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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 4 hours ago, rumak said:

    Hi Yinn,  nice to have a female voice on the forum.  Does seem that you are pretty set on only one topic though :   Men who associate with bar girl types.   

    The music thred is the best one.

    The op talk about self respect and bargirl. So I reply that.


    4 hours ago, rumak said:


    Would be more interesting IMO if you gave us some insights on your life and aspirations.   Why are you so annoyed at others choice of lifestyle ?

    Not annoyed if the girl old enough. Up to her. Some member like 16 year old. Should go to jail.


    But Thai can not understand why farang want to MARRY sex workers. Then cry when they lose everything. 



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  2. 4 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

    A very good point. Learn the Thai language you will repel the bad ones and hopefully attract someone that has nothing to do with the bars or massage shops. Thais can spot a foreigner with a bar girl a mile away. It is such a common sight throughout Thailand. Sloppy foreigner with bar girl. Want the Thais to treat you with respect? Dress well , learn the language, avoid bar girls and foreigners that look like pigs. Hang with better company be polite and chances are good you will be much better off in Thailand. Don,t listen to my advice you deserve what you get. Its that simple.

    Very true! Sure.

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  3. 3 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    I wasn’t respecting myself and nowadays many Thai bar girls know that and actually use that to their advantage.

    The bar girls “respecting” themself or not?

    dont think so.


    Do you think people will respecting you if you with bar girl?

    Don't think so.



    3 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    How many of you now have lost your self respect as you get older ?


    Why don’t you try to get a “respectable” girl? 


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  4. 7 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    That would cripple the tourism industry,  prevent spontaneous travel and inconvenience 99.9% of innocent travellers. I have travelled all over the world and never heard of checking tourists in advance. Checking people with work visas yes but tourists no. 

    So thai tourist can go to Australia, Europe, USA without any check?

    or not?

    ”never heard of checking tourists in advance” ???

  5. 4 hours ago, thirdleg said:

    BS, Cambodia has much more of a problem.

    Foreigners would need a Thai person to facilitate sex with a minor.

    I really can't imagine there are many foreign teachers molesting kids here

    I was answer to onemorefarang 


    He post this.....


    • OneMoreFarang

    I think more important than the age difference is the age of the girl/woman when you start the relation.

    My gf was 16 when I met her. I was her first boyfriend ever.

    And I didn't have a bad conscience because she told me she was 18. I only found out 2 years later when she was really 18.”


    when you say “minor”. Minor is 16 year old?

    He say he didn’t know, but another thread say it ok, because puberty already.

    other member agree with that. I don’t agree. 


    What you think Thirdleg?

  6. 15 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    You sound judgemental and possibly jealous. Many Thais like you are racist towards Issan people whether they are sex workers or not.


    I reply to other poster who said issan.

    Most sex workers are Issan. But most issan are not sex worker.


    I have real Issan friends, very good people, lovely, but not sex worker.

    Issan has the best music, delicious food etc. I travel to Issan wedding 3 times, I love it.


    But I not sex worker friend. Issan or not. Not good people. Drug. No respect themself. 


    If sex tourist good guy, why he can not get girlfriend free? Because he terrible guy. Nobody want him. Only his money.


    15 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    You are also ageist and a fat shamer.

    No, but only with the one who use sex worker in public.


    15 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:


    You use gratuitous insults to criticise people on the basis of their appearance. 

    Only if they are with the sex worker. Sorry, it look terrible. Pitiful.


    15 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:


    I suspect they are better, more decent than you and happier. That is why many foreigners prefer the company of Issan people.

    You think sex worker like there life and job? Only a customer would want to believe that.

    15 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:


    They are nicer and more relaxed than the Thai Chinese who exhibit greed and bigotry. 

    Oh, that sound racist. Or not?

    You angry at me for what you do.


    You angry me, but what I do?

    i only criticize sex tourist exploit poor people.

    Some sex tourist say they “help” the sex worker. If you really good heart and want to help why do you need to f... them? Can just help?


    You do that? Look at yourself. 


  7. On 7/30/2019 at 6:52 PM, mngmn said:

    And how do you know they are sex worker? Oh that's right they come from Isan!

    Because no young pretty girl go with Grandpa Fatty Farang for free.

