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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 5 minutes ago, nickmondo said:

    what a ridiculous comment!

    if you are watching tv from the country you originate for, even if you are paying for it, it is not legal, unless your country has broadcasting rights in Thailand.


    Not entirely true. However, how ridiculous it might seem to you, it has still been payed for, and the parts in the distribution as well as the media lines gets their cut for producing more.

  2. 27 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    saying is possible for incubation to be longer than 21 days you'll notice in the first article there's no mention of 21 days only longer than 14 days.

    And you are wondering if I am a six pack short???? Marvelous!

    You know that longer than 14 days, also can be longer than 1 days, right? Or does longer than 14 days stop at 21 days for you. Hmmm, and??? yeah, you were talking about a six pack short??? oh dear! You are grasping at straws, just to keep yourself above the flood of nonsense that you created with the last 10-20 posts.

    • Confused 2
    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    What I denied before was that it was not a 1 in 100 chance of that he had a incubation period of 28 days

    Nobody else was referring to only 28 days regarding that statement either. Where do you get everything from? 

    You did turn the conversation in another direction, because you lost the first one. Simple. Now, don´t act like a child that lost their candy. Just admit, and you will feel much better. ????????????????????

    • Haha 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    "Dr Yong Poovorawan, a virologist at Chulalongkorn University, said it was likely the player imported the infection from Uzbekistan. “We were quite lucky to catch this [rare symptomless] infection, which occurs in less than one per cent of cases,” he said."


    See what the good Doctor said he imported the virus from Uzbekistan 28 days before being tested positive no other recorded case shows a 28 day incubation period.He was tested negative in Uzbekistan.Can't you see I'm not talking about unusual cases but something that hasn't been recorded before it's not unusual it would be unique if it were true.Here's another quote.



    "Yong Poovorawan, a virology expert from Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn University, said the virus incubation period in the man would have been longer than 14 days and it was unlikely to have been domestically transmitted."


    “I believe he was infected abroad,” Yong said.


    "Why are you trying to close your eyes to reality?" He would rather believe in something that hasn't been recorded as occurring before rather than believe that that the footballer was infected in Thailand since his arrival.I believe he was infected in Thailand.The reality of this situation may never be revealed no matter how wide open my eyes are to it.

    Now you change the discussion to that you believe he was infected in Thailand. Yeah, sure, it´s a possibility. It´s also 1 chance in about 100 that he had a longer incubation period. You tried to deny that before, as something that did not exist. Now you realized that it does, and must turn the conversation.

    • Sad 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, Flying Saucage said:

    I very likely have some more university degrees than you

    Really? I guess you made measurement contests in the school toilet as well. That is not considered especially bright you know. ????

    The only thing you get out of that, is thinking with the wrong part of your body.


    This virologist still knows more than you.

    • Sad 1
  6. On 9/12/2020 at 8:15 AM, Flying Saucage said:

    I have to disagree strongy Sheril!


    There are not hundreds of deaths in European countries now!!! This is simply wrong. For example Germany with 82 million people had between zero (!) and maximum ten deaths per day during the last weeks. Single digit numbers per day! To say hundreds new Covid deaths a day is no only vastly exagerated, it is simply not correct. 


    Germany alone now does around 200,000 test per day. Europe, with around 8 times more people than Germany, might be in the millions per day. But I agree that Europe with more than 600 million people must not be compared with Thailand with its 67 million. But how many tests does Thailand daily, compared to Germany?


    And regarding random testing: Germany does random testing. In the Germany state of Bavaria, the have test booths at the motorways to test everyone who wants to be tested. Mainly for those coming back from holidays in Austria, Italy and Eastern Europe. I call this random testing. Also, it is this random testing that increases the positive tests strongly, because so many asymptomatic people are tested. 


    Overall, I am sure that the Covid-situation in Thailand is not much different to well performing countries in Europe. It is naive to believe the official numbers in Thailand. Sorry, I am not that gullible to believe this government anything. Thailand performs well, sure. But neither better nor worse than European countries. And, whatever success Thailand has, this has not so much to do with the government. More with climatic and social circumstances here.


    With so many university degrees you say you have more than others, then you ought to know that you can not compare continents with countries. Just to make you aware. Europe is a continent, and Thailand is a country. ????


    Let´s say like last week during one day it was:


    France: 70 deaths

    Turkey: 58

    Spain: 78


    So, there are high number, and I would say that Sheryl was not far from the truth. If you are German, yes then you can be happy. However, it´s just one country, you know. Not a continent even if they had aspiration for that 80 years ago. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, Flying Saucage said:

    He might be a specialist. But whenever he tells the public something about Covid, it is biased and it is filtered knowledge, it is said in a way to support the juntas false narratives of dangerous foreigners, said to support xenophobia and the closure of the country, and to create panic and enhance paranoia. Never his posts are balanced in any way. Never sensible.

    Ever thought about that it might be you that do not understand. ???? Or maybe you are just one of those on this forum that needs to complain on something Thai.

  8. 15 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    When the 38 hour week was brought in for workers in NSW they decided to let everyone accrue there time and take a Rostered Day Off every four weeks it was then decided everyone could have the first Monday off every month and everyone was happy except me so I phone the union rep and explained there are 12 months in a year but there are 13 four week periods a year.After that phone call the The RDO was taken every four weeks and people got an extra day off and were happy. 

    Irrelevant babbling! Just face it. Generally incubation period is 5-9 days and normally not over 14, but can in unusual cases be longer. How long, nobody knows. That´s already a fact. Why are you trying to close your eyes to reality?

  9. 52 minutes ago, RotBenz8888 said:

    I guess you didn't know that the incubation period is 14d? Explains why you are so impressed by his observation.  

    What´s wrong with you. It´s has been clearly stated, not only in Thailand and the Thai news, on international level that incubation period is normally 14 days. Approximately 1 out of 100 deviate from that norm and can be up to 30 days or more. That´s exactly what this virologist, other professionals and this piece of news is saying. What is so hard to get?

  10. 1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    What sort of University educated virology expert can't count the days on a calendar and then blasts the fact over the news?Who else can't count the days on a calendar?Here's a shovel! My credentials are 30 years in surveying where counting and double checking are of vital importance.

    Yeah, yeah, you know best! Happy? Probably the only way to stop you babbling.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 38 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    I'm talking about the footballer who arrived in Thailand on 13th Aug possibly left on the 12th Aug would have got his results on the 11th Aug and tested on 9-10th Aug,the test was negative.He tested positive on the 8th Sep which is about 28-30 days from the initial negative test.I'll settle for 28 days which is considerably longer than 20 days.I don't know why the good Doctor is talking about 21 days when the footballer he was referring to went about 28 days from a negative test to a positive test other than trying to dig himself out of the hole he has got himself in. 

    You just don´t get it. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, alyx said:

    Sorry but your reply confuses me. I understand that you are saying that this man is an authority in virology and is well educated ( which should go by pair) but...really? Do you think people are reading it the way you do. Next, what will it be Expert (in archeology) Confirms COVID-19 Incubation Period. I am pretty sure that they refer to their field of expertise and this field includes this disease, however little is the knowledge of this specific Coronavirus considering the limited information one has on this virus (by little I do not mean restricted resources )  

    No offence meant

    Alyx, to Earth, please confirm. What in the world has an expert in archeology to do with this? Really? Not even worth discussing.

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