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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 6 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

    What the hell you talking about ?

    The crazy guy kill the sex worker.


    and former thai boxer help stop him kill more people.


    I could have easily just looked out of the window and not done anything," Luke O'Shaughnessy, a former Thai boxer, told the BBC. "I thought we've got to run towards it."

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, HeyHeyHey said:

    Are you just stupid 


    AND most of the debt in foreign countries are mortgages. But not for tiny shoeboxes that are low quality and close to impossible to sell, or rent (to get reasonable ROI) like in Thailand.

    I not stupid to pay this....




    great quality!!! 5555555555


  3. 2 hours ago, UTH001 said:

    Reason for high household debt (also compared to GDP) in developed countries, such a Switzerland and Australia? Mostly due to high mortgage debt, which is not really a huge concern as property values have remained high and quite steady for at least the last decade...

    Yes my friend went study in Sydney. She tell me is really terrible. 40 million baht for terribleplace.



    • Sad 1
  4. 1 hour ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Actually in my opinion you have shown extreme prejudice by you comment "lowest in society". Many people in Thailand do not have opportunities to better themselves.


    Actually the lowest form of life in Thai society are these that do not support, or support the ideal of helping the deprived and poor so that they me be given opportunities to better their lives. No, the lowest of Thai's are those that do nothing and use these poor folk as cheap labour, or even worse.  Until those Thais who are more fortunate work together and introduce a fairer and socially just and supportive system for those less fortunate people that you appear to despise from your posted comment, then I'm afraid the expression "Lowest in Society" will always be open to interpretation.


    • Sad 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Genmai said:

    @Yinn, I live in an area where virtually all of my neighbors burn their garbage on a regular basis.


    I don’t. You live in the north sure. Not everywhere the same like you think.

    6 hours ago, Genmai said:


    Aside from leaves and branches this almost always includes plastic bags and bottles and whatever junk is lying around.

    Here we ONLY burn leaves for mosquitoes.

    6 hours ago, Genmai said:


    It's a very rare day indeed when I can smell pure wood smoke without the acrid stench of plastic mixed in. Judging from many of the posts on this forum and my own personal experience this seems to be a common way of garbage disposal in your country.

    Depend wher you live.

    6 hours ago, Genmai said:


    The burning intensifies during dry season. This is both agricultural and residential trash burning. There is no way that this is primarily done to chase away mosquitoes because during the dry season there aren't many mosquitoes anyway.

    Like I said, we only do it for mosquitoes 

    6 hours ago, Genmai said:



    As for you comment: 

    You're right, I am angry and I have every right to be. Why should I have to tolerate disgusting smoke flowing through my house every night?


    Why did did you move there?


    6 hours ago, Genmai said:



    Anger is a valid human emotion. A combination of strange values, superstitious beliefs and emphasis on saving face above all else means Thai people grow up emotionally stunted. Westerners get angry all the time - because we can handle it. Thais shy away from anger because all everybody learns is to suppress it. That's why if a Thai gets angry it usually ends up in someone getting shot or stabbed.

    Not true.

    6 hours ago, Genmai said:


    In fact I did live in Japan for many years, some of those years spent in the countryside. I understand Thai education isn't that great so I'll be patient with you. Swarms of mosquitoes are not a problem unique to Thailand. Believe me when I say that in Japanese countryside villages where there are rice paddies and lush forests the summertime evenings have just as many mosquitoes as your country. Yet there I have never seen anybody burning anything to chase them away. The main difference between Thailand and Japan is that Japanese people practice common sense. And it's not just the Japanese either. Most developed nations where people have brains do the following things regarding mosquitoes:


    1- build proper houses without cutting corners. Thai houses are full of holes and cracks in the walls and floors. The inner walls between rooms often do not go up all the way to the ceiling leaving a huge gap for all sorts of bugs to fly around.

    Not my house.


    6 hours ago, Genmai said:


    2- clean up the yard. A Japanese garbage dump/trash sorting area is more clean and organized than the average Thai person's household. Sorry but it's true! Thais seem to make a habit of dropping and leaving all sorts of crap lying around, leading to many small waterlogged areas which are prime breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

    You moved to a low quality place. Probably cheap right?


