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Posts posted by treetops

  1. On 6/12/2023 at 2:11 AM, bamnutsak said:


    filed 09/06/2023 05:47:39

    approved 12/06/2023 07:47:33


    so one calendar day


    was running ~ 3 calendar days for me previously.

    I think you mean one working day (Friday 9th June) but three working days?


    In my recent experience posted upthread the weekend seems to be working time too as I submitted on a Saturday and received approval on a Sunday.

  2. Asked before, but the answer was much easier then.




    In this case the frequency could be read from the crystal, however the crystal in yours (labelled X1) doesn't appear to support that.  Maybe the frequency detector mentioned would help, or buy one of each from a seller who will accept returns and return the "wrong" one.

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 6/3/2023 at 1:10 AM, VirgoSG said:

    I hope it works okay for you -- I suggest you do the online report early to give yourself time to do it at your immigration office just in case it doesn't work.

    Worked OK as submitted yesterday (Saturday) morning and approval received a few minutes ago on a Sunday evening.  This was with a new extension of stay and a trip outside Thailand since my last report.


    They gave me 90 days from today though, not from when my report was actually due.

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  4. On 6/8/2023 at 12:15 PM, Liverpool Lou said:

    "...they have to do if someone changes note..."

    They don't have to...that's what the thread is about, Scandinavian banks not buying back their currency.

    Do you misunderstand or misinterpret all the posts you read on here or just some of them?  Your replies on many topics appear to miss the point of what's actually happening or being discussed.

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  5. 8 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Unfortunately, Finnair have shifted their focus to other markets that avoid conflict areas and both inbound and outbound UK flights via Helsinki now require lengthy layovers.

    Finnair will increase HEL-BKK flights from daily to 11/week for Winter 2023.


    Have you looked at different days departures from your UK airport?  I have the same problem from EDI but there's at least one day a week where the connection is fine IIRC.

  6. 1 minute ago, NoshowJones said:

    Then why did I not have these problems with any of my previous smartphones?. Just today my Bangkok bank app and Line app both  disappeared from my homescreen, I suppose that is also down to my lack of tech knowledge also.

    If it was down to the phone then it would happen to all users.  It doesn't.

  7. 4 hours ago, TigerandDog said:

    Krungsi have got it wrong. It's not possible to take a foreigners photo and then link it to a passport and bank account. The process involves scanning a Thai ID card, taking a photo and linking the ID data and photo to a bank account. Not possible with a passport. Also our local Krungsi branch is adamant that foreigners are NOT included as they do NOT have Thai ID cards

    Looks like Krungsri are (wisely) getting ahead of the game at some branches by getting the photo and passport stuff ready for when their systems are updated.  From the other thread linked above there are more actual examples of this.

    I'm sure your branch will get the memo soon.

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  8. 18 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    Whats the upper limit on amounts sent from UK to Thailand if any ?

    Posted a couple of weeks ago.  Still 50,000 THB to most banks, 1,499,999 THB to SCB and up to 2,000,000 THB to Kasikorn and BBL.  Limits are per transaction.





    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 minute ago, couchpotato said:

    Up to you to interpret as you like. Suggest you go to your bank and have it explained to you, as you are not understanding the requirements. Over and out.

    I'm not interpreting anything, just reading what others have experienced and reported on here.


    Look for Pib's photos on this thread regarding BBL.  The other poster mentioning his glasses is on there too and it's not the same guy as earlier in this thread.  So three people having used their phones for facial verification gives a fair confidence level that's how it works.




    I'm not sure about your "over and out" statement.  Are you dictating your posts on a radio?

  10. 9 hours ago, couchpotato said:

    The face scan update is for the bank records only. You will not be required to take face scans on your phone or at ATM's.

    Untrue going by other posts on here (probably in the banking section).


    One poster had trouble with the phone recognising him and put it down to lighting as it worked eventually in another location with better lighting.  Another poster couldn't read the intructions on his phone (maybe the same guy as posted on Page 1 in this thread with what sounds like a similar issue).

  11. 13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I am interested in trying out the SIM router option, something I didn't know was an option before.

    But I really know nothing about it. 

    I'm going to post about my needs and maybe you or someone else who's knowledgeble can help me figure out what to buy.

    Find his previous thread for all the info - it's in the IT and Computers section.


    Please don't make him repeat it all ????.


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