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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 1 hour ago, neeray said:

    Great idea. Expand the airports at the same time the writing is on the wall that flight traffic could possibly decline. 


    Maybe TAT supplied the justifying traffic figures to support expansion. 

    Why will decline? 


    Flying get more popular with thai people now. Air Asia, nok air, lion air, vietjet, now so cheap. 

    cheaper than drive, safer than drive, faster than drive.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, jonclark said:

    My God your dogs speaks as well!!  Can he say Mioew too? 

    Not mioew. He say Mai ow when he don’t want something.



    3 hours ago, jonclark said:


    I am astounded beyond the fact both your cat and dog are fluent in Thai, that you have a dog (and I assume a cat) that both understand the complex concepts of religion, nationalism, and the socio economic arguments that surround the issues of pet ownership. 

    Yes, it amazing.

    The dog can not speak thai, but he understand thai words.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Grayowl said:

    Dear miss yinn, this is the first time I comment here in this website,  but i must say that your answer to the man who comment about typical thai mentality,  show he is right!! .

    “Typical Thai mentality” 

    is that you again Sonhia


    16 minutes ago, Grayowl said:

    yes generalized about a total nation and people it negative,  but your answer to this man you don't know ! And don't know his life circumstances, show that he is right to feel like this.

    your answer is arrogant!  And show underestimate to foreigners that live in Thailand,  most members here are expat and not tourist , they live in Thailand and contribute to the country. 


    Read Sonhia old comments. 



    16 minutes ago, Grayowl said:



    But you show that you think that all foreigners in Thailand are stupid old man, that merried a prostitutes from Pattaya or issan, 30 years younger then them , only for money and not for love, and being deceive by these ladies.  


    No. I didn’t say anything about prostitution. You imagine that. Read again.


    16 minutes ago, Grayowl said:


    Not everyone live here, is like this, many foreigners are young also and have normal relationship with working thai ladies,  normal thai ladies  in there age. 
    healthy relationship ( and not "rent s wife ") .

    Not everyone come here for prostitutes,  not everyone old  and not everyone is a full that loos is money to a young prostitute or poor lady  who deceive him .


    I didnt say prostitutes. I said Pattaya and Surin. Why you think like that? Mmmmmm


    16 minutes ago, Grayowl said:

    it show that you think bad on the foreign community in Thailand,  thet they all the same, and underestimate them as fulls .

    this is racism and arrogance from you, not from all thai people,  from you ! You comments here and try to defend thai people but you do worst, you show yourself as racist that think bad on all foreigners, 

    and also if you think a thai lady that deceive a foreigner in relationship for his money is smart,  so I rest my case. 

    Many thai ladies look for a healthy normal relationship with a foreign man , not every lady is like you describe,  and not every foreigner.  



    Can you show my quote? 

    16 minutes ago, Grayowl said:


    So think about this next time before you insult someone,  make your case with smart argument, not attack. 

    Take care benny .


    Goodluck Sonhia.

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 3 hours ago, jonclark said:

    Wow...your cat can understand d and  communicate with humans. Impressive, might I suggest entering it on 'Thailands got talent' so we can all listen to it. 

    Yes, he amazing. Understand everything. 


    Can speak thai very clearly. 

    If he don’t want something he say “mai ow”


    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, tominbkk said:

    Sending the family pet out to the wild where they will starve, get hit by a car, or die of a disease is not very compassionate.  In the States for sure they have kill shelters, it is sad.  Here the kill shelter is abandoning your pet on the road.

    In the Christian USA the mandog has the eggs cut off. I ask my Buddhist dog about that one. He say don’t like to be be Ladyboy.


    thai Buddhist don’t throw the dog on the road like you say that. If can not take care anymore we take them to the temple. The monk and other people feed them everyday to make merit. Deliscios food. And they can play with the other dogs there. Happy dog.

    My dog say this much better way than the compassionate Christians way.


    • Like 1
  6. Ii

    On 8/6/2019 at 10:08 AM, BestB said:

     Very wise decision , instead of pushing for multicultural street they now pushing it for declining number of Chinese and then maybe change to Indians ?


    On 8/6/2019 at 10:09 AM, simon43 said:

    If ever there was a clear sign that Thailand is licking up to it's boss (China), then this is it.