    6 hours ago, Genmai said:


    3-mosquito nets. From my observation most Thais would rather purchase a new phone and motorbike before purchasing mosquito nets for their house. It's rare that I see these nets installed in any houses at all. 

    I am am sitting under one right now.



    6 hours ago, Genmai said:


    4- light mosquito coils. The easiest and cheapest method. These have been around since early 19th century. Yet I've almost never seen them in use here.

    Not good for your health.


    6 hours ago, Genmai said:


    Usually just one per big room? I really don't understand your reasoning here. You burn a pile of trash, it smokes and chokes everybody. Then you go to sleep. 2 hours later the mosquitoes are back. Why can't you just use a coil? It lasts longer and doesn't slowly kill you or harm others' health around you.



    Ok, I know you think everywhere thailand same as you. 

    This link if you read, you can see my area. You can see the time of the post, they not special place I go, is just everywhere where I live. Not special photo. I do it for another farang like you who thinks everywhere the same. 


    Also so look on the air pollution map. AQI. Is always clean here. West coast Thailand. Ranong, Phangnga 

    You moved to the wrong place.

    Good luck.


    Go to #51, to see photo where I live.



  6. 8 hours ago, Genmai said:

    That's why the bulk of the burning happens during dry season when there are no mosquitoes around, right?

    Look YOUR post Mr Anger. You say the “small” fires. Or not. The small fire near the house is for mosquito.

    now is not the dry season. 


    8 hours ago, Genmai said:


    It's the 21st century. Why can't you people just a)- stop lying through your teeth, and b)- learn to use mosquito coils?

    555555 How many coil you need???? 


    8 hours ago, Genmai said:


    Thais burn because of a combination of being too lazy to properly dispose of garbage and selfish attitudes regarding not giving a damn about anyone else. Or to save 20 baht a month on collection costs. Plenty of mosquitoes in the rest of Asia. Do Koreans and Japanese burn trash to keep them away? No!

    You really simple guy. Korea and Japan are not tropical area. North Asia, not south east Asia. Look at map.



    8 hours ago, Genmai said:


    Burning plastic garbage does not "reduce malaria, dengue, zika". All it reduces is life expectancy, sperm count and brain cells.

    You did not say plastic fire. But I think you right, affect your brain.

    maybe you like to live in Japan. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, AhFarangJa said:

    I was wondering where do the tankers get their water from?

    The reason I ask is related to what happened here in Hua Hin several years ago. We were on the town supply, which was never very good, but one year they took to switching it off every two or three days to conserve the level in the reservoir due to drought. We were having to buy water from the trucks at about 300 Baht a time. I asked my wife to inquire as to where they were getting the water from.........yep, you guessed it..............the local reservoir !!!!

    I think maybe your wife got the wrong answer.


    it come from the private lake/ pond I think.


    Phuket has the water problem now. The hotels buy water from private lake/pond. Many hotel in Phuket now look to buy land with the lake/pond. 


    They can not take it from the public reservoir.

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 8/8/2019 at 3:25 PM, Gumballl said:

    I'm far from these fires, but I too face difficulty breathing due to small fires set by the locals in my village.


    When are the stupid Thais going to learn that they are harming both the environment and the sabai dee of their neighbors? I'm contemplating hurling gasoline filled balloons onto peoples homes where a fire is burning. Maybe then they will get the eff-ing point that their activities are not wanted.

    We do the small fires because mosquitos. Reduce malaria, dengue, zika.


    Good luck with burning the neighbors houses. That will be good for the air. Maybe Thailand no good for you with the weak lung.

    where you live?



  9. 2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:



    The headline was "Out with the backpackers in with the Chinese - Khao San makeover continues".

    But the real headline not say that. At all.


    Today your OP about farang who complain. You act like the cool guy. But the thaivisa fake headline make them complain. Or not?




    2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:


    That does not mean that the backpackers (farang or otherwise) are being thrown out. It just means, to me at least, that they are leaving (or might be leaving) and going elsewhere like backpackers always do when there are other places to discover.

