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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. On 7/22/2019 at 6:50 AM, 4MyEgo said:

    Thai's are like a pack of wild dogs,



    2 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Yinn sometimes i agree with your posts, but now you are in my opinion losing it.

    You should stop for a while, sit back and think before you keep attacking other posters, we are all entitled to our opinions, just because another poster does not share your views, it is no reason to launch into a tirade against them.

    Call thai people dog. I should just accept?

    accept say rude to our family?


    I come here to train English and help some people. Share good thing and thai music.


    Today I translate the CV for TV member who want to get engineer job for EV in Thailand. 

    I happy to help. 

    But don’t accept be called a dog.


    other member send me personal message to ignore the stupid bully.


    Like this one “

    “Great to see someone having a bite back at all the “grumpy old men” who keep bashing the Thais and then like to live in Thailand.”




    “Don't let them bully you, either ignore them or report them to a moderator. I have seen Thais bullied off here before, please don't let them get to you and post what you like. Nice to see you here.”




    “Just keep your posting up there are plenty of us who are not anti Thai. Some people blame everything wrong on Thais. But not all of us I certainly don't do that. I can get really annoyed when i see it.”



    I not not listen to your advice Colin. make up my mind.

    Also have people send me terrible message. I ignore them. I not report to moderator. But people report me.

    maybe the frial ego?





    Have you ever seen any post of mine attacking Thai people?

    Answer no, police, crooked monks, crazy government officials yes, but never normal Thai people.


    Well, the thai maid you were mocking her “sexy woman”.

    critisise her looks. Or not?

    • Sad 1
  2. On 7/22/2019 at 6:50 AM, 4MyEgo said:

    Thai's might just learn a lesson from it or go hungry


    Thai's are like a pack of wild dogs,


    raping the is ok.

    Time to grow up Thailand 




    14 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


     The fact that I complain


     Next time you make a post, try to devote at least two moments of thought to it. 



    Complain and complain about the Thai people who are a pack of wild dogs. 

    Defend the rude foreigners.

    Complain, ridicule, mock and criticize Thais everyday.

    Rude in front of the kids and woman.

    Call us all dog.

    Dream that we will be hungry (never will happen)


    Pitiful guys.

    please just go. 



    • Sad 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Salerno said:

    @Yinn I applaud you for your constant defence of Thailand and Thais and I assure you I find the constant whinging on here sickening. But, you can do more damage than good depending on the way you counteract it.

    Yes, I think about that already.


    But against rule to attack the member. I did this before and have trouble with the wonderful moderator. 

    I not “constant defense” thailand, i criticize some thing. But thred like this to stupid, just to attack thai people/woman. The reason.

    I happy to read most member do not agree with it.



    4 hours ago, Salerno said:


    Rather than stooping to their level (which is basically what you are doing from what I have seen) point out their personal stupidity rather than try and tar all farang with the same brush.

    Ok, I will try. 

    I do say many time before 90% of farang is good, like 90% Indian, Russian, Chinese, Muslim etc.

    I don’t care where come from, just care the person. In Ranong we have Muslim, Burma, Thai, Issan no problem. I like everyone if good person and polite. 


    Sorry sound like I tar all farang with the same brush.

    you are correct, I was wrong. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, Elizway said:

    The more I interact with Thai women (and observe relationships), the more I am realizing that there is something very off in their character

    Where you meet them? You don’t meet Thai men also? 


    I think maybe they they don’t like you. You think about that? Why?

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    , look up the word coward.

    I just did. If you not help your wife if happen to her, then you the “coward” right?



    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    Yes the figures are there and declining, but your government won't tell you that, or do you still have your blinkers on, social media is a powerful thing, hence the reason tourism is down 30%

    You have a graph to show?

    Down 30% 555555555555555

    can you send me your government figures of tourist go Thailand? Or they lie also. 

    How would you know? Just your dream. 

    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    but you don't want to lose face, or know how too, we lose it everyday, no issues, it's called accepting the facts and how to change.


    If figure is down like in 2014, and 2009, I can say it. Why not?

     Not my face. 

    But the real thing is Thailand tourism up and up. Your dream that everybody cancel the holiday because one rude Egypt guy got a scratch neck. 


