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Posts posted by yuyiinthesky

  1. We should thank the customers of this bar to support the Thai owner, the Thai staff and the Thai economy to not suffer even more under the Corona panic.

    The money they spent there was most probably desperately needed to feed quite a few Thai families.

    Unfortunately the place is closed now, and the Thai staff and the ones depending on them will be back to no income. 

    Yeah yeah, I know what you say, "these irresponsible Corona spreaders, they kill us all", but guess what? No Corona there, nada, nobody infected. Sorry to disappoint.  

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    1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

    Is it false that Sweden has low testing levels and does not register an infection until there is a  laboratory test?


    I don't understand this focus on testing and testing. We know by now that about 90% of the infected will not get sick. I do not see the benefit of a test, which apparently often even gives false results. And which can be invalid a few hours later, when an infection might have occurred.


    And then these statistics, comparing data which was collected using different criteria. Not really meaningful.

    What is important is to keep the overall death rate low, as low as possible. I fully agree that the elderly should be protected, and, if sick, treated. The hospitals have the capacity for that.

    And that is the important part, as long as the hospitals are not overwhelmed (and thanks to the lack of panic they are not) they can actually take care of the sick. And that is important, and it doesn't matter if the stats are higher or lower, for whatever reasons.


    All this lockdown hype and social distancing hype is totally ignoring that the big dying, the exponential dying all over the world is not happening. You should be happy about that, and celebrate it. The big bad virus is not as deadly as first thought, but far less.

    And all this lockdown hype and social distancing hype is ignoring that flattening the curve does not mean there will be less infections, but that the infections will be spread over a longer period of time. Some here misunderstand that, talk as if flattening the curve will stop the virus from spreading. Well it doesn't, it just slows it down. Which we got told is needed because otherwise the hospitals would be overwhelmed. Thankfully they aren't, they are even empty.


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  3. 33 minutes ago, MikeyIdea said:

    What happened in Sweden wasn't age based. It was the standard end of life treatment, give the patient morphine instead of treatment to make death painless and then wait. 


    Well, if it is retirement homes then it is obviously somehow age based, you're not in a retirement home before you're retired and need care ????

    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, MikeyIdea said:

    Swedish media reported of one close relative who had to threaten the retirement home with going to the press because they wouldn't give out what medication the elderly got before she finally was informed that it was the standard "end of life" morphine drip. The patient was moved to ICU and is still alive. 


    Interesting, I got exactly the same info, 1st hand, from retirement home staff in France and in Germany. Starting at a certain age high doses of morphine instead of real treatment. Orders from above. Fortunately the nurses refused to obey.

    So if this happened in Sweden, then rest assured this happens in lockdown countries such as France and Germany too. This is despite the fact that the hospitals are empty, and would have capacity to treat them. 

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  5. An update about Cambodia. 



    COVID-19 cases in Cambodia almost at zero with just two remaining active cases and a new recovery

    The Ministry of Health in a statement this morning said that 120th recovery out of 122 once active cases, now leaves just two active cases, one each in Benteay Meanchey and Kompong Cham province.

    This is a more than 98 percent recovery rate and barring any new cases, which has not been detected in the past 20 days, and with the imminent recovery of the last two active cases Cambodia would probably be the first country in the world to achieve 100 percent recovery of active cases within a short period of time.

    The recovered 58-year-old Cambodian man had been with direct contact with a group of French tourists who had been infected with the virus and to date, remained the biggest cluster infections in the country with 40 cases.

    All of the French cases have been discharged and most of them have believed to have already made their way home.

    A Ministry of Health source said that Cambodia’s public health officials, especially front line personnel had gained immense knowledge and capacity in attending to the cases in the 13 provinces to the extend that they have treated and seen the recovery of 120 cases.

    They had been aided by the WHO, Chinese medical personnel, CDC USA and material assistance from many countries.

    Now the challenge remains to opening up the economic activities step by step to halt a possible meltdown of the economy that could push the nation into serious recession which in turn could lead to mass job losses besides the more than 100,000 jobs lost the garment sector, 90,000 migrant workers from Thailand, tens of thousands of hotel and service industry workers and many more tens of thousands in the informal sector who are dependent on the formal sector for their livelihood.

