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Posts posted by treetops

  1. On 4/9/2023 at 11:25 AM, bbi1 said:

    So the 11th we are all still safe from any water throwing? Someone above said from 11th to 19th is the madness.

    Not entirely safe as there's always outliers like those reported on Klang yesterday (9th), but in general it'll start to pick up from the 12th.

  2. On 4/8/2023 at 10:11 AM, arminbkk said:

    What are the current entry requirements for Thailand, entering in April 2023 as a tourist from Europe, staying 28 days?

    Where in Europe?  Cyprus and Malta are visa on arrival.  Nationals of Croatia and some other countries in that area require a visa.  Most however are as previous replies.


    This is the requirements from Timatic that the airline will see and should check against for a  Serbian:


  3. 3 hours ago, Freddy42OZ said:

    It's not begging for money.  It is giving people free content and asking them if they enjoyed it, or got some value from it, to consider leaving a small tip/donation.   

    If you don't want to pay then don't.  

    Creating content is a lot of work, even the rubbish stuff!

    Different words but same end result.  Begging.


    It's not a lot of work to film yourself doing nothing unusual for TikTok.

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  4. 7 hours ago, bradiston said:

    They weren't interested in the Erythritol, or the Inulin. Both are powders. They only removed the peanut butter. I guess it looked tasty. And I don't do checked luggage, ever. These were really small items. Less than 100g. I had a 100ml shampoo bottle, but you couldn't see the contents. Utterly pointless. Just bored "security".

    Gels, pastes etc have to conform to the 100ml rule but with powders there's some ambiguity.  Your 100g of peanut butter would surely be less but how would they know when asked to make an on-the-spot decision?


    Blame Abdulla Ahmed Ali for it, but I think it'll be relaxed soon with the new generation scanners now available.

  5. 1 hour ago, couchpotato said:

    I have mentioned in another thread, that Jomtien Hospital is 39,000 baht per eye.

    Same doctors as BHP....

    Is that offer still available?  It disappeared from their ":Packages and Promotions" page a month or so ago.


    44 minutes ago, Dart12 said:

    Pattaya Memorial will answer you via FB messenger on what their price is usually within few hours..  And answer email in about 24 hours.

    But they currently don't offer cataract surgery.

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  6. 16 hours ago, HammerMan said:

    FYI- The Seahorse Website is currently down, temporarily, for relaunching a new, better and secure website in the coming weeks. All/Any communication can be through following links: https://www.facebook.com/fb.theseahorseferryofficial     and   https://lin.ee/t0PNYOR  

    Tell whoever is doing it to put up a holding page telling would be visitors this.  It currently shows nothing  apart from giving a browser error message.

  7. 9 hours ago, Richard3456 said:

    My daughters Uk passport expires in October. I was planning to take her to Uk this summer for holidays at end of June until August. Has anyone flown to UK on Uk passport with less than 6 months validity?

    Entering the UK on a UK passport has no validity restrictions - it could even be expired and she'd still get in.

  8. 21 hours ago, wpcoe said:

    I'm not confident that escalating to an airline supervisor would be successful.  If the airline carries you into Thailand and for some reason you're caught exceeding 45 days (or you simply get a grouchy IO at the airport?) I understood that the airline would be fined.  How would a waiver between you and the airline avoid that fine?  i.e. Why would an airline supervisor put their company at risk?

    I agree.  I read your previous post as indicating that they wanted a flight out within 30 days even though the Visa Waiver period had been extended to 45 days.  Escalation would have solved this if it had been the case without the need of a waiver IMO.

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