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Posts posted by jomtienisgood

  1. 2 hours ago, millymoopoo said:

    Just add a resistor to the supply line for the particular LED.

    First identify the wire supplying power to the offending light, (usually on the plug going into the light) cut it so both ends are accessible, solder in place an appropriate resistor.
    The resistor can get warm so an air gap between it and anything else would be recommended.
    Most probably a 1 watt or 5w wire wound ceramic would be appropriate, the value of which should be determined by trial and error.

    These are cheap so I would suggest buying 1 x 500ohms, 1 x 1k ohms and 1 x 2k ohms and then try each one till the desired 'dimness' is achieved.

    Tip: If after use of the highest value still does not reach the desired dimness, they can be added together, or even all 3.

    ceramic 1.jpg

    wire wound.jpg

    Why define by test & error? It's easy enough to find the formula to calculate Voltage drop if you don't know it...???? 

  2. 20 hours ago, mikebike said:

    This is pretty simple. Take off the trim and unplug the offending "Everest" light. Or if you only want a dimmer version apply layers of darkest window tint to the letters until desired dimness is achieved. No resistor required.

    Window tint will cost approx a 1000 times what a resistor would cost.... 

  3. 7 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:


    The name is shown on on everything that has been done officially. House book and ID card for example.

    I experienced it, there was a letter (in Thai),wrongly written and it was a big problem. There was a difference between the blue PR book and the name on the house registration. Long time ago so I don't recall all of the story...

  4. 14 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    Just went to get my passport translated and by chance the lady asked for my wife's ID (don't know why?)....but she spotted that my wife's married name, in Thai, was spelt wrong .....so we checked our marriage certificates and her name is spelt wrong on all of the doc's related to our marriage.......will this ever be a problem????

    It could be a BIG problem in matters like: Land-office,etc.

    • Sad 1
  5. 37 minutes ago, johng said:




    There are some skilled Thai electricians  but they seem to  tend towards  doing industrial installations for  "loadsa money"

    there is also  "amazingly" a  government licencing scheme brought in a few years ago  for domestic/home electricians

    someone on this forum reported that one of his Thai relatives had done the course  and posted this Thai electrical test 1536926773_38_File__27092559150108_.pdf

    along with a sample  ID card to show they where qualified  which I can't seem to find again..still finding a qualified Thai electrician is to say the least.. not easy.


    At least it shows 1st aid, Ohm's Law and parallel and serial combinations... 555555 

  6. 3 hours ago, Enzian said:

    "Earth" must be Brit usage, because as far as I know (having been a B license contractor in CA) Americans all use "ground", as in Ground Fault Interruptor. Electricity is amazing; if it can't find any other way to ground, it is happy to use you.

    'Earth' and 'ground' don't always mean the same. eg: you can have an electronic panel where some parts are 'grounded' without any of it being connected to ' earth'....

  7. 50 minutes ago, fdsa said:

    Try to reboot your router, it might give you a new IP address in case the one particular IP (your current one) address got blocked.

    That may be a good idea, i'll try and update. Thanks.

  8. 1 hour ago, tonray said:

    Some foreign sites limit or block traffic from overseas to protect against hacking. Maybe the case here I don't know.


    BUt...I was just able to connect without any issues...so maybe problem local at your end. I would clear all cookies and try again.

    Thanks all for the info; I'll try again.


    • Like 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, dsj said:

    Does your 13 digit starts with"6" this is the number on the front of my card 6 1038 xxxxx xx x

    On the back lower left corner is a white box with 8 011xxxx x

    No, all digits (13) on front side, starting with 8 being PR.... The one on the back starts with B followed by 7 digits...

  10. 1 hour ago, dsj said:

    The newer Pink ID cards don't work on it anymore, as my wife tried to sign me up, and they ask for the 13 digit number on the back of your card starting with YTO, without that number you can't register.

    You are referring to 13 digits at the back so I guess you are not PR, Therefor your ID Card normally starts with digit 6 as where PR starts with digit 8 and has 13 digits on the front-side. 

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  11. On 6/13/2021 at 1:56 PM, OJAS said:


    The traveldoc COVID-19 Infopage* does, however, appear to set out current entry requirements after you have selected Thailand from the drop-down menu correctly as I understand them to be. So it looks like a case of KLM sending out mixed messages, depending on from where you source their information, which, of course, is hardly helpful. But even the Infopage gives the inaccurate impression initially of a complete ban on entry into Thailand before completely contradicting itself after you have clicked on Thailand from the drop-down menu! Looks like consistency isn't a strong point of their so-called "dedicated team of researchers"!!




    Infected by Thai methodology ??? 5555

  12. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    There is no certifying body for translation or translation companies in Thailand. Trust me, I work as a translator(not certified obv ???? ). 

    A stamp means nothing, anyone can make their own stamp and translate things for official use, I've done so. 

    A company can be registered, which looks better, but. 

    The links you provide are in the USA. 




    This is slightly wrong.... The only officially recognized Legalization can be done at MFA, Laksi...... 

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