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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 8 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    To me, everything you have wrote here is a lot of nonsense, so I won't bother picking out anything, but if you are happy living a life of being scared of your own shadow, then that's up to you, but it's certainly not for me. I am enjoying this debate, I look forward to your next post.????

    Yes, I have a question. Why would you see it as I am scared of my own shadow, just because I chose to follow laws?

  2. 17 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    Wrong, of course there is a need for laws, but only up to a point. If a person has genuine common sense, why bother about laws.  If certain people want to sit round a table and start making up laws why should I obey them if I don't agree with them and can find a way round them?

    I don't even know these people. I have my life to live and I live it my way, and it has not done me or any ordinary person any harm so far.

    I hope you are not one of the members on this forum that moans about that Thailand do not know what democracy is.

    You know, elected governments makes the laws. If you agree to them or not, is irrelevant. You are agreeing to laws as soon as you partake in an election. You agree to follow laws as a foreigner in a foreign country, because you are a visitor with no rights regarding that matter.

    As you post above, it seems like you believe that just because you think that your way is falling under common sense, then you have the right to disregard and do not have to obey laws in a country. Really? With thoughts like that, one might think that some person never made it out of play school.

  3. 1 minute ago, transam said:

    I, and many here are not hi-so posters like yourself, but if a manufacturer, in their handbook, say change at 10,000km, then that is a figure that MORE than covers their engine wear worries.

    Now, if you want to change your oil early because you are hi-so that's great, you are creating LOS employment, and spending your money here, well done....:clap2:

    Yes, some of us can afford do that. I call it giving back to a country that gives me a great life and value for money.

    • Haha 2
  4. 13 minutes ago, transam said:

    Well some of us out here have to watch our expenditure, so spending 50 quid on an oil change that is not needed seems a bit daft....????

    Yes, while most of us can afford it. However, better to change before, than too late, right.

  5. 23 minutes ago, transam said:

    Yes, and these are the EU blokes spouting their hate for the UK on here. Sad stuff..


    Hey! Have a heart, man! You can not blame us for hating the UK. You are totally misunderstanding everything that is written. We can´t hate a country for making a big mistake. What you are reading here is pity and sadness as well as a big sack of feeling sorry for the UK. I sincerely hope they will recover. 

    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    The above statement you made is incorrect.  And possibly based on the odd exception, but for many ME Non Imm O marriage Visa holders this has been a real issue.


    Several reports posted from those on their very first ME Non Imm O marriage Visa, arriving in Thailand Dec-Jan-Feb, and being asked by their local IO to provide evidence of 12 months of transfers of +40K, when they were still in their home-country during the first of those 12 'required' months. 

    And the timing of that change in policy/procedure from 2 to 12 months of monthly income transfers was such that those that had started with the 2 monthly income transfers, could not even switch anymore to the 400K funds-in-bank method as there wasn't sufficient seasoning time left for those 400K.

    Only solution left > engaging a Fixer Agent to tackle the 2-month seasoning roadblock for the 400K.

    You still know that you are mentioning a yearly extension based on marriage. One do not need any 2, 6 or 12 month. They could scrap all of that. If one can´t have measly 400k baht on a Thai bank account as a married person in a foreign country, one just have nothing do do there. 


    Just a problem that do not need to exist if people think about their security a little bit more, show some backbone and responsibility for their actions in life.

    • Haha 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    As another poster pointed out on page 1 already, the problem which could occur is that any regular insurance (which i have, thanks for asking) might refuse to pay for you being in an intensive care quarantine ward for multiple weeks, even though you don't show any symptoms.

    So there are people who have a perfectly fine insurance under normal circumstances, but Thailand's paranoia is forcing them to get an additional insurance. You wouldn't mind if you have to pay an additional 40k per year for such a Thai government approved Covid insurance?

    I would not, due to that there are insurance available for only 50 USD per month. Not a biggy! Any more problems I can assist with?

    • Confused 1
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