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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 2 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Working without a work permit and not having the appropriate visa

    Still we are in the same little box, just refusing to open the lid, right?

    You of all people that read all the work and visa threads???? But we do same with you, as with all others that are trying to state that beeing a digital nomad is considered as work in Thailand.

    Just because they do not have a description of the nature of the work or neither a name for that work, it can not according to the law be classified as a work in Thailand. Therefore there is no need for a work permit, because you are not seen as working in Thailand. 

    Don´t you think they would have been cracking down on that already if there was a legal foundation for it?

    But sure, I will give you the same chance like I´ve given all others. Show me the labour law, where it is described or taken up as a work. Or if you can find anything about it in the immigration law, that will also be fine.

    I have read both the Thai and the English versions of the two laws, and there is nothing that will be possibile to use in a legal way as a foundation for saying that working as a digital nomad in Thailand, as long as you do not have a customer foundation in Thailand or offer something that the common Thai worker can do, to criminalize that. Simple because it is not described as a work, or can fall as included in any other description in the labour law.


    If you now can´t find anything to contest what I write. Can you please be kind to not repeat such misleading information in a post again.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Hiimjay said:

    Hello everybody. 

    Hi, yourself!

    34 minutes ago, Hiimjay said:


    I'm acctually in Bangkok and Im wondering if I can sell my home made fresh pastas for restaurants in the city. 

    I have cooked fresh pastas since I was very young with the recipe of my grandma. Believe me, my pastas are way more better than the pastas you can buy on supermarket. 

    Yes, you can. For it to be fresh, you will have to make it in Bangkok. That means you will have to live in Thailand working. Not a problem at all. Welcome to reality.

    Here you will need to form a company, employ a minimum of 4 Thai´s for getting the work permit to be active in your own company. Oooh, by the way. It´s not at all your company either. It has to be formed as an Ltd. with 51% Thai ownership and you can only have 49%.

    Looking great so far? Now it´s time to take the pen and paper and make your budget and calculations. Try to find out how much profit you will make after all this. ???? 

    34 minutes ago, Hiimjay said:

    Do you guys have already experienced to sell food directly to restaurants in Bangkok?

    No, it´s not worth the first 5 minutes of time.

    34 minutes ago, Hiimjay said:

    It will be great if I find some restaurants that will accept to buy my pastas. 

    That will also be a big problem. All restaurants that have a need for fresh pasta, will have people employed making that already. Even if your pasta is better, which I doubt very much. They will never ever admitt that they have a worse product than yours. Has to do with the face thing.

    34 minutes ago, Hiimjay said:


    Thank you very much and nice evening to eve!

    Who is eve?????

    • Like 2
  3. 28 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

    yes and I have not to worry about visas and I never mentioned criminals.

    Ok, explain what you meant with your comment then. Why would you compare it with full of hate, if it wasn´t something that triggered that?

    What have visas to do with this, and who said anything about problem with them?

  4. 2 hours ago, nchuckle said:

    Proper analysis shows it’s lagged behind a decent spread of equities over a n accepted investment time scale. It also pays no dividends. 

    You can say what you want. It still going to be the most secure investment through time. I never said the best, but it is the most secure.

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  5. 43 minutes ago, Raymonddiaz said:

    I don’t think they are criminals, just running away from persecution.

    Oh, you got me all wrong there. I did not maen the rohingya that run away was criminals.

    I was just making a parallell to that if they can´t hold people in a detention centre, then they can probably not do their jobs to make the prisons secure either.

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