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Everything posted by jomtienisgood

  1. I just checked on my previous PCR test Cert. On mine only date and not time is mentioned... Maybe depending on where the test is performed???
  2. What do you want to say???? Every day and evening I see locals having drinks along the beach.....
  3. Yes indeed, so is Skype and Teams and others......
  4. Why, what's wrong with it?????? Next thing will be an idiocy to just breathe......
  5. In a normal world with more or less civilized people it shouldn't be a problem.......
  6. You did notice your pink ID card starts with figure 8 for PR, the other cards start with fig.6 .....
  7. Was that in Sports Stadium?? Did she get her previous shots also Pfizer??
  8. It is easy, refer to my post above. However it may take a few months before the system is fully operative. If you get the monthly bills normally there is a bar-code on them. Just keep checking until no more bar-code shows up. If you still have a bar-code it is your usual way of paying, 7/11,or others. Once no more bar-code shows up, the automated system is operative.
  9. So is mine, first go PEA then Bank and again PEA with the paper work. Maybe worth mentioning the meter has to be in your name.....
  10. If you know the nurse personally, yes ...... 555555
  11. That's because they didn't switch on the lights. 5555555 lol
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