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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 1 hour ago, oby said:

    because your country of superior intelligence no one has fallen asleep while driving

    "More than 6,000 people die in drowsy driving-related crashes in the US each year, a recent study suggests. Millions of US drivers fall asleep at the wheel each month, and roughly 15 percent of all fatal crashes involve a drowsy driver,""

    Yes, if you say so. Then I must be of a superior intelligence, coming from a country where only about 30 people per one million dies in road accidents every year. So, I guess I will stand by that it´s possible to feel if you are too tired to drive before you sleep.

    Maybe not for you, but for all of the people like me and my fellow countrymen.

    If we would say that about 15% of that involves a drowsy driver as the failing point. Hell yeah! That would make about 4,5 person per one million that dies related to this every year.

    Hey man, come back and talk more when you lived in a country where the people really know how to drive and also know their limits before it´s too late.

  2. 1 hour ago, ChipButty said:

    Great weather here in Phuket but I think we need some rain soon

    Did you come up with that idea all by yourself, or have you been reading in the news that all Thailand needs more water? Anyway, good to hear that you already realize the situation in Phuket. 

  3. 2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    That is too simple, in the Thai society it is the same as Europe 70 or 80 years ago, the man is the provider in the family and if he can't he's a loser. I have provided for my Thai family for 14 years, my partner, two step daughters and my own son, but through the grace of providence they don't regard me as Mr. money tree and all (except my 12 year old son) generate income of some kind, even the two stepdaughters who study. They have bought their own iphones, my son uses a lap top given to him by my eldest stepdaughter and my partner is always busy doing field work, selling make up, and always looking for an opportunity to generate income. This wasn't my doing it is a result of their own characters. I am regarded as a figure of authority without having to put my foot down but I am also expected to resolve problems of any magnitude that is beyond their ability. It is a matter of luck, providence, it can't be forced so I feel sorry for this man (as well as his victims of course) who has done his best, far beyond his capabilities until he broke under the strain.

    Easy here too, but it will take 2 questions this time:


    1. How do you really know that he has done his best, and far beyond his capabilities? I the news it stands he have 60k left, and maybe he broke easy. I might be wrong, and you might know him personally to have all this insight.


    2. How do you know that you can not put down the foot and tell people that they can not sit on their fat ar$es doing nothing but the regular phone in hand connected to Facebook/Messenger routine? In that field I actually have insight and are living with the proof that it works.

    • Haha 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, TooBigToFit said:

    I think the problem is family members don't realize the stress put on the person working in the family. A lot of older children in high school and university and even older think that money grows on trees.

    There we only need two sentences of your huge post.


    Return question: Why would somebody working put up with press and attitude from the ones demanding? Just set the rules stright from start and stop beeing a bunch of children.

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  5. Really? Small text, big text, legal notice and whatever else you can make up to sound good and sincere.

    Man, have you never been out eating? Just cook your food at home if a small little service charge going to annoy you or maby you should lower your class to McDonalds.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, tifino said:

     I recall yonks ago, encountering a 'Rail Crossing Ahead' warning alert on the GPS...

     - I was in a tunnel underpass below the railway at the time


    can't trust anyone...

    Please tifino, having a GPS does not mean that you should stop look at the road.

    Why this happened to you, was probably because it was a rail crossing above and the signal at the time was weak or could not define that you were 4 meter under the regular road.

  7. 3 hours ago, BobBKK said:

    Don't dare kick a ball

    3 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    Dont get caught cleaning your windows

    2 hours ago, shadowofacloud said:

    As a happy digital professional, working remotely from TH for a few months every year*, I say: come get me!


    It really would be a fun experience, something to write about in a few years, plus the maximum fine of 50k isn't a major issue (most likely 5-10k under the table would solve the problem anyway).


    [*] on tourist visas, of course. If the indolent authorities came up with a proper visa+work permit scheme for digital professionals (say, 1k usd pa), they would already be a few thousand USD richer.

    The crackdown is not about anything you guys are talking about. As the two top comments are totally useless and irrelevant, they are not worth getting into.


    @shadowofacloud Ido not know how you believe they can crack down on you for that. Your occupation is not mentioned as something that is regarded as work in Thailand, either in the Labour Law/Labuor Act or in the Immigration Act.

    Therefore they can not put any liability on you, due to that they do not recognize digital nomads and working remotely on Internet as a description of work in any of the acts.

    Really! If they actually oculd do this, by enforcing the law. Don´t you think it would have been done long time ago?




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