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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Ever notice that a thread like this brings out the "legalize it" and the problems will go away crowd? They are also the first group that will line up to crusade against the various mafias in Thailand like the tuk tuks. Know where I'm going now? If the drug trade was legalized, we'd see the same situation as what is in place with the tuk tuks and jet skis etc. Oh sure, they will say, sell it in approved government shops, control it etc. Hello? Earth to space people. TIT. Do you think that such a program could be run in Thailand? They can't even run a proper traffic enforcement police operation without there being extortion in some areas. So please, how about thinking such positions through before saying if you could wave your little magical faerie wands and make it so. This is the real world and I don't want to have to walk through war zones with competing tuk tuk driver types shooting it out as they compete for drug peddling turf.

    Threads like this bring out all sorts of "crowds", including those who try to raise red herrings to divert the debate by about 180 degrees.

    Thinking an issue through certainly has advantages. For example, why would there be "war zones" and "drug peddling turf" (what nice hyperbole) if the stuff could be obtained cheaply and safely in a controlled manner?

    Why is it a red herring to deal with the specifics? Phuket cannot even control its tuk tuks or the jetskis on the beach and you think the drug trade would operate without a problem? These drug trafficers were arrested in Thailand. I don't give a rat's ass about the Nederlands, UK, or Timbuctoo. What I want to know is how people like you expect the drug trade to run without worse problems here in Thailand. Yes, that's right, worse problems.

    Look at simple legal business operations here. Piss off the wrong special interests and you end up dead. Try and operate a taxi in someone's zone and there are beatings to be had. Everyone has a story about being caught in the middle of feuding drivers. Maybe you should look at what happened in the past when opium was legal. Can you recall something called the Opium Wars when hi-so British and French trading houses went to war with China over the drug trade, with the foreigners trying to force the opium on the Chinese. I don't think anyone in this part of the world needs any lessons on mass access to heroin and what it does to a nation. Read the history and then come and tell the locals that you are going to enlighten them on how to manage an dangerous addictive chemical.

    So, wave your faerie wand and enlighten everyone on how a legal drug trade would operate in Thailand.

    Considering the fact that Thailand cannot even police its current legitimate drug trade, the pharmaceutical industry, with all the bogus fake stuff in circulation, you are going to have to sprinkle alot of pixie dust to make the magical dream come true. Controlled manner? Yea sure, like the way fire codes are enforced? Or maybe building codes?

    On a more pragmatic basis, what happens if products like heroin is legalised here and some poor sap ends up transiting Dubai with residue in his bag? Are you going to go visit that person on death row? How about the hassles that the tens of thousands of legitimate visitors would face upon return to their homelands? Oh wait, those countries would have to look the other way.

    Are you going to come and clean the puke, feces and vomit away from the front stoops of the locals? What happens when the country is innundated with junkies? Do you think legalization will stop people on their downward spiral? When heroin takes over you care about nothing except getting another fix. You crap where you are, you piss where you are and you don't care. You stop functioning, no matter how easily available or cheap the product. Who is supposed to deal with the ODs and and the corpses? Or is that aspect going to miraculously go away because it's legal? How about we put a state sanctioned shooting gallery next to your home? You want it legalized, then come up with a plan that will deal with the impact. It's your project. Go and sell it to the people that will have to live near the junkies.

    Oh dear!

    From red herrings in the previous post to wildly inaccurate stereotypes in this one.

  2. Ever notice that a thread like this brings out the "legalize it" and the problems will go away crowd? They are also the first group that will line up to crusade against the various mafias in Thailand like the tuk tuks. Know where I'm going now? If the drug trade was legalized, we'd see the same situation as what is in place with the tuk tuks and jet skis etc. Oh sure, they will say, sell it in approved government shops, control it etc. Hello? Earth to space people. TIT. Do you think that such a program could be run in Thailand? They can't even run a proper traffic enforcement police operation without there being extortion in some areas. So please, how about thinking such positions through before saying if you could wave your little magical faerie wands and make it so. This is the real world and I don't want to have to walk through war zones with competing tuk tuk driver types shooting it out as they compete for drug peddling turf.

    Threads like this bring out all sorts of "crowds", including those who try to raise red herrings to divert the debate by about 180 degrees.

    Thinking an issue through certainly has advantages. For example, why would there be "war zones" and "drug peddling turf" (what nice hyperbole) if the stuff could be obtained cheaply and safely in a controlled manner?

    Ohh not the old 'hyperbole' comment again. Jack, you need new material. Why is it people like you always seem to come up against people that are actually out there, doing the job, the job you no doubt would be too scared to do? :D

    You promised you were going to bed. :)

  3. Ever notice that a thread like this brings out the "legalize it" and the problems will go away crowd? They are also the first group that will line up to crusade against the various mafias in Thailand like the tuk tuks. Know where I'm going now? If the drug trade was legalized, we'd see the same situation as what is in place with the tuk tuks and jet skis etc. Oh sure, they will say, sell it in approved government shops, control it etc. Hello? Earth to space people. TIT. Do you think that such a program could be run in Thailand? They can't even run a proper traffic enforcement police operation without there being extortion in some areas. So please, how about thinking such positions through before saying if you could wave your little magical faerie wands and make it so. This is the real world and I don't want to have to walk through war zones with competing tuk tuk driver types shooting it out as they compete for drug peddling turf.

