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Posts posted by treetops

  1. That would happen if you were booked on one PNR to your final destination as the airline is obliged to get you there, and would likely be OK with the times you suggest.

    If on a seperate ticket to your internal flight you'd be on your own and the timing mentioned in the OP is crazy.

  2. Do you know whoever holds your spare keys well enough?


    Me and a mate hold each others and if one of us is away the other pops in now and then to check everything is OK.  Also to pick up and pay bill for condo fees/water.


    Water is switched off at the main valve.  Electricity is left on as 3 months in the freezer is no problem (also for some things in the fridge) and bill paid by direct debit.


    When coming back one of us will fill the others fridge with basics for the return if required.

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  3. 51 minutes ago, gamb00ler said:

    There are many aspects of safety and none of them can be addressed to 100%.  A VPN makes your communications over the public internet safer.  For example, that would make it harder for 3rd parties to capture your personal data for use in compromising your financial accounts.

    Unfortunately they're often used for nefarious purposes and web delivery and security companies like Cloudfare may blacklist their IP addresses, thus negating the benefit for genuine users who'll have to switch them off in such circumstances.

  4. On 5/3/2023 at 7:31 AM, couchpotato said:

    that is one ugly house......

    Once it's surrounded by water butts, blue piping and pumps, and the garish interior walls decorated with cartoon stickers, and the hardstanding filled with all sorts of vehicles and assorted junk it'll look like all the other ones built to someone's exclusive design.

    • Haha 1
  5. On 5/3/2023 at 9:57 AM, richard_smith237 said:

    I suspect the house was originally ‘stilted’ (i.e. raised above ground and open underneath, as lot of up-country houses area) and they have simple filled that in to make an ‘extra floor’...

    OK if its for storage... or otherwise fit for a hobbit.

    I agree that's a possibility as I watched a build going up a couple of years ago which was converted as you say.  Initially 4 apartments on two upper levels with parking/storage below.  Apartments were easily let, so the developer filled in the downstairs space to make it 12 apartments. Pics below.


    I don't think that's the case here as the left hand side of the house is genuinely two habitable/usable floors (stairs up and down from the room inside the entrance) and it's only the right hand side which has the low height basement.  I think it was designed from the outset like this.





  6. 3 minutes ago, Lee65 said:

    From where exactly did you get this image?  Is it after you've clicked on a particular restaurant?  Which restaurant is it so that we also can try it?  Is the menu language option available only for some restaurants?

    Yes, after clicking on a particular restaurant.  I tried a few and they all had it but just tried a few more and it appears not all do.  Pizza Hut has it but Domino's doesn't for example.



    3 minutes ago, Lee65 said:

    Which "translation app" works for you?  Google translate does not work, apparently as the text in the Grab food app is actually images. (?)

    I use Tap Translate  Screen.  It's fiddly to select the text to start with but you soon get the hang of it.



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  7. 1 hour ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    They refer me to a booking site if I want a better deal. If dealing with the owner in a smaller place could be different.

    Agreed - I used Agoda primarily when travelling monthly within Thailand for over a year during covid.  I've lost count of the times I wanted to stay an extra night or two and the hotel reception could beat the Agoda price.


    Mainly I think that's down to reception staff not having the authority to reduce the walk-in rates, but as you say, if you can deal with an owner (or manager) your chances improve.  I do this now with a hotel I stay in every couple of weeks and the manager still honours my covid times rate.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    As well as the increase in fares I've noticed a lot more drivers cancelling (or not responding to) the booking . . . . .

    Yes, another common occurence nowadays.  I do a lot of slightly longer trips than just about town (~300 baht to Sri Racha) and thought it was they weren't guaranteed a pick up to come back, but now noticing it on shorter ones too.

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  9. i've certainly noticed an increase but put it down to surge pricing, however going by the comments it may well be an across the board increase.


    Not surprising IMO, as their cheap deals appeared to be get them into the market and were always going to increase over time.

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  10. 7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The ‘differentiation’ between inpatient and outpatient is whether or not you’ve been ‘admitted’ - as you are undergoing surgical treatment it means you are ‘being admitted’ - even if treated as a ‘day care patient’.

    That's not how my insurance company treat it (Pacific Cross).  In patient requires an overnight stay while a day bed operation is regarded as out patient (for which I'm not covered) AIUI.

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