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Posts posted by yuyiinthesky

  1. 54 minutes ago, samsensam said:

    but... you can be carrying the virus for up to five days before you experience symptoms, during which time you could think you are not infected but you are and you can infect others...

    As I tried to explain, this can only be the case if I get a fresh infection of the Covid-19 causing corona virus (and never had it before, and no immunity etc.). Otherwise this is not possible. 

    What makes you thinking that I have a fresh infection?

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, chessman said:

    According to who? Is anybody saying this? Probably just the people who hate him because they know his name will generate clicks. The world isn’t making any decisions about lockdowns because of Bill Gates. 

    Are you watching the news? If yes, you should have noticed him getting interviewed quite often as if he would be the ultimate expert on corona vaccines.

    Just one example, in the CNBC interview of one of the leading Covid-19 researchers in Germany, and a real Covid-19 expert, Professor Hendrik Streeck, about the study of the University Bonn in Heinsberg, which showed a high percentage of the population in Heinsberg having already antibodies for the Covid-19 causing Virus - there suddenly an interview with Bill Gates is injected, as expert about Covid-19 antibody tests and their value.

    Watch the amusement of Professor Streeck, very visible in his face, when he very diplomatically tries to explain that Bill Gates was talking irrelevant nonsense:


    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 hours ago, teatime101 said:

    In my country hospital care is 'free'. Should we allow free hospital care for those who aren't vaccinated if they get sick because of covid19?

    Well, if you want to go on this road, how about lung cancer patients from smoking, liver patients from alcohol abuse, drug abuse patients, accidents from reckless driving, and so on. Where do you want to start, where do you want to stop?

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, teatime101 said:

    When society is at risk, we do have a moral responsibility to follow best practice (based on the scientific consensus).

    Then please get a real "scientific consensus", including not just a few scientists on Bill Gates' payroll.

    I know, it's getting difficult, with youtube and twitter etc censoring everything which is not WHO speak. But a real "scientific consensus" can't just ignore what the majority of virologists say. Exactly that is happening in Germany, where apparently only the RKI (Robert Koch Institut) gets consulted, and the many professors and virologists which had different views got and get ignored.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  5. On 5/8/2020 at 8:36 AM, cmarshall said:

    That's what Sweden, Germany, Italy, the US, and all the other Western should have been doing, but failed utterly to do out of simple incompetence.   Had they done so no lockdown would have been necessary and there would have been no significant impact on the economy, much less would their healthcare facilities have been overwhelmed.

    Sorry, this is nonsense, the healthcare facilities of Germany and Sweden have never been overwhelmed. And Italy's healthcare facilities are already overwhelmed whenever there is a severe seasonal flu.

  6. 4 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

    What are your concrete plans to get that realised here in Thailand? 


    For example talking with some friends in (nicely decorated) uniforms, discussing the situation with them, trying to convince them to propose changes to the ones which can make them. You might be surprised, but unlike they noise in this forum claims there are many honest ones in the uniforms, also higher up the ranks.

    And in general, talking and discussing with the Thai people. You might remember,  they had some effect the last elections, kicked some legs heavily with the many future forward votes. 

    Most certainly not by locking myself in my room and hiding behind a mask.

    • Like 1
  7. 57 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

    And how could you know that??

    Are you saying that I am? Any source? Any proof?

    There are already many recovered patients, thousands of negative tests, and many indications that the real number of (recovered and immune) infections is very high.

    So why do you claim that I (or anyone else) is infected, without knowing anything about me (or anyone else)?

    And one more thing, you might have read it, no new Corona case in Thailand.

    • Haha 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

    I am ok with servitude.

    I do all the TM's required, the 90 days report, and so on...

    and now I wear a mask. 

    Those who don't want to obey government orders should react concretely and publicly.

    That is the good citizen's way, yes, obey, obey, to all and everything.

    The better citizen's way is to get the government to improve its orders.

  9. 4 minutes ago, teatime101 said:

    Popular topics: Autism, 5G and Bill Gates.


    Keeping your tin foil hat securely in place?

