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Posts posted by cowman1

  1. BigGreenMango

    totally addicted to COD4 right now. Only wishing I had a faster connection from my 2MB...usually 150K tops!!

    Yeah, I'm still playing this game. It seems like the new patch helps find games with people more local, as I seem to have yellow / green bars, rather than what was red before. Best to play wit hpeople within Thailand, if you can. Anyway, i'll add you for some shooting.

  2. I'm about to start the process of getting a passport for my Son, and I need to translate his Thai birth Certificate to English. After searching on this forum, I came across a post that said I can do the translation myself, with a form directly from the Ministry of Foriegn affairs. This was the link,

    http://www.mfa.go.th/web/804.php (its the second bullet point down).

    Well, it all looks quite straight forward, I was just wandering if anyone has succesfully done it themselves before, or am I better off just using a company (only about 400 baht I think, and taxi fares).

    There is one thing, at the bottom of the for it says, sig. of registrar Acknowledging birth, who would that be?

    Thanks for any help!

    I think that your query about translation really relates more to where you are--I got our daughter's birth cert. translation done in BKK, near Brit. Embassy for about the price you are quoting--never having tried to do it myself I can't say but I wouldn't want the hassle--Registrar Acknowledging Birth is just what it says--i.e. Hospital Registrar where child was born, as far as I'm aware.

    Yeah, that's what i thought, so I'm not sure what they do when they need a signature on the translation for the registrar. It does sound like a bit of a hassle, it's just i live in bang khae, so quite far for me to go. Thanks, for the advise, anyway.

  3. I'm about to start the process of getting a passport for my Son, and I need to translate his Thai birth Certificate to English. After searching on this forum, I came across a post that said I can do the translation myself, with a form directly from the Ministry of Foriegn affairs. This was the link,

    http://www.mfa.go.th/web/804.php (its the second bullet point down).

    Well, it all looks quite straight forward, I was just wandering if anyone has succesfully done it themselves before, or am I better off just using a company (only about 400 baht I think, and taxi fares).

    There is one thing, at the bottom of the for it says, sig. of registrar Acknowledging birth, who would that be?

    Thanks for any help!

  4. Basically, I have an lcd tv, but only 1 hdmi port at the back, and I need 2.

    Any idea where I can get a hdmi splitter in Bangkok, I checked some Thai electric shops, but can't find one. (I've seen them for as cheap as 1000 baht in the uk).

    Any help appreciated, thanks!

  5. I have never used the internet shopping so I don't know but I am sure there will other members who have. I have a sony DVD player old model never had a problem playing anything I am waiting for the blueray model to come down in price here before I upgrade. I don't need a DVD recorder as I have my vhs video recorder for now.

    If you want a bluray player that's good value, just buy a ps3, only around 15,000 and as you can update it with any new firmware changes, it's one of the best players around at the moment (check on the net). Even if your not playing games it's a good option.

  6. Yes, I am having the same problem, it started about week ago. It must be to do with the internet and not the computer's themselves, cause I haven't changed anything on my computer.

    One website I was trying worked again tonight (UK nova.com) but, some are still just coming up with writing and those red crosses instead of pictures.

  7. The psp is great. It will run gameboy / gbadvance / some n64 games anyway, as well as the whole back catalogue of ps1 titles games (I think there is some variety there to be found). And the games / movies look great on the large screen (for a handheld system).

    I've just started using it to remotely view stuff on my ps3 using the wifi at work. Another great feature. So theoretically you can be anywhere in the world, and turn on your ps3 at home, view a HD movie from your ps3 on your little psp.

    The ds outsells the psp, because it's more accesible (even my Mum has one), but the psp is doing pretty well now anyway. Even for a Ten year old, I would still recommend it, cause he can easily learn what it has to offer.

