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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    both within the country and from neighbouring countries. 

    Within I can understand, but what country in the world needs any information about Thailand? That must be a typo.


    23 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    "So 'admin 12345' not good any more?"

    Nevermind, I use the standard router password from True. ???????????? Works perfect for me, and my neighbours I suppose.

    • Haha 1
  2. 31 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    Who ever is that person, he's got nice handwriting style I'll give him that and much better than what the young genation dose by sending dickpics around...


    Just another comment that was not so well thought over. Handwriting style? You got to give it to him? So, if the woman would have been getting dickpics from a younger guy, that would have been much more bad? You do not realize how scared this woman is, and when you post this you do not at all think about what this pervert might be capable of. Seriously! Stop act like a moron.

    By the way, I just had to give it to you.

  3. 1 hour ago, tomauasia said:

    They are issued my embassy cant refuse me l asked. But they said they won't accept it possibly.. I can also prove my income on Citibank app to embassy. As l discussed with the embassy. Thanks

    Okey, and what did you just say? If you are from one of the countries this news regards, then you embassy will not issue the letter no more. If you are from a country where they still issue the income verification letter, then that will be accepted by immigration.

  4. 3 hours ago, saengd said:

    Thailand is right on the edge of being labelled a currency manipulator because its current account surplus is approaching USD 20 bill., basically that means the value of Thailand exports is far more than its imports. There's no penalty for being included on this list and if they do join they'll be in good company, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore and China are also being monitored!


    So the question is, for all you currency manipulator theorists, are all those countries really manipulating their currencies also, just like Thailand is supposedly doing, is all of SE Asia a currency manipulator?


    No it has nothing to do with currency manipulation. That list is only something made up by the big home fries country called USA. They must have that so that they can have just another tool to adjust the world economy the way they want other countries to sell and buy products and services. just a pathetic list made up by a country with a big hubris.

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  5. 17 minutes ago, scottiddled said:

    That's not what IOs are doing, and you're blatantly misapplying the analogy I wrote.

    First we should take this a little bit easy. From start you were the one replying to my posts. That means you are the one that are trying to change my opinion or blatantly misapplying the things I wrote. There is a solution, though. Just move on if you are not happy.



    There is no "bad for business" grounds for denial of a visa/entry. That's a policy lever--one that individual IOs don't have access to. Thai law/regulations give IOs some levers to pull in that neighborhood: the 10,000 THB rule, etc. But it's not up to IOs to decide what's "good for business." Their job is to enforce the laws/regulations as written. 

    How do you know that? Have you heard the orders they´ve got, or are you just guessing out of the news you have been reading?


    You and I have been around and around on this, and we probably agree that changes in the law are the solution. The difference is, without those changes you seem more accepting of Thai IO lawlessness and you seem more willing to (falsely) demonize people for "abusing" something based on the way you think the law should look. Furthermore, you seem to be in denial at times (you're inconsistent)--often claiming that Thai IOs aren't even breaking the law.

    They aren´t breaking the law. That not me being in denial, it´s not me being inconsistent and therefore no Thai IO lawlessness. The explaination is quite simple. That is that they have individual discretion to make a judgement based on their individual interpretation of you and your visa history.


    Regarding changes. Sure that would be good. At the same times those changes has to come from both sides. meaning both from Thai immigration and the ones that tries in every way possible to abuse the visa system.

  6. 54 minutes ago, teatime101 said:

    Where is that written down? While I plan to get an OA and then retirement visa, for now I'm stuck with visa exemptions and extensions. Even though I am here more than in my own country (I own two properties here), I own a property there, and and that is considered my primary place of residence.

    I think you need to show your sources when you make these kind of definitive claims.

    Good luck with your plans on an OA and extension on that. Then you will end up with a worthless Thai insurance that you never can trust will pay for the things that happens.


    You do not need any sources. Just look at the clamp down on tourist visas and that they scrutinize as well as deny entry for person living on tourist visas over a period of 6 month per year.

    Seems like the facts talk for themselfs, right?

  7. 6 minutes ago, scottiddled said:




    tourist v. expat

    wrong type of visa




    This is all just argument by definition. And even when you're defining words that don't necessarily have a positive/negative connotation, you're not going with definitions that are accepted by a consensus (or denotatively accurate, for that matter).


    Counting cards at the blackjack table is not illegal. Casinos who intimidate, harass, or assault card counters are engaged in criminal behavior. The card counters are not engaged in criminal behavior. 


    Sure, casinos have the right to deny someone their business if they think they're a security risk (dangerous, drunk), they'll drive away customers (rude, poor hygeine), or that they're bad for business (they're counting cards). 


    They can't turn away a customer because they're black, or old, or worship a weird god. The Thai government is seeing people they don't want to let in for reasons they can't legally deny entry, so they're making up rules or fraudulently citing rules that are on the books. They're turning black people away from their casino and saying it's because they're drunk. 


    You're defending the casinos in this analogy. I get why you want to close what you see as a loophole. But the answer isn't lawlessness; it's fixing the law.


    So, then you just said that it was easy to deny because it was bad for business. Then we can consider that immigration deem people that continuosly reside in the country on back-to-back tourist visas are deemed bad for business. That due to that they appearently can´t afford the Elite visa that makes them eligible to stay or can show the document or money for any other visa available. So, in other word they do nothing illegal.

  8. 4 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    It expires on 22 December - I will obviously ensure it is renewed "in time". Maybe you're being deliberately obtuse, but query, which has been answered by more helpful posters, is that it would make sense to renew it much earlier than I need to, even though I won't get extra months added.   Renewing it in the UK also seems like an option, although I don't know how much quicker or easier that would be than renewing it in Thailand.

    It will probably be cheaper, as well as quicker, due to no need for long and expensive transport of a document of value.

  9. What is in the crate? Is it personal belongings or is it stuff for sale?

    If personal belongings, no problem. If buoght products for sale, they might want to see a work permit.

    You will find many shipping companies in Korat that can help you with the total transport, but you will get a better price in Bangkok.

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