    I dunno about Autism or 5G, or tin foil hats, sorry. But watching the activities of Bill Gates in the last years, well, there were a lot of dubious activities under the umbrella of his charity. And now he is promoted from computer virus breeding ground (called Windows) creator to "the" world's virus vaccine expert, and that without any medical or scientific qualification! Weird.

    So when he and his charity shows up, promising to make us even more happy than he managed to do with Windows, I think it is a good idea to examine very closely what he is trying to do to us this time.

    • Like 1
  10. 30 minutes ago, Clarkey611 said:

    Just heard from the UK that two of my mother's elderly friends were taken recently to hospital; one in Guildford and one in Chertsey for treatment relating to a fall resulting in a broken hip and another fall resulting in a broken arm. Both ladies subsequently died from the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


    My godmother was taken to the Bristol Royal Infirmary a month ago due to swelling of her legs, was removed to the South Bristol Community Hospital 10 days ago because of fear of getting the virus and placed in a ward with three other people. She died last Thursday due to the virus.

    So they went to the hospital without Covid 19, for a totally unrelated problem, but got infected there?

    Or is now everybody elderly dying in a UK hospital classified as Covid 19 death?

  11. 2 hours ago, Henryford said:

    3017 people tested, 3017 cases. Well done Thailand.

    Do you have any credible source for this statement - "3017 people tested"? Or are you just lying, posting fake facts?

    Keep in mind, here had been people arrested for posting incorrect information about Covid-19 (see the pinned threads in this forum).

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  12. There seem to be more and more seeing Sweden's Coronavirus Strategy as the better model for the world:



    Sweden’s Coronavirus Strategy Will Soon Be the World’s

    Herd Immunity Is the Only Realistic Option—The Question Is How to Get There Safely



    Whether or not they have openly embraced the Swedish approach, many other countries are now trying to emulate aspects of it. Both Denmark and Finland have reopened schools for young children. Germany is allowing small shops to reopen. Italy will soon reopen parks, and France has a plan to allow some nonessential businesses to reopen, including farmers’ markets and small museums, as well as schools and daycare centers. In the United States, which has by far the highest absolute number of reported COVID-19 deaths, several states are easing restrictions at the urging of President Donald Trump, who despite bashing the Swedish model, is pushing the country toward something very similar.



    Countries lifting restrictions should also learn from Sweden’s missteps when it comes to the elderly and immigrants: masks and other protective equipment should be made immediately available in nursing homes, and greater emphasis should be placed on protecting service-sector workers who are at higher risk because of age or infirmity. But the emphasis must be on helping at-risk people stay safe and out of harm’s way, not locking entire societies down.



    As the pain of national lockdowns grows intolerable and countries realize that managing—rather than defeating—the pandemic is the only realistic option, more and more of them will begin to open up. Smart social distancing to keep health-care systems from being overwhelmed, improved therapies for the afflicted, and better protections for at-risk groups can help reduce the human toll.


    But at the end of the day, increased—and ultimately, herd—immunity may be the only viable defense against the disease, so long as vulnerable groups are protected along the way. Whatever marks Sweden deserves for managing the pandemic, other nations are beginning to see that it is ahead of the curve. 


    Source: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/sweden/2020-05-12/swedens-coronavirus-strategy-will-soon-be-worlds

    • Like 1
  13. 5 hours ago, apropos said:

    Wearing a mask reduces the possibility that YOU infect those around you. It does not protect YOU from getting infected by others. Not wearing a mask in public says 'I do not care about you, my fellowman'.

    How can I infect others if I'm not infected?

    If I don't wear a mask it means "don't worry, I'm not infected".

    If you think otherwise, up to you.
    "Hey you, yes you, the shady guy there with the filthy mask, stay away from me please, you do not look trustworthy."

    • Like 1
  14. 10 hours ago, gamesgplayemail said:

    when i was an idiot i had the same kind of ideas about swimming pool.

    why forcing people living in the condo where pool is located or even hotels customers to shower just before swimming ?


    I recommend to make sure there is a good sanitation system running, saltwater chlorinator, UV disinfection, Ozone, H2O2 or whatever. Otherwise all the showering will not prevent you from enjoying and sharing the <deleted> others bring in. 

    (Only plain idiots think showering is enough.)

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