    Threads like this bring out all sorts of "crowds", including those who try to raise red herrings to divert the debate by about 180 degrees.

    Thinking an issue through certainly has advantages. For example, why would there be "war zones" and "drug peddling turf" (what nice hyperbole) if the stuff could be obtained cheaply and safely in a controlled manner?

  4. No doubt Jack, your one of these text book hero types, sitting behind your office desk, couple of uni degrees under your belt, all the theory behind you, no practical experience, afterall you've never actually been out and dealt with the druggies, hands on, but you are an expert, just ask yourself.

    When you've walked in the shoes of myself or one of my collegues, lets see where you pathetic lets legalise it all rubbish theories stand then, until then flame me all you like, afterall its the only thing you know how to do.

    You think you can just legalise all these illicit drugs and not have any more problems, change the legislation and everything else just disappears, magical. :)

    Goodnight text book hero, I look forward to your next cuddly addition of 'lets change the world & do it the Jackspratt way'.

    The pyromaniac-in-chief now calling for the fire extinguisher.

    Goodnight indeed. :D

  5. ^Well jack, you can just keep wondering, because it aint ever gonna happen, irregardless of how much tripe you and your mates serve up online.

    Say "NO" to drugs Jack, its simple. :D

    I have a better idea - Say "NO" to neverdie..............now, how can I fit "simple" into this sentence, to round it off :)

    Simply spit it out jack, no point trying ur political clap trap online here, your not getting my vote.....Society needs to get tough with people who deal with, produce or take drugs, stop messing around, come down so hard on these grubs they dont know what hit them......Simple!~

    Say "No" to drugs Jack, people that adhere to my advice will find their lives turn around, ideally those who didnt take my advice would suffer for it. Still Simple. :D

    Each time I read one of your posts on this subject nd, "simple" is the first word that springs to mind.

    And the next word is simplistic, closely followed by illogical. :D

  6. How is different to the likes of the 3 Stooges or Keystone Cops? I like watching the 3 Stooges but they are considered too violent for Australian TV.

    Eh! I am not aware, nor can I find any reference to them having been banned on Oz TV. There was certainly discussion from time to time, but I don't believe it ever led to anything (thank goodness).

  7. Haha.. I don't know how many times people have to get caught and sentenced to life, before drug dealers stop trying to walk through the airport with sh*t loads of Columbia's finest!!

    Yep, you would reckon that if life imprisonment or execution was going to stop people, it would have done so by now.

    But strangely enough, it hasn't.

    I wonder if it is worth trying another way :)

    ps I don't think the drugs which are the subject of the OP have originated from Columbia.

  8. I keep reading this <deleted>, make it all free and there will be no criminals, no crime, no prison. Apply this to all drugs, of course. we end up with with a world full of spaced out, or pissed up, addicts, destroying themselves and everyone around them. But of course, me and you keep working to support their free drugs and re-hab programs.

    Well if that's what you want, you pay for it. Personally, I believe in self responsibility. Countries make laws to restrict the damage done, not always wisely, but that's how democracy works. You want to break those laws, and get my sympathy, you're bang out of luck.

    Also, if you want people to respect your views, learn how to spell.

    So Mick are we to assume that as you seem to support the current system, you are also happy to pay your share of the costs of that system? Or have you opted out?

    Those costs being far greater, of course, than would be the case under an alternative. :)

  9. Drug dealers, importers, exporters deserve a swift trial before they are hung from the nearest gallows.

    Watch it, with talk like that JackSpratt will be in here shortly to condemn you a member of the thai visa hang em high brigade :)

    No need for me to condemn him - he does it out of his own mouth.

    If you have a spare moment nd, can you please post a short dissertation on the overwhelming successes of the current prohibition policies. :D

    By success, I don't mean the ongoing gorging of the prohibition industry (read law enforcement/courts/prisons) on the illicit drugs teat. Not to mention the traders.

  10. Showing a boarding pass is pretty standard for DF purchases at any airport; it's the only way the sales outlet can verify that you are qualified to purchase DF, ie. a bona fide traveler and not someone who got lost saying cheerio to granny.

    Theoretically, if you are just saying goodbye to granny, you shouldn't be past immigration/security, where the duty free shops are found. :)

  11. You can, from time to time, get super deals flying direct CNX to Singapore and then straight through to Oz. Malaysian Airlines have some incredible deals advertised in the last 1-2 months. You might also investigate flying CNX to Tapei and then direct into Perth with someone like Air China... have friends who swear also that, from time to time, this is super cheap because CNX-Taipei a busy, well serviced route, as is Tapei-Perth. Be creative and try to bypass BKK...

    I am not aware of any direct flights from Taipei to Perth.

    Air China does not fly to Perth.

  12. And yes, the PRC does have some certain limited technological intelligence capability primarily due to its R&D, i.e., Receive and Duplicate. More fully, R&DAE, Receive and Duplicate After Espionage.

    Is this the same PRC that in 2006 had the 4th highest R&D spend in the world (in absolute terms), and topping the US, EU, and Japan in % of GDP terms?

    I reckon they may have sufficient technology to be watching you Publicus, and with good reason :)

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