  8. Hi,

    I'm due to go on a short holiday next week to Phuket, with my wife and 8 month old baby. I am looking to stay somewhere near the beach, and not too far from Phucket town (as this is near where my family is staying, an a posh hotel!). I have visited Phuket before, and quite liked Kata beach when I went there one night.

    Coud anyone let me know somewhere on Kata, or near abouts that is reasonably priced (hopefuly under 1000 bht) and suitable for a baby (not too noisy, etc..)

    Thanks, in advance for any help!

  9. It could be the discs, cause I bought some cheap ones from data IT , recently, and I have had a couple similar problems. Not so much with playback, but the same messages in Nero. It was as if it couldn't erase it properly. I kept doing it and it wouldn't finish the erase, then the info would still be on there. Anyway, I find if you keep trying to erase it , it works eventually. But I will buy better discs in future.

  10. I noticed a topic about Xbox live and Wii accounts but there isn't one for the PS3. I think it would be fun to play with some locals due to the lag problem of playing with US/EU folks. So if you have a PS3 and are playing online with it, let us know your ID so we can get some games going.

    PSN ID: Gluestick

    Yeah, I see you found me already! I'm up for some call of duty 4, but I'm not much of a sharp shooter.

    ID: Thaicowman

    Can this be put at the top under the wii / xbox one?

  11. I agree with what your wasing about the speed test, and how bad it can be when going International sometimes, but with regards to downloading stuff from the ps3 store, I've always found it really fast, much faster then torrents, for example. I d/loaded warhawk (about 1gig) and it took about 40 minutes to complete. Same with demo's and stuff. They always come a lot quicker than anything else I download from torrent sites.

  12. Didi you try going into network settings and doing the connection test? This will tell you where it is having a problem. When I wanted to get online I just plugged the network cable in the back, and then under network connection settings, set up connection, automatic, and it found the net connection. However, if I am using wireless, I set it up manually, because there is a password, so maybe that's what you need to do, so you can enter a password? Settings / Network connection settings / set up connection manually).

  13. Whew !!!

    So glad to know this....as i am waiting for the translation of the birth certificate....I was going to apply for a passport and a British birth certificate....but will save 10k Baht by just getting the passport only......and that money can go into her bank account.

    Over 10k Baht just to register and get a birth certificate, is , IMHO....a decided rip-off.


    Just out of interest, where did you go to get it translated? And how much was it? Thanks.

  14. Thanks for all the advise! So I can get him registered in much less than the 3 months time frame I was told? If this is the case, I will just do it in Frbruary when I have a bit more cash, he will still only be 10 months "ish" Also, does it matter tht I'm not married, it's just the link to the embassy implied that I needed to pay money if was a single father, but I may have been reading it wrong.

  15. Thanks for all your help. That all sounds great, as my name is on his Thai birth certificate. As I was told it's about 30,000 baht to sort him out as a british citizen, and your saying he is automatically, I will just apply for a passport then at the embassy. It all sounds a bit too easy, after what I've been told, but good news! So is his birth certificate all the paperwork that will be required by the embassy? Thanks again for your help.

  16. Hello,

    I was wandering if I could get some information, if possible. Basically, I'm from the UK, working in Thailand. I have recently had a baby with my thai girlfriend (we are not currently married). I want to get him registered as a UK citizen, and then in the future to get him a UK passport. I have been told he can have dual nationality until he turns 18, then he has to decide between English and Thai? Is this correct. Also, I have been told that I have to do it within the 1st year of him being bor, otherwise it is simply not possible. If this is true, as he is about 8 months old, I guess I should start the process. I would be grateful if someone could clear this up as money is a bit tight at the moment (being christmas and all!) and if there is not a 1 year deadline I will do in a bit later on.

    Also, can someone, possibly who has been through the process before, tell me what paperwork is required, and the best way to go about doing it. i was thinking of using a visa company (the ones from the back of the bangkok post) are they worthwhile, or is it best to do it myself?

    Thanks, in advance, if anyone can helo answer some of my questions!

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