though I totally disagreed with most of his policies not all of them but quite a few of them. But everyone is entitled to their opinion more so if you’re an American citizen who can vote in our elections.
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  6. It's not about the children, or punishment for would-be foreign parents. 
    IMO, a country's immigration needs change over time, influenced by economic factors, geo-political issues and even issues stemming from current and future climate change, etc... 
    This suggests, quite obviously in my view, that immigration demands, quota if you will, must be managed with flexible polices, not rigid articles of constitution, which serve a country well, but can also paralyze it from acting in its own best interests.   Characterized by needing a cup of water but forced to drink from a firehose, without the ability to adjust pressure, or shut it off, without an act of congress - literally and figuratively.  That's just dumb policy, and no way to run a ship.
    Dysfunction breeds ineffeciency and attracts lawlessness and more dysfunction.  Thailand is a close-to-home example of what it looks like when you let things slide for too long, and then decide to reassert control and discipline.  A hard slog, bad press, gnashing of teeth, allegations of racism, and no doubt, some folks in the margins who aren't "bad guys" per se, get jettisoned in the impersonal process. 
    Scrub the 14th, get a sensible guest worker policy in place, be shot of the Visa Lottery, for a start, and I reckon a lot of this hopped up SW border drama will sort itself out.

    And yeah I totally understand why we have to have the immigration rules in the United States but I’m just saying that we shouldn’t go overboard with them. A lot of people complain about immigration here in Thailand but it’s really not that bad or hard to stay here. But I get what you mean and I agree with you to an extent.
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    You do realize that you can bookmark this thread? 
    No need to keep posting to keep at the top of the forum so you can "find" it.
    And calendars often work well for determining today's date.

    You know if you don’t mind telling me how do you book mark it? I can probably figure it out but I’ve never book marked anything on this forum before so I honestly didn’t know that but thanks.
  8. If more people did this we would get the idiots off the sidewalk.
    it isn't a case of live and let live......if I walk in the street I will probably last about five minutes. I applaud this woman.....I am guessing she speaks Thai.
    i have maintained for a long time that laws are for the guidance of fools......the fools are riding on the sidewalks. If they hit me is it live and let live? Bloody stupid point of view.

    Like I said just be careful out there this is Thailand and not Japan that’s for sure. I still love it here though.
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    You do realize that you can bookmark this thread? 
    No need to keep posting to keep at the top of the forum so you can "find" it.
    And calendars often work well for determining today's date.

    Lol you got me on that one that’s actually what I was trying to do is keep it on top of my participated topics that’s actually kind of funny. Thanks for the advice though.
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