    So why many member get angry and say like this. (Below) Everybody misunderstand?

    If you just put the true headline “Teach Some Chinese to Help Tourism” no one going to write that.....


    Way to go Thailand, this country tourism was built on backpackers, you owe your reputation to those carefree guys and girls over that the years have spread the good words about visiting Thailand and now being shunt and discarded lie a used tissue in favor of the chinese... 


    This lack of Western tourists, is a major disaster for the nation, and only a matter of time before this manifests itself on alot of levels. In addition, with so many ex-pets leaving, who contribute enormously to the local economy, one can only hope (with such mindless policy),



    another brilliant chess move by tat lol... the chinese are coming to see a farang landmark so hey let's make it chinese... now with the chinese currency manipulation they will not be coming in droves...


    Backpackers vs Chinese - It's hard to work out who will spend less money...



    Thai logic at it's best - and then they wonder why the tourists aren't coming.


    Severing this tie will also mean that these people may never leave Suvaranabhumi, and instead fly straight on to their destination, which might very well not even be in Thailand.


    I'm sure there's a committee busy this very moment trying to work out how to get rid of all the pesky farangs cluttering up Walking Street in Pattaya so as to give the noblefraternal Chinese tourparties and their flag-waving guides more space.



    There probably never was a plan, just raging incompetence. 

    Thailand reacts , it does not plan, and when it seems there is a  plan, inevitably everything gets worse, for everyone. Like this idiotic Khao San Rd makeover, why change something that has worked beautifully for decades? Why not just not keeps things as they are, and promote the area to Chinese? But no, they need to destroy the area by 'cleaning' it, and then they wonder why the area simply dies. 


    TAT hasn't got the brains they weren't born with...


    TAT and Immi did everything they could to prevent farangs from coming and spending.


    - so they are literally shooting theirselves in the foot and limiting potential by being selective 


    The Thais are destroying what makes Thailand Thailand


    Blatant racial discrimination!


     I think you over estimate this governments mental abilities.


    Makes no sense on any rational level. It is all about hubris, pride, perceived honor, and arrogance.


    yeah they are doing a great job of deterring western visitor


    2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:


    They are often the discoverers. It is a fact that the Chinese especially are visiting places that were previously the domain of western tourists. Pattaya is another example. The other poster is entitled to his own interpretation of the headline (and view that it is hyperbole) but quoting them does not make it true.

    It seem you the only one. Look at comments above.


    2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:



    The article was also faithful to the Manager article in concentrating on the fact that the Thais are sensibly teaching the vendors English to help the Chinese visitors particularly in understanding about their products. It also helps the vendors in boosting their trade. Nowhere in the article does it attribute the term "banana pancake" to having been spoken by a Thai. It was not in the Manager story but the term is one used by people, albeit facetiously, to sum up backpackers who congregate in places together and never really see the true local culture. They still eat "banana pancakes" which is perhaps a dish that many people never ate in their homelands but which vendors on the hippy trail thought they wanted and could make a buck from. In the story it adds atmosphere to the translation as did the idea that vendors would be saying "Ni Hao Maa" (another thing that was not in the Manager story but reasonably inferred as something the vendors might say once they had undergone the training).

    You believe yourself?


    2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:


    To my mind Yinn, you are reacting to the bias of others in comments as if it were truth. 

    They reacting to English headline not the truth.


    2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:


    Regarding Thaivisa translations in general. They would often be terribly boring if they were just verbatim accounts from the Thai press. (Every Naew Na article, for example starts with the name of 5-10 immigration officers before it gets to the point).  Thaivisa attempts to bring them to life by focusing on what might be of more interest to the English speaker, foreign language speaker, foreign person living in Thailand or people interested about Thailand who live abroad.

    Without the truth.


    2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

    Sometimes they are toned down because of gruesome details in Thai press reports of road accidents and crime, western sensibilities being different. Is it really necessary to say how the severed head rolled along the road and the precise location of the brain matter on the tarmac?


