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Posts posted by yuyiinthesky

  1. 33 minutes ago, JohnBZ said:

    great news. Which country are you talking about?  Cambodia?  I am 50 km away from the border.  Can I get a visa on arrival with a US passport?  I can not wait.  Thanks.

    I think no visa on arrival currently, you need one from the Cambodian embassy.




    It is unclear if the “no visa on arrival” is still the case.

  2. 1 hour ago, JohnBZ said:

    It is hard to live with a wife and 3 year old boy in a small hotel room for more than 4 months.  I think I am doing right most of the times.  Otherwise, I would have exploded.


    Anyhow, we may travel to some Thai island for a few days.  but really it would be nice to get out of the country for while.


    I think the governments and media have no rights to hype the corona virus so that they can have more power over everyone's life.


    The risk is already very low for travel within Thailand and some asian countries. The decision and choice of domestic and international's travel should be individual's NOT government's or media's.

    Thailand’s neighbor just lifted the ban for US citizens. Also no more quarantine, unless someone in your travel group would be positive for SARS-CoV-2. You still need a health certificate saying that you don’t have Covid-19, and a health insurance covering 50000$.


    Cambodia has zero new cases For more than a month now, and no deaths. Looks like the safest place if you worry about the virus. 

    Oh yes, no beach ban, restaurants open, very relaxed attitude towards masks or distancing, and no virus.


    I have some friends which moved there the last years, they are quite happy there. I’m seriously considering going there for a while to see if I like it.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Its amazing the so called experts on here know more than the experts in their field that govts are relying on.


    I suggest some of you should be passing on your immense knowledge to the whitehouse.

    Yes, daily conference calls, but you might have noticed, the guy there has a problem listening, or if he seems listening, then understanding what he heard. ????

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Oxx said:

    China has done an excellent job maintaining social cohesion by clamping down on dissent.  The West would have been wise to do something similar, and then there wouldn't be all the problems with economic migrants from northern Africa and south Asia/the Indian subcontinent.

    I'm really happy that there is still a lot of freedom in the West, and that there are still many many which defend it.


    China's methods of "clamping down on dissent" are disgusting. Concentration camps, torture, critics disappear, history gets censored and falsified (Tiananmen Square https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiananmen_Square_protests_of_1989), and so on.

    If you think that is an "excellent job" then I think you're getting 50 cent for your posts.

    • Like 1
  5. On 5/19/2020 at 7:36 PM, Max69xl said:

    3. Don't go the stores or malls where they want you to do all this c**p. No customers and they won't make any money. 


    I hope it will not take too long until they notice that there is no more virus in Thailand (see the daily stats), and all this is for nothing, and then go back to normal.

    A few days ago I stopped (while traveling) at a minimart at a pump and when I opened the door out of nowhere someone jumped on me and did hold a (temperature) gun at my neck. I almost got a heart attack. The guy did enjoy it very much, it was a game for him, laughing and smiling. I ducked away and he smiled even more. Eventually I smiled too.

    In a few days it will be too boring for him.

    (Disclaimer: It was not a 7/11 and we both had no masks.)

  6. 5 hours ago, farang51 said:

    That is if there really is a base immunity which is far from certain; actually, that is rather unlikely. Most scientists are not even sure you get immunity from having had COVID, and you are talking about immunity in people that have not even been infected.


    Please provide some sources of scientists (not journalists) saying that there will be no immunity, or that it is rather unlikely that there is. I haven't found one. And I searched a lot. Even Dr Fauci expects immunity, as seen again in his discussions with Senator Rand Paul very recently. May be you are better with Google than I am. If so, please share the sources.

    And it is not me who made the new study about the 40-60% and discovered it and talks about it, it is done, written and published by scientists, as you could see if you would have looked at the study (the PDF link at Cell from Elsevier).

    Why do you want so much that there is no immunity?


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  7. 40 minutes ago, farang51 said:

    I was referring to new research - newer than the one you referred. I did not dismiss the one you referred to, only pointed out, that other scientists arrive at some quite different numbers. And I could add that most scientists seem to agree on higher numbers than the ones you prefer.

    It is highly unlikely that any study appearing until now had the time to include the new information from any other study appearing just now.


    Then, the new study I quoted is not in conflict at all with the study you quoted. It does not say that herd immunity needs this or that level. It simply says that there seem to be already 40-60% having a certain level of base immunity without having been exposed to SARS-CoV-2. Thus they can be added to the ones having had SARS-CoV-2 already.


    So there is no conflict. Whatever % is required for herd immunity does not change. Just the good news that we do not need all the % for herd immunity to come from a SARS-CoV-2 infection, but that we seem to get 40-60% for free from this kind of base immunity.


    49 minutes ago, farang51 said:

    Beliefs and hope have no place in research. And that you think that Thailand and Cambodia have reached herd immunity is on the same level as those believing that G5 is causing COVID; it has no ground in reality. Do you really think that they closed down Thailand just for the fun of it?

