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Posts posted by yuyiinthesky

  1. 15 minutes ago, time2093 said:

    Assuming it was an actually bail bondsman, But with out seeing any kind of ID that he was one or an receipt he paid to one it sounds like an old fashioned Pattaya police scam as the bondman was more likely a cop or a friend of the police as who knows especially to the french man and his wife who were victims of Pattya's finest.

    Exactly, the same old story, once again.

    Do you know that such a Policeman has to pay a huge amount to be assigned to the good places, such as Pattaya or in Bangkok around Nana Plaza or similar. Usually their family takes a loan, so after that they have to get that money back. 

    With the lack of tourists and the lockdowns that is a problem now. The pressure increases, the payments for the loan must be paid.


    But then heaven/God/Buddha sends this 80 years old stupid guy, to make a big contribution to the loan payment. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    The tests  include antibody tests and antibody tests cannot confirm an infection. Exposure to the virus and infection are not the same.  How do you know the  test "often gives false results"?   You are confusing the multitude of newly released  antibody tests, with  the   active infection diagnostic tests. 

    You might not have understood that antibodies are the result of a previous infection. 
    So if there are antibodies then there was an infection.


    3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Where does the 90% value come from? No one knows for sure since reported infections are a function of the number of  diagnostic tests. The current estimate is 80% and that is just an estimate not a definitive value. 

    This is what the studies with antibody tests now show, the real number of infections has been magnitudes higher than the cases found with PCR tests. 

    For that it does not matter much if the antibody test is 100% or only 90% accurate, it shows that there have been many more cases. In some areas apparently 20% and more of the population had been infected.


    A magnitudes higher number of cases than counted with the PCR tests alone means a much higher number of the infected did not get sick. Probably even much more than 90%.


    4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    PCR molecular tests sourced from the western countries have been hitting 99%-100% accuracy.


    Please provide a source for this number.


    • Thanks 1
  3. Interestingly an Israelian Top mathematician, Prof Isaac Ben-Israel (head of the Security Studies program in Tel Aviv University and the chairman of the National Council for Research and Development, head of Israel’s Space Agency) sees a similar pattern to what  Professor Michael Levitt describes:



    ... simple statistical analysis demonstrates that the spread of COVID-19 peaks after about 40 days and declines to almost zero after 70 days — no matter where it strikes, and no matter what measures governments impose to try to thwart it.


    Source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/top-israeli-prof-claims-simple-stats-show-virus-plays-itself-out-after-70-days/

    • Thanks 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, unblocktheplanet said:

    I thought all furriners were ordered to leave. An American acquaintance living in Siem Reap decamped to Laos.

    Where did you get that from? Must be a misunderstanding. If I remember correctly the embassy of the USA did ask the USA citizens to go home, but as far as I know there was never any request by Cambodian authorities for the foreigners living there to leave.

  5. 2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    Who said we had the funds. We still have to pay the rent for the shop with no income 


    I'm sorry to hear that. I feel with you, I really do, this is a terrible situation.

    I promise you I will continue to advocate for a quick end of this useless lockdown, and hope that you and all the other shops and businesses can open again and survive.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Logosone said:

    And yet it would appear that Sweden's figures are better than the UK's. Then we look at Japan, another country where neither enforced lockdowns or mass testing were done, and again there is no apocalypse of the kind people like Neil Ferguson predicted.


    So the key question really is, are enforced lockdowns necessary? Mike Ryan of the WHO has said clearly, no they are not and Sweden, not the UK, is the model for the future.

    Exactly, stop the scolding of Sweden for not locking down all and be happy that there are countries trying ways without disastrous lockdowns, and be even more happy if these countries do not show the millions of dead bodies the scaremongers predicted (or should I say "wished on them").

    Let me add besides Sweden and Japan also another country to look at, Thailand's neighbor Cambodia, where there are zero new infections for weeks, zero Corona deaths, despite no curfews, no lockdowns, no fines for no masks etc, many bars open, soccer teams training, school kids playing soccer together, etc etc, and just limited closing of businesses (as discussed in some other threads here).

    Unless you want and enjoy the draconian lockdowns I do not understand the insisting in them, and the scolding of everyone trying different ways.

    Shouldn't we all be happy if it turns out that Covid 19 can be controlled without killing the economy and locking up the population?

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  7. 6 hours ago, Stygge said:

    I can see persistant argument appearing freaquently among the posts here.

    1. Sweden should be compared to neighbouring countries Denmark, Norway and Finland.

    Yes. But. Finland for sure didn´t count death in nursing homes. The other ones I don´t know.

    Compared to Norway the experts point out that much of the difference depends on the fact that Norway has been able to protect their nursing homes better then Sweden. Take away deaths on nursing homes and the difference is negible. There are serveral reasons for this failure that depends on different structure and organization of the countries nursing homes. One of these differences is that in Sweden the nursing homes are much larger units with many more old people living close togehter, which help the virus to spread quickly to many. Also Swedish laws doesn´t allow restraining patients with dementia, which allowes them to move around infecting other patients. There has also been insufficient testing and precaution by the staff allowing symptom free personal to infect patients. All these flaws are now being corrected but its effect can still be noticed in high number of deaths in nursing homes.


    2. Swedens high numbers depends on low testing.

    There is hard to understand how great numbers of testing would improve the situation. The important thing is to registrer the death in Covid19 correctly and compare them with the total population. Much more important is also to test for antibodies for the virus. Now this test is available and reliable and massive testing for this will be done now.


    3. Still, the numbers don´t lie. Sweden has higher deaths then similar countries.

    Yes, but again, take away the failure of protecting the nursing homes the figures are not alamingly higher then any other country. And again; One must compare Sweden´s death rate today with countries soon opening up. The general belief is that when locked down countries open up their death rate will increase.

    It means we must wait a month or two to do an actual comparison. By the way; experts predict Sweden´s final death rate for Covid 19 to be about 8-10 000 people. The time period for this is 1-2 years ahead, depending on the arrival of a dependeble vaccin. An effective antiviral medicin during this period can also bring the numbers down. I think these numbers will be considered low in comparison with many other countries during this period.

    4. Sweden´s economy will hurt as much as the rest of the world.

    Only half right. Sweden has a hight proportion av big multinational companies, and is in general a very export dependent country. An impoverished world, mainly in lock down of course hurt the Swedish economy greatly. Therefore the bleak forecast the coming year. But the national economy remains largely unhurt when remaining restrictions are lifted. Since restaruants, self eployed and small businesses has been able to stay open during this period they can quickly recuperate. Sweden also has a lagre proportion of tech companies not suffering much from present worldwide self inflicted depression. As a whole the prediction is that Sweden will come out of this ordeal comparativle much better then the surrounding world, with less economical and emotional agony for its population.






    I fully agree, thanks for this summary.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    I advise everyone to take vitamin D, vitamin C and zinc during the time of the pandemic. There are many lines of evidence that vitamin D boosts our immunity against influenza.

    Let me add drinking some green tea, there are serious studies in Japan that among the school children there getting influenza there were none which had the habit of drinking green tea.



    „Our findings thus suggest that the consumption of 1–5 cups/d of green tea may prevent influenza infection in children.“




    And then again, this has not much to do with the pandemic, getting enough vitamins is good at anytime. 

    Everything which is good against influenza is with very hight certainty also good against all other Corona viruses.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Upnotover said:

    It's bacause retaurants transform into bars, cheese sandwich and 14 Changs please.

    And what would be wrong with that? 

    I haven't heard yet that you get infected with Corona or anything by eating cheese sandwich and drinking Chang. 

    • Haha 1
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