    On 8/6/2019 at 10:15 AM, ezzra said:

    Way to go Thailand, this country tourism was built on backpackers, you owe your reputation to those carefree guys and girls over that the years have spread the good words about visiting Thailand and now being shunt and discarded lie a used tissue in favor of the chinese... 


    On 8/6/2019 at 10:50 AM, Vacuum said:

    I wonder if this was their plan from the beginning?


    On 8/6/2019 at 11:11 AM, spidermike007 said:

    The continuation of the decline of Western tourism. Thailand made a decision long ago, to avoid pursuing the highest quality of tourist around. They are now courting low baht, low quality, for the sake of the annual total numbers of arrivals. Really, really dumb policy. Brain dead planning, by total incompetents. Nearly everyone I speak with, anywhere in the country, who is in the tourism industry says the same thing. They are suffering, this new group of tourists just does not spend much (unless you are 7/11, a fruit vendor, or sell baseball caps), and contribute very little to the local economy.


    This lack of Western tourists, is a major disaster for the nation, and only a matter of time before this manifests itself on alot of levels. In addition, with so many ex-pets leaving, who contribute enormously to the local economy, one can only hope (with such mindless policy), that the baht eventually drops significantly. One would presume that will eventually happen. 


    On 8/6/2019 at 11:22 AM, tlandtday said:

    another brilliant chess move by tat lol... the chinese are coming to see a farang landmark so hey let's make it chinese... now with the chinese currency manipulation they will not be coming in droves...


    I want to say same as Winnie the Khwai, below say. The link only talk about help to take care of Chinese tourists. 


    Only Thaivisa say “Thailand” want to throw out the backpacker. 


    Real headline


    “Khao San Road Official Organise Local Business to Practice Language and Technical skills to Assist China Tourist”


    Throw out the Backpacker. Not true, fake news!!! Try to give the member something to complain, mock, criticize and complain about. It worked!!! 10 pages of complain, talk about stupid Thais.


    thankyou Winnie. 


    On 8/6/2019 at 11:22 AM, WinnieTheKhwai said:

    This is complete ThaiVisa hyperbole.  The linked article makes no mention of 'out with the backpackers'.  It merely reports on the need for Chinese language skills, as more and more independently travelling Chinese tourists visit the area. 


  7. 22 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    The continuation of the decline of Western tourism. Thailand made a decision long ago, to avoid pursuing the highest quality of tourist around. They are now courting low baht, low quality, for the sake of the annual total numbers of arrivals. Really, really dumb policy. Brain dead planning, by total incompetents. Nearly everyone I speak with, anywhere in the country, who is in the tourism industry says the same thing. They are suffering, this new group of tourists just does not spend much (unless you are 7/11, a fruit vendor, or sell baseball caps), and contribute very little to the local economy.


    This lack of Western tourists, is a major disaster for the nation, and only a matter of time before this manifests itself on alot of levels. In addition, with so many ex-pets leaving, who contribute enormously to the local economy, one can only hope (with such mindless policy), that the baht eventually drops significantly. One would presume that will eventually happen. 

    Yes Mike. The Chinese spend to much money and dont .......

    Drunk backpacker no money are “high quality”.


    • Like 1
  8. Sorry my English not good. We misunderstand together.


    i just try say that I think good law EVERYONE must go court if someone die.


    up to court (not perfect sure), so not up to one policeman to decide innocent or not.(because can not trust to decide, maybe friend together, pay money etc)


    i think court this one easy to decide this guy not guilty, because he sit in the road.

    • Like 2
  9. 22 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Obviously the driver was not driving a Mercedes-Benz nor a BMW or any other upmarket vehicle in order for the police to say that he/she will be charged because as we all know those type of people are innocent of everything.


    22 hours ago, z42 said:

    I hate to beat a dead horse here but shouldn't they have thrown the book at that Vorayuth Yoovidhya bloke like they are looking to do to a guy who appears to have crashed into a prone man hellbent on injuring / killing himself.


    Absolute BS. As per from this shower of an organization


    15 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    So, the driver of the car may be 'slightly' rich for compensation claims, but with no hiso connections to get them off? Got it.

    Is law. If somebody kill someone with car or motorbike in Thailand, must go the court. Benz or Ferrari or hilux.


    Good law. If not have this law, then up to the policeman. Can you trust that?


    last sentence of article say this law. 

    • Confused 1
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