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Posts posted by jomtienisgood

  1. 3 hours ago, jossthaifarang said:

    You are right, they are mad! I tried buying a box of Heineken 0% one day at tesco, cashier outright refused to scan it. So I wheeled my cart over to the plastic furnature section, pulled out a chair and side table, then opened the box and started enjoying one right there in the middle of the isle.


    Soon after the manager showed up, and asked me to leave. I refused and said call the police if you like, I have the money to pay and the right to drink them because they are alcohol free. After explaining my case in great detail while sitting there consuming my beverage, he eventually agreed, escorted me and ordered the cashier to ring it up to get rid of the pesky foreigner that was exibiting far too much common sense. 


    Sometimes you just have to be a hard ass to get your point accross, in hind sight if he had called the police it probably would have been more trouble than it was worth, but practicality and common sense prevailed that day!

    Been back to that shop since then?????????

  2. On 12/31/2020 at 9:29 PM, bigginhill said:

    The link below, under exemptions, confirms the need for registration of the owner at the address for the exemption




    That is also my understanding. One can only be registered in the blue book if being Th or PR.. As far as I am aware and you can have only 1 main residence.... 

  3. 18 hours ago, Susco said:


    Thanks for correcting my post from 10 hours ago, when the lockdown wasn't announced yet.

    There is no lock-down since people can still freely move around.... Curfew is for shops ( 5am to 10pm ).Bars closed, restaurants open for take away and no alcohol ban, so far. 

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  4. On 12/10/2020 at 9:20 AM, TSF said:

    Sounds like he's new, hasn't been here very long, hasn't yet learned that he's a foreigner, it's not his country, he's just a guest here and has no rights whatsoever, and he must never get angry, or lose his temper and raise his voice to his gracious Thai hosts as it's their country and they can do just what they please and it's none of his business.

    How come he speaks Th if not been here for a long time??????

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  5. 1 hour ago, recom273 said:

    I thought they had stopped charges for withdrawals outside your area with the platinum card, tier 2 or whatever they call it now, but not the case.


    We were up in KKC a couple of months back to buy land, I used my book to withdraw 500K and was paid a charge on that too, along with atm charges to withdraw daily cash.


    Kasikorns defence now is .. you can do it online with no charge, but the seller said that the land office could not complete within one day if via Internet transfer.

    Banks in Thailand get us at every hurdle.


    Same worldwide.....

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