    Source: https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50719416/covid-19-cases-in-cambodia-almost-at-zero-with-just-two-remaining-active-cases-and-a-new-recovery/

    I think this is a remarkable achievement, especially also considering the information from Burma Bill from Siem Reap, that bars never really closed and team sport such as playing soccer continued.

    Sorry to all the lockdown fans, but I think this is a strong case that the draconian lockdowns are not needed, also not in Thailand.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:

    Not much less, only less. Its only because the population is so low that the unemployed aren't counted in the millions. Bankruptcies are everywhere here too

    As said, Sweden depends on the International economy, on exports, and if the world is going down it affects Sweden too. This dependence cannot be changed by whatever Sweden does. 

    At least in Sweden it is not collective suicide, coming from the inside, but externally induced.

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  7. 51 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

    Seems to me that everybody except 1 here is bashing thailand and cheering for cambodia . Maybe you guys are on the wrong website , i think you should move to the CVF . Just a thought . 

    It was never my intention to bash Thailand, I apologize if I gave that impression. 
    My intention was to compare if closing the beaches and lockdown are required to get Covid 19 infections down to zero, and Cambodia, Thailands neighbor, did so successfully, without closing beaches and curfews and lockdowns.


  8. I wouldn't say it's "just" the flu, but as Dr Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. said in "Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted" in the New England Journal of Medicine, it is "more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza":



    If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2


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  9. 18 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    So let me get this straight, even emergency doctors on the front lines, are now not allowed to speak and give their view on the pandemic, without Youtube taking it down, and professional bodies censuring them. 

    Unfortunately that seems to be happening.

    18 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    Did they talk about aliens, the starship coming, did I miss something?

    Zombies, body snatchers, alien parasites, these doctors must be under alien control ????

    • Haha 2
  10. 1 hour ago, tlock said:

    I am confused about the "new normal" I keep hearing about?  Is the premise that we will social distance forever after lockdowns are lifted?  


    Looking at the locals around me here, there was never much social distancing, and by now it seems to be back to be as before. Also masks, may be 1 in 10 still uses one (often old and dirty by now, slipping down to the chin), and that are usually employees of shops and banks. 

    The last birthday parties I attended a few days ago were as before. Handshakes, hugging, alcohol (don't tell the Covid snitches).

    I think it it'll go back to normal quickly, at least here, simply because the announced mass dying did not come, did not happen here.

    • Like 2
  11. 9 minutes ago, lkv said:

    It does, because here's what's gonna happen.


    Once this is over (well at least the hype is over), these countries that are now not testing, will falsely promote themselves as hubs of health and wellbeing, trashing countries that had the decency to be transparent, do testing, and declare numbers.

    If a small country like Cambodia has 1 lab or 10 labs does not really matter in that context.

    • Confused 1
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  12. 5 minutes ago, lkv said:

    I am not even sure they have a PCR machine, surely you are aware of people going to Thailand for better medical.


    I'm exagerrating a bit, but the quality is not that great, to be nice about it.


    And no, they are not testing.

    You might want to check better before making such claims:

    From the FaceBook page of Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC):



    The World Health Organization (WHO) has named Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) as an International Reference Laboratory for COVID-19. 


    Source: The FakeBook page of Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC).


    In a statement released on Tuesday, IPC director Dr Laurence Baril said it had maintained BLS-3-level biosafety while administering all diagnostic tests in accordance with WHO interim guidance and had implemented, validated and ensured full diagnostic capacity to identify and respond to Covid-19.


    He said IPC was working closely with the Cambodian Centre for Disease Control (CDC) to ensure all nasal and throat swab samples it received are processed accordingly and in a timely manner.

    “All samples have been tested to the highest standards, and any suspected cases have been tested multiple times to ensure validity,” they said.


    With a request from the Ministry of Health, Baril said IPC recently tested 1,580 passengers from the MS Westerdam cruise ship and all were found negative of Covid-19.


    Source: https://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/pasteur-committed-combatting-covid-19


    That was February 27, and apparently they already have done thousands of test. 

    Performing such tests is not that difficult. There is no need to go to Thailand for that.

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