    Interesting to me, you say you want Thailand to failure. But you going to have more anger when it don’t happen. 5555555555 You will lose you face. Again


    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    Click on the link and see your 49% risk rating approval and scroll down to see all the HIGH risks in Thailand, currently ranked 91st safest country in the world. https://safearound.com/asia/thailand/

    I am ok Thankyou, not the coward.


    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    Only one rude guy, start your Google search and see what the world is seeing.


    Yes I see war in Syria, Afghanistan, etc.

    Farang with knife in Pattaya, farang stealing money in supermarket pattaya, like that. 

    This one not big news. 


    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    At least I know who Thailand is, most tourists don't and when they find out through their own experiences they will let everyone else know by social media,

    They did. That’s why now 38 million tourist. How many your country get? 555555555555



    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    You obviously know very little about farangs and don't like it when we voice our their opinion.

    You upset. Not me. 55555555

    calm it down na. 

    I just give fact, graph. Not opinion. 


    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    my wife has been pushing for us to go because she sees things for what they are and doesn't care about losing face, she accepts the reality of how Thailand is and how it has become of late.

    Where you meet her? Is Thai? Issan?

    Where you live in Thailand? pattaya?

    You hate it, the wife hate it? Why you all stay? 


    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

     losing face is part of life.

    Not for me. I always win face.


    • Confused 2
  6. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    So because someone says something, he deserves to be "stabbed in the neck", can you hear yourself ?


    People when drunk say many things, doesn't make them right, but it certainly doesn't give anyone (Thai's) included the right to stab that person.

    Som nam naa. 

    You ok if someone ask for sex from your mother with your family there.

    we have a different opinion.


    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    Interesting chart, remember what goes up, will come down

    You dream. Tourist was attack 10 year ago, but still up. 

    Why? Because most people love Thailand. 


    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    and Thai's might just learn a lesson from it or go hungry, as tourists have had enough of Thai's ganging up and beating the crap out of tourists when there was no need for it, oh but then again, tourists are learning,

    30 million tourist did not get stabbed in the neck. Only one rude guy.


    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    Thai's are like a pack of wild dogs, they can't fight alone


    This one thai guy attack group. 


    2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    and thinking beating the crap or stabbing tourists or stealing their handbags or raping the is ok.


    Give me a break and please do repost me the chart when the numbers do drop as my crystal ball predicts, for the better of course, because if you don't take the breast off the baby, it will always want it.


    Time to grow up Thailand ????



    I think maybe time for you to go. You hate it so much. 

    Why you stay if like you say.

    who you come with? Alone? 

    Hmmmm. I wonder why?


  7. 5 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    It would be interesting to hear your views on women fans and why some guys are so popular, they never seem 'sexy' handsom and charming seem to be the thing.



    Generally speak, farang woman want Handsome and rich.

    Generally speak thai woman want gentleman, good manner and “jing jai”


    i can not translate “jing jai”. Handsome and rich also good, but jingjai Is number 1 important. 


    North region thai man accent is very sweet. A lot of woman like that. 

    • Like 1
  8. 43 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    I don't get why this one is so popular maybe Yinn knows? 3.8 million subs is impressive for new 15 year old Grataay. I think she needs a new make up artist!

    1) perfect voice. Really.

    2) good band and good song.

    3) people love her because she NOT sexy. She is “lovely”. Everyone say.

    4) hard work. 

    5) attitude 



    i put the sexy singer a lot here, because you are farang guys. Thai guy would choose marry “lovely” girl more than sexy girl. (But happy to “date” sexy girl.)

    Hard for farang to understand. 

    Every family happy to have girl like this. Jah R-Siam, Baitoey, etc not so much.


    look at what she wear at concert.like normal person. She don’t need sexy.







    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Banana7 said:

    That's ridiculous. Although it is house owner's responsibility according to law, Thai Immigration chooses to fine the renter/foreigner for no TM30. Thousands of foreigners who rent have paid the fine. Go read the posts on this website and get educated.


    Educate from confused farang called Banana or read the official rule on website.



    If have problem, just show the dtormor this one. Is there rule.


    Good luck.



  10. 2 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Perhaps you can provide photos of rain dances being held currently in Australia, India, China and the US if as you say it is the same in those countries as you claim.

    In Australia the PM pray to “god” for rain. 

    Will that help? Is god real?

    i don’t think that will have successful. 

    Maybe Santa Xmas can help it?



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