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Posts posted by Mel52

  1. If you are lucky enough to live in an area where the local office doesn't enforce thats great but keep in mind TM30 was never enforced in Bangkok until recently, it can and does change overnight.
    1,00s of Bangkok posters used to pop on TM30 threads telling all it didnt apply to them, now they are the worst effected and  the most vocal critics

    Ok thanks if it comes up again someday at immigration then I guess I’ll just have to fill out that whole one page form again possibly someday. It’s a tough life being retired here LMAO [emoji23].
    You clearly don't have a clue what you are talking about.
    You have to report whenever you leave your home for more than 24 hours. They can not only fine you, they will also refuse your visa extensions and other government services like 90 day reporting. Have fun with your ignorance, will for sure work out in LoS.

    Oh really within 24 hours huh, wow someone should probably inform my local immigration office of that rule after 5 years of living and traveling around here it’s never been an issue [emoji38][emoji38][emoji38][emoji38][emoji38] but yeah ok I’ll keep that in mind. This is the kind of posts I was talking about that I just laugh at [emoji23].
    • Sad 1
  3. In 5 years living here this has never been an issue and we just got back from traveling all over the country around Chiangmai a few days ago we were gone for almost a week in multiple provinces and we do travel all over Thailand all the time and it’s not a problem. Even if it does come up it’s just a one page document and they can’t fine you more than 5000 baht maximum if you did make a mistake on reporting your address. I did my TM-30 years ago and it hasn’t come up since. I usually just ignore these topics about the TM-30. Oh well I’ll continue to be sure and not worry about it when we go on our next road trip [emoji38]



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  4. Thank you for bringing up my mentality with out mentioning the arrogant mentality of those like you that want to try and change Thailands Immigration Laws to suit themselves. The simple mentality is that if you think you will succeed to get Thailand to change their laws to make things easier for you because that is what you want then you need to have a good look at Thailand. If you did have a good look then you would see that for Thailand to do anything that suits a minority whinging group of ex-pats like you and your complaining mates is a lose of face for them so instead of making things easier they will more likely make things harder for everyone. This is Thailand and these are Thai laws whether you like it or not. If you do not like the laws here then move to a country that you do like the laws. For anyone from any country who thinks that they are that important to think that they can change the laws of another country is just plain arrogance because you are and always will be just a minority in that country.

    Exactly. You know that’s actually the only thing that concerns me when everyone starts whining and complaining about immigration. What you’re saying has crossed my mind many times especially when they start sending petitions to immigration headquarters and nonsense like that, then I think “oh no these people are just going to piss off immigration and then they just might decide to make the rules together”. But exactly when you’re a guest in a foreign country you’re not gonna change their rules lol [emoji23] some of this stuff is literally comical to read. Most of the time I say the same thing to people if they don’t like living here no one is forcing them to live here and no one forced them to move here in the first place. And obviously if people don’t like the rules in this foreign country then they can always go home or somewhere else.

    I think a lot of people are still remembering last year when they did away with the income affidavits all that uncertainty and changes really stressed people out and that made me pretty nervous as well because I’m also retired here and it all started happening right before I did my last extension but once the sand settled and immigration announced their new procedures for income verification in late December it actually turned out to be a damn good thing I actually like the new immigration procedures better. They never really changed anything as far as the actual laws the monthly income requirement and money saved is still exactly the same as it has been for several years the only thing they changed was how we prove our income now you just have to use a Thai bank account which saves me money anyway because I use the monthly income method I’m actually signed up for IDD to my Thai bank now which is great.

