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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 1 minute ago, timendres said:

    It is true that there is a lot of wasted talent all over Thailand, as many kids are quite intelligent, but the family does not have the financial resources to afford them a proper education. I also see many cases of kids not being exposed to good role models, which is very important.

    Yes agree. Most.

    issan parent sometime can not read themself. So can not help the kid.


    but if the kid deligent themself and study hard, they can get free uni. Or go to uni and pay it back when start work. 

    Is true, I meet the one like that. Up to them.

    • Thanks 2
  2. คุณไม่เห็นค่าของฉัน


    Khun mai hen ka kong chan.


    is that what she say?




    ps. The education is ok in issan for who want to study. Free scholarship for the one who work/study hard.

    i have met many engineer, technician etc from Issan. Man and woman. Clever.

    The farang not going to meet them because they not in tourist area, they work hard in industry area. No time for farang.

    Not work in bar %100

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, mok199 said:

    SPEAK UP when you see injustice...  lets take plastics as an example ..bring a container with you always and a cloth bag ..

    Agree, i say no to the plastic bag. Most times. Recycle always.

    my friends and me clean the plastic and foam at the beach.

    1 minute ago, mok199 said:


    .say no when the cashier puts the item in the plastic bag...say something to someone in line using too much plastic... when you see someone parked on a zebra crossing '' yell at them''..


    1 minute ago, mok199 said:



    .I have ( as you may guess) many thai enemys here, from speaking out...I have been threatened ,my wife and child have been threatened,air let out of my tires ,fined by the police for ''speaking rude'' hahaha ETC ETC


    I not like be rude. Enemy not good, better work together.


    1 minute ago, mok199 said:


    ETC.....a famous quote from Michael Jackson '' if you want to make the world a better place ,look in the mirror and make a change''......have a good day....Decide what is important for you and your family and fight for change....

    Michael Jackson rape the kid. 

    I hate like that. Bad guy. Happy he die.

  4. 2 hours ago, mok199 said:

    Apparently you live in Thailand...as do I ,as do many here on this forum...I for one care about this once great Nation ,

    So what you do about fix problem. How you help? Just talk? What you do?

    2 hours ago, mok199 said:


    I have a child in school here,i own property,i have a wife


    In pattaya right? Pattaya does have lot of problem, very dirty, crime, drugs, peodifiles. Why you live there?

    2 hours ago, mok199 said:


    , and I want Thailand to be the best it can be, but sadly IT IS BROKEN and it is broken on many levels ,but lets start with  basics such as standards and enforcement, I am sure we both agree Thailand has some issues( to put it lightly)

    Not to bad, farangland have the mass shooting everyday, in the church, mosque, street, etc, stabbing a lot. Drop the bomb on Syria , afghanistan, Iraq etc

    lucky you live here, have safety



    2 hours ago, mok199 said:


    .so when you say ''it happens everywhere'' , yes it does



    2 hours ago, mok199 said:


    but that said shit happens here far far to often and please do not deny that,because denying that enables this system to carry on...

    Ok, I not deny. 

    Everything ok now.

    make you happy.

  5. 14 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

    Wonderful music.

    Love Siriporn.


    Wish me luck.

    Off to see Lamyai for the first time on the 24th down at the local Tawang Deng.

    3 front row tables booked for 12.

    Mrs sorted it all out with some of her gang.

    Should be a good night out....


    Get the photo!

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, NoComment said:

    I will be interested to see what happens when and IF!!? the first Chinese gets a good thumping.

    Treat same as farang.


    5 hours ago, NoComment said:

    The Chinese are allowed to gamble openly in Thailand,



    5 hours ago, NoComment said:



    not one of them is arrested for overstay and they do what they want when they want without any repercussions.

    Wrong, wrong, wrong







    5 hours ago, NoComment said:

    I know this is a little off topic but does anyone have similar thoughts to myself?

    No, you imagine wrong?

  7. 5 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

    Were you there?

    Not there.

    But watch the video and read about it. The farang say sorry for start fight. That why the farang charge with police.




       There's no one on one fight in this country. 


    This one was. 


    I not say say your fight was. I just say not every fight like you.



    Sorry about your mum.

  8. 5 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

    Not impossible in Thailand.

    And also in farangland.


    5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    That's a new novel excuse,expect it to be in popular use before long.

    regards worgeordie


    7 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    It was maintained, they just forgot to fix the steering wheel properly, can happen on a bad day.


  9. 1 hour ago, Mavideol said:

    so to understand you correctly..... by your standards, teenage girls are mature to have sex with teenage boys but not mature to have sex with OLDER man/boys, either they are mature or are not mature regardless the boys/man's age

    No, not with 59 year old.

    you think natural?

    what if your mum have the 16 year old boy in year 3 high school? You think natural?

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