    Often the angle of a story is different because the clientele of Thaivisa is different. (Stories about Thai celebrities are very boring for most non-Thais, for example as they just don't know who they are despite translators making an effort to explain). A case in point about differing angles was last year's fuss about possibly putting tourists in prison for smoking on the beach. The Thai press - perhaps mindful that such a thing would never ever actually happen - buried the fact that this sanction was possible. Thaivisa didn't because they understood that while it was never likely, such a threat might be used to extort people caught smoking to pay larger fines. When Thaivisa reported about the possible jail terms in large headlines the Thai press....realizing they had missed a trick - started doing the same. Thus the story snowballed (got bigger). Yes, it made some Thais in authority look silly. Did they not deserve that by focusing on a relatively minor issue rather than the millions of tons of plastic waste deposited in the environment by so many in Thailand every single week?

    All that not about my question.


    2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:


    Thaivisa translations are not verbatim (word for word) but package the news in a readable and enjoyable format suitable for the site. They are faithful to the original source and where additional information (or views) are added the terms "Thaivisa understands" or "Thaivisa notes" are added. 




    2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

    No attempt is made to ridicule or mock Thailand or the Thai people as you somehow claim in another post on this thread.





    Look at the poster comments above. You believe yourself. 


    I said to you two weeks ago about your “khon Kaen child under the bridge” story that was wrong.

    You change it that time after I tell you, but hide my comment and the other guy telling you.

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 2
  10. 6 hours ago, ramr said:


    Is anyone else here finding the irony of this too perfect? 


    Mr. Rooster, a bit annoying to have your intentions misunderstood and be written off as "just a moaner," isn't it?  Your OP did the same disservice to some with real concerns here on TVF by caricaturing their concerns and lumping them in with the braying morons.  It was generally good, but it did overreach and go a bit "rose-tinted brigade."


    Neither a moaner nor rose-tinted-glasses-wearer be.  richardsmith_237 had it right.


    I sorry. Your English difficult for me. Not sure what you say.


    but, here is the link Thaivisa “translate”. Ask your thai friend to read it.


    It NOT say we want to throw out the farang backpacker. SURE!

    Only say we want to help the new Chinese tourist also. Make it better for everyone.


    The “throw out farang backpacker” “no more banana pancake” was only the Thaivisa team say that.

    Thaivisa say thai government say that, but not true! Is lie.

    Make all the farang believe that. Then anger.




    Mr Rooster, is what I say true? Or not?

    Why not answer me?

    Please say the truth Mr Rooster. 


    Winnie say the truth many day ago. But you don’t change it.

    Now very popular thred.

    12 pages of all anti thai “idiotic” etc and anti Chinese because Thaivisa lie, not because true.


    Winnie tell true, Thaivisa lie, or not?




    On 8/6/2019 at 11:22 AM,  WinnieTheKhwai said:

    This is complete ThaiVisa hyperbole.  The linked article makes no mention of 'out with the backpackers'.  It merely reports on the need for Chinese language skills, as more and more independently travelling Chinese tourists visit the area. 


    • Like 2
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  11. 2 hours ago, drbeach said:

    It would be very easy to control alcohol sales and ensure it doesn't go into the wrong hands.


    For starters, heavily restrict who can sell it. Given the Thais have managed to create a law, which bans alcohol sales from midnight to 11am and from 2pm to 5pm (something which doesn't make much sense) one would think they'd be able to come up with a law that says: alcohol can only be sold in a supermarket in a separated section with it's own dedicated cashier. Just like in Australia. Perhaps the opening hours could be changed back to something more reasonable, like say 9am to 10pm. No more alcohol to be sold at 7-11 stores. In Australia, it is illegal to sell alcohol at 7-11s. They don't have a liquor license. Why then are 7-11s in Thailand allowed to sell alcohol? Just revoke their license. Done. Next, lower the drinking age to 18 BUT always ask anyone who appears to be younger than about 25 to show their ID card or driver's license for age verification before a purchase is allowed. How hard can that be? Happens everyday in Australia and the USA.

    So you want change all the thailand rule to be Aussie rule? Hours, shop, age.


    So no under age drinking in USA or Australia right? Or not?


    If Thai kid want to drink, your rule will not stop them.

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