    But I’ve never had any issues with this TM-30 I’ve done it before years ago and I’ve never had it come up again and even if you do it’s just a one page document. Worst case scenario if you make a mistake or something when reporting your address they can’t fine you more than 5000 baht maximum. But in the 5 years I’ve been living here this has literally never been a problem for me that’s why whenever I see a new topic regarding the TM-30 I usually don’t even bother to look at them anymore because it’s just like you said people looking for something to whine about. But my local immigration office is pretty good so I don’t know. I only bothered to read this topic because I was curious to see what people were posting at the moment I just decided ok click on this random topic and see what people are saying about it and of course it’s pretty much what I thought a lot of whining and complaining and people arguing about who’s right and the normal stuff. I honestly don’t spend as much time looking at this forum anymore but it can still be a good place to get information SOMETIMES, I just kind of ended up using it for information especially after last years changes. I read some of the posts on this forum sometimes and it’s amazing some of the things people will say when they are anonymous online behind the safety of the keyboard and just some of the extremists that post on here just make me say wow out loud some of it is literally funny though.
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  5. Oh no the sky is falling if I ever buy a house or move somewhere else around here I might have to do another TM-30 again someday oh no it’s terrible. You know we travel around here all the time in fact we just got home from Chiangmai a few days ago and this has never been a problem even if it was so what it’s just another form to fill out and it’s just one page jeez lol [emoji23]


    I was actually just skimming through some of these posts to get a laugh




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  6. I was just reading some of these posts and wow. I always knew there are a lot of people on here who are maybe a little bit different or weird I guess but I was just reading a few of the posts on here under this topic and I was literally cracking up laughing. There’s a few posts on here that I wanted to reply directly to and ask them if they were actually serious or if it was a joke or something but apparently you’re not allowed to do that on here I guess. I don’t know I guess this is what happens when people spend all their time online at home all day everyday.



    Actually never mind I don’t see them anymore there were two in particular that I wanted to read again because they really were comical to read

  7. I was just reading some of these posts and wow. I always knew there are a lot of people on here who are maybe a little bit different or weird I guess but I was just reading a few of the posts on here under this topic and I was literally cracking up laughing. There’s a few posts on here that I wanted to reply directly to and ask them if they were actually serious or if it was a joke or something but apparently you’re not allowed to do that on here I guess. I don’t know I guess this is what happens when people spend all their time online at home all day everyday.



  8. They who? Gun shops, sporting goods stores. individuals, aloo of the above?

    All kinds of guns or just some kinds?

    Are all existing guns confiscated or still in circulation?

    What happened when “they” stopped selling booze?

    Well my point was that it’s just not doable right now unfortunately without making the violence worse in the short term but like I said that’s why I don’t want to get to much into the politics behind it. The long term solutions are going to be tough if we really want to stop the violence.
  9. Actually President Trump is addressing the nation right now and he’s actually making sense tonight he must be on his meds today. Honestly I don’t hate Trump and I don’t necessarily dislike him either but I haven’t drank the cool aid either for any of them. Or either political party. He’s actually trying to talk about bipartisan ideas and cultural changes and stopping the hatred and trying to work together for once. I think Trump is handling this crisis in a professional way at least whether you like him or not. I mean when was the last time we ever had a perfect President probably never, you can’t blame it on Trump you blame the ass hole who did it and all of us need to take a look in the mirror.



  10. I mean what would really happen if they stopped selling guns right now? What about the guns that are already out there? There’s a huge portion of the population of the United States including from the criminals who will never just peacefully give up their guns. In the long term that would make the violence worse at least for many years to come. So really what do we do about it? I honestly mean that I have no political agenda at all, I don’t care about the gun rights debate or the gun control debate, I’m thinking “no really what do we do”?


    • Sad 1

  11. So you blame Trump’s immigration rhetoric for the shooting, but call the wall, which is a big part of his rhetoric off topic.


    This is also why we can’t get anything done to fix the problem because like I said different people just can’t seem to come together and stop arguing about it and put politics aside and seriously figure out what the hell do we do about it? An actual real solution. Right now I only foresee temporary solutions that won’t permanently stop it.
  12. There are only two ways to put a stop to stuff like this as far as I am concerned. 
    1) is the post 9-11 approach. Invade everyone's privacy so much that potential killers can never get past square one. 
    2) is to take them alive an them up the likes of which nobody can even speak about.
    We live in a democracy. I am betting if there is a vote #2 is winning by a landslide. 

    Yeah option 2 is definitely one thing we can do and probably should do but physical security of crowded places is going to have to happen more excessively in the short term until we can someday all live in peace and sing together or something.
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