    Not natural.


    issan is one clue, but not only that.


    have tattoo,

    look like use Yaba, 

    the clothes etc. 

    But the big clue is how they talk, low education, bar style word.

    And behavior 


    Many way. 

  8. On 7/30/2019 at 9:49 AM, colinneil said:

    Yinn when you comment about me get it correct, your above comment is like most of your comments on here totally wrong.

    You wonder why some members are sending you messages saying bad things to you, well look at yourself posting incorrect comments like the  above about me.


    Your story say.....


    On another occasion he sauntered home arm in arm with EIGHT ladies though he asked us to believe that he didn't manage to do anything naughty with them except take a shower. The whole experience and the bar bill set him back more than 10,000 baht. 



    So how is totally wrong?

  9. 3 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    What 'over the top' personal comments are you talking about? Alluding to the fact that she works in a hotel? I didn't tell her she should stop posting on TVF, I told her she should stop sticking her nose in other people's sex lives in real life.

    My boss instruction to not have sex tourist and sex worker in his hotel. Up to him.

    Because it make the other guest feel uncomfortable. I know you don’t understand. But is true. If he say he want, i ok with that. But he did not want them.

    britman “like” your post. Did britman call the Phuket 4 and 5 star hotel and ask “ok if I bring the sex worker?” They will say no, go another hotel. Sure. Why not believe me? Is true.


    3 hours ago, Gecko123 said:


    I find her posts very judgmental and critical of older foreign men

    Nothing wrong with older foreign men. Most come to Thailand with there older foreign wives. No problem.

    i just say it look stupid the older foreign men act like teenager with sex worker at the hotel, restaurant, the street. Thai people think that.

    Big difference.

    3 hours ago, Gecko123 said:


    while at the same time attempting to present Thai people in a dishonestly favorable and idealized light. I'm not even defending the sex industry. What I'm calling out is this current day hypocritical and moralistic finger pointing by some Thais about the sex industry,

    You dont understand. Most Thais prefer not to have this open foreigner bar sex worker.

    thai men go sure. I know. But discretion. 

    Big different.


    3 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    when they know full well that for decades, while the country was benefitting economically, it willfully and collectively turned a blind eye to this social problem.


    If woman is old enough, and want to do it, no problem. But discretion. Up to them. Doesn’t mean everyone like to see it. Young kids etc.


    Colinniel also “like” your comment. I think he have nice wife now. But he talk about get 8 sex worker, 10,000 baht to everybody. I not say before, but I think that.


    He think about his wife feeling? Or not? Discretion!

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  10. 1 hour ago, marcusarelus said:

    More Thai men marry sex worker than Farang.  I think about 500%


    Why so many Thai men marry sex worker?

    I don’t think. Higher % farang marry sex worker than Thai. Sure.

    Less than 1% thai man do that. farang more than 1%. Sure.

    They don’t want. Family don’t want.


    maybe some Thai man do, for money. Not really love.



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  11. 9 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    Most Thai people think every Thai woman with a foreign guy is/was a prostitute. If there is big age difference between the guy and the woman, they are ready to bet the farm that she is a prostitute. If there is small age difference or she is older than him, maybe not ready to bet the farm, but still think she is/was a prostitute.

    If talk together five minute we know if prostitute or not. 

    But if not talk, don’t know, and assume what you say. Because many farang marry the sex worker.


    For Thai people, we think “why farang marry with sex worker, she don’t love him sure. Ok, go with sex worker, up to him. But why marry.?”






    9 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    So I don't believe when you say 'Thai people look down on this kind of Thai-farang couple, but respect everyone else.' Many things you say about Thai people I think reflect how Thais would like to see themselves, but doesn't mean in real life that's true. You are talking to people on this forum who have lived in Thailand a long time, not first-time tourists to Thailand who accept everything they hear from concierge at hotel.


    So why many farang marry sex worker?

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  12. On 7/28/2019 at 10:52 AM, geoffbezoz said:

    One or two of our members are married to people from the hilltribes so guess they will consider it quite insulting for you to say  "no natinality I think like the hilltribe people", or did you say that as a joke ?

    You don’t know the situation. 

    Boring explain to you. 

    They not have thai ID card. Not have foreigner passport.


    you insult thai people and Thailand everyday. Many member married to thai so guess they will consider it quite insulting.

    you like to argue. 

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