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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 1 hour ago, geoff65 said:

    Intelligent answer, now can i get an answer from someone who's not a complete retard.

    Yes, you can do painting and small repairs. No problem whatsoever. Unless you do not have a neighbour that hates you 110%.

    Doing big work like rebuilding or build out would be considered as work, though. However, I was active all the time during the building of my house. Never any problems.

    • Like 1
  2. 32 minutes ago, Keesters said:

    I pay for 200/200 but in reality it's no more than 20% of that.

    Exactly! That was what I thought. I have a 1 Gbit and it shows 930 Mbit on speedtest. However, that is not true either. As for example when I download something. Let´s say from Microsoft or a Google website. They are quick. Then I usually get a speed of 12Gb down. That would mean a speed of 96 Mbit in reality as 1 Mb is 8 Mbit.

  3. 23 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    I am certainly aware of relining. It’s not something that is ever done in a normal domestic setting in Thailand. 

    I am certainly aware of checking pipes. It’s not something that is ever done in a normal domestic setting in Thailand.


    How about actually talking about normal domestic installations rather than trying to bring in industrial procedures that have absolutely no relevance in this thread.


    If you could take the time to write English rather then getting so hot under the collar you think that 

    Is understandable. and you seem to attribute a statement to me that I didn’t say.

    Or this


    Just continue you BS about a misspelling. if you read, I also said that they do not use relining. What I wanted to suggest with my post was that it´s quite easy to buy a small camera system to check your own pipes for just under 5000 baht. Not really a problem, and then you know if it´s time to changes pipes or not.


    Now this was about choosing pump. I still say that they have regulators that shut the pump off if it goes over a certain pressure. The only thing you need to know is if your pipes are ok or not. If they are okay, then you just need to read the fact sheets about how much pressure they can handle.

    I end it here with you now. Further discussion not needed.

  4. 9 minutes ago, baansgr said:

    Mostly because the income letters were stopped being issued. The updates on Covid and repatriation etc have been very good. Most of their work goes unseen hence why all the negative attitudes. Let's wish him luck in his new postition

    So, why complain about that? I mean income letter??? What possible need can you have? If the money is there, then just show them. No problem.

    • Confused 5
    • Sad 1
  5. Everyone knows that Thailand is not 100% Covid free. That is just not possible. Still they have been delivering one of the best results in the world. If that was untrue, much more stories like this would have been seen and heard. Maybe better be happy with that, then complain. For everyone else, there is always Brazil, USA, UK and South Africa. 

  6. 8 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Would you like to provide an English translation from your post? 

    That´s is probably the answer of a person that suddenly understands that he don´t have a clue in the field I am talking about. Do you know how to check pipes? Are you familiar with the term relining? If not, then Google both instead of shifting to your apparent reading disorder.

  7. 1 hour ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Your English is as good as your knowledge.

    Blue PVC pipes degrade with U.V. light. Apart from the change in colour, which happens early in the process so does not indicate the extent of the degradation, there is no non destructive way of telling the strength. 
    At some point the pipes will become brittle/weak enough that they fail either by over presser from shutting off the tap or from the pump pressure.


    So while being technical correct in that if the pressure is always set well below the failure point the pipes are unlikely to burst. You are in fact talking out of an orifice not designed for oral communication as you will have to reduce the set point over time with no easy way of discovering how low you have to go and you will get to a point where an anaemic snail will flow faster than your water.


    I avoid these problems by using PP-R or 13.5 grade pipe the latter kicks the degradation point many years ahead

    Congrats! You just said the relining do not exist. oN the other way you do not do that on only pvc pipes. However, Cameras are still available, right?

  8. 1 hour ago, dorayme said:

    Good idea. People seem to think it is OK to feed strays in someone else's neighborhood where they create problems for the residents. If they want to feed them they should take them home.

    Yep, the sad thing is that the government and the news as well as the social media community take this guy to heaven.


    Tell me! How do you fight stupidity?

    • Like 1
  9. 34 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Of course if the pipes are too old you need to replace them.  Are you too lacking in intelligence to know that? You have a magic way of knowing when the pipes are degraded enough to burst? I certainly don’t. It could be 4 years, it could be 8 or 12 or more depending on conditions.

    There is no safety to prevent pipes bursting I thought you could understand that. There is a cut off pressure setting, either fixed or variable, that doesn’t stop pipes bursting.

    If the pressure is set correctly, the pipes wont burst if they aint to damaged.

  10. 8 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Old degraded PVC too much pressure.


    They do but that’s irrelevant if the pipe bursts, isn’t it?

    If the pipes are told old, the only sensible thing is to do a pipe replacement. The safety is there to prevent pipes from bursting. I thought you would understand that as you are so very well versed in construction. However, I was mislead of your previous amount of recommendations. 

  11. Nothing is a hopeless as the OP tries to make it. He must know some people of her family. Someone must know where she is, because I do not believe in a Thai girl that breaks with her own family after splitting with boyfriend/husband.

    Check People administration in Pattaya,Bangkok, Hua Hin and Phuket as well as in her home province. Nobody wish to be unregistered right now, if there come a new handout from the government. 

    If everything else fails, just take her to court. Then it will be the police and courts job to find her.


    Can I just ask who does the day to day operations in the company? If not her, how is that possible without her authorization?

  12. 7 minutes ago, transam said:

    Us long time readers KNOW you have an absolutely perfect life, nothing ever goes wrong, nothing ever will go wrong because you are Peter Perfect.

    You even want farang folk deported for a minor overstay because it would never happen to you. 

    Oh, am I wrong about the latter......????

    As I assumed. You were off topic as usual. Can you please explain what overstay and my life has to do with this thread. here it´s all about if planting your own vegetables in your garden is considered work. I know it does not fit your agenda, but do you have anything on-topic to contribute with?

    • Haha 1
  13. 17 minutes ago, transam said:

    You don't live here then.....????

    So, there you are again. I missed you today. ???? 

    Please explain what you mean? What kind of deluded idea or fable are you going to feed me today?

    To quickly answer, what I assume is a question. Yes, I live in Thailand. Here I do not know about. Can you please hand me the coordinates.

    • Haha 1
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