    Well, if you have a better explanation for the fact that the numbers are so low in Thailand or Cambodia and around, please contribute. I made a thread for that long ago, please discuss there:


    But please keep 5G out of it.


    1 hour ago, farang51 said:

    Still, even if your scientists are right about the level to reach herd immunity, you are looking at additional deaths of near ten-fold what we have seen already in the hardest-hit countries. Do you think that is acceptable?

    I do not see how you come to the conclusion that reaching herd immunity earlier than previously expected would cause additional deaths. If anything it means that there will be less deaths than previously expected.

    • Sad 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Tony125 said:

    Yes, you are absolutely right.
    (My reply was not supposed to infer that, not at all. It was about focussing on the shower before going into the pool, which in my humble opionion is not sufficient if the pool sanitation system is not adequate.)

  9. On 5/19/2020 at 1:22 PM, uhuh said:

    This is how Chiang Kaishek and the rulers of Taiwan during the military dictatorship saw it.

    At that time (1970s), Taiwan did have the chance of independence. But these people didn't want it. They were not Taiwanese,  they were reactionary mainlanders hoping against hope to "take back the mainland". Taiwan was, for them, just a temporary hotel (to be plundered like the places in the mainland they had plundered before coming to Taiwan). Many of them had US passports,  anyway. They didn't see Taiwan as their home,  let alone their country. 

    Good that the development of Taiwan was then quite positive. Unlike in mainland China, no concentration camps for undesired parts of the population, no disappearing critics of the government, no thought police surveilling your social credits with automated mass surveillance, etc etc.

  10. 13 hours ago, farang51 said:

    ...Anyway, other scientists arrive at a quite different number. In this PDF they argue that you need to reach 74 per cent. And please note, that reaching the threshold do not mean that the virus will magically stop spreading. It will be more difficult for the virus to find new hosts, but it will still spread....

    How about being open to new research, even if it forces you to adjust old beliefs?


    The research I posted and presented in the other thread is very new, and makes hope. Also it is done by established scientists and you cannot put Elsevier and „Cell“ in a right wing or left wing or conspiracy corner. Yet, instead of even considering that it could be good news, you try to dismiss it immediately, citing other scientists which calculated values without knowing this new research, thus without having considered its influence on the calculations.


    To do the math for you, 40-60% base immunity plus 10-20 % infection rate = 50-80% immunity. Very well in the area where herd immunity can kick in. (And, as I posted on TVF in other threads weeks ago, I think it did already in Thailand and Cambodia months ago.)

    As said in the other thread, established virologists and scientist such as Professor Streeck and Professor Drosten are seeing and talking about such a base immunity for some time now, as possible or even likely explanation for the fact that many, too many, even in the same household as infected ones, simply don’t get infected.


    I have absolutely no problem if the level of immunity is questioned, it might not be 100%, but it will certainly be clearly more than 0%.


    However to ignore new research, and to keep repeating old knowledge, is not really scientific.


    Fortunately the scientists of the world in general behave not like you, they will keep on researching and adjusting to new information coming from new research, especially if they are not drawn into bickering and politics.

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 23 hours ago, farang51 said:

    By the way, herd immunity takes time too. The experts I have read on the subject figure it will take 2-3 years to achieve herd immunity.

    Herd immunity is achieved as soon as enough are infected, and recovered, and thus immune, in addition to the ones having natural immunity. As discussed in some other threads the required percentage seems to be much lower than originally expected, and close to be reached in many areas.



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  12. 5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    You need to get a grip on reality.  Just because you have diabetes does not mean your going to die if involved in an accident.  However, if you fail to take medications as needed, or prescribed, or you take too much insulin and you crash your own internal system, then there is a possibility you will die if you have an accident.  If you become comatose because your blood sugars dropped to low, while driving, and you end up crashing and dying, then the coroner decides through the autopsy whether it was the diabetes that killed you because your system stopped before you hit the tree, or because the tree stopped your momentum and caused your head to explode.  Either way it is also investigated as to whether or not you could have survived if you had not crashed and exploded your head all over the dash., and gotten the required treatment to bring you to the right side.  Just because one has COVID, and is involved  in an accident, does not mean COVID killed you.  If the doctor determines that through the autopsy, you had a sudden onset of symptoms which stopped your breathing before you had your accident, then they decide if that is what killed you or something else did.  Medical emergencies happen all the time.  The cause of death is never listed as Traffic Accident.  What is listed is the proximal cause and actual medical condition which caused death, such as blunt force trauma, MI, Stroke, or many other reasons.  Blunt force trauma is when your body meets an immoveable object and that object creates the injuries that caused death.  You need to learn to read like many others  who also seem to have a lack of comprehension of facts.  Do not twist what is real into something that it is not just to fit your beliefs and agendas.

    Brilliant, very brilliant! Nothing to add ????

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