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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. I have kept most of the purchase and consumption records for my 2.5l manual Vigo since late 2007.

    I live in the sticks, so most running has been open road, with some city. Also rarely exceed 120kph, even on longer trips to say Rayong.

    Average consumption across all types of running, with both full load (rear tray full of family and baggage), and only 2 or 3 in the cabin, has been 13.46 k/l (or 38mpg for the Yanks :) ).

    Also out of interest, across various prices for fuel, the average cost/km (for fuel) has been 2.16 baht.

  2. Dear mr. Administrator, this story, where ever you got it from is NOT true. I was just to the Cambodia border an had to pay a 6 day overstay fe regardless that I had proof of my ticket to leave on the 15th of April. You need to get your facts stratight and back it up with immigration web site reference.


    Ticket on the 15th April to go where?

  3. This is Thailand, it doesn't matter what the law states.

    There is one law for the rich and powerful and then is the law of the land for everybody else.

    For example, why are Thaksin's kids walking about free when they were setenced to 3 years for tax evasion. How long does the bail period last for, infinity?

    Another example is the Police Generals son who lost it and killed some pedestrians in his mercedes. This was over 2 years ago and he is still out on bail.

    TIT don't you just love it :D

    I suggest you go back and refresh your memory on the 2 events you (mis)quote.

    Looking forward to your update on TV. :)

    cleverclogs, I wouldn't have posted those examples if I knew the updated version of events, do enlighten me!!!!

    Nope - you can stay ignorant and misinformed. :D

  4. This is Thailand, it doesn't matter what the law states.

    There is one law for the rich and powerful and then is the law of the land for everybody else.

    For example, why are Thaksin's kids walking about free when they were setenced to 3 years for tax evasion. How long does the bail period last for, infinity?

    Another example is the Police Generals son who lost it and killed some pedestrians in his mercedes. This was over 2 years ago and he is still out on bail.

    TIT don't you just love it :D

    I suggest you go back and refresh your memory on the 2 events you (mis)quote.

    Looking forward to your update on TV. :)

  5. Confirmed, but people are still getting charged for overstay...

    If you are on overstay and have a flight to catch after being stranded for days, do you really want the hassle of arguing with an immigration official, who probably doesn't know about the waiver?

    Besides the single incident quoted on this thread (London via India), of which we know little about the facts, can you provide a link/s to other instances of people being charged overstay at the moment?

  6. Absolutely spot on...an excellent, convincing and fair analysis...I must admit to being tricked by all the government talk of terrorists....but of course the red-shirts demonstrated peacefully for a month...when the troops rolled in the trouble started...thank you for opening my eyes

    Congratulations - you may be the first person who has ever agreed with Comrade Ungpakorn's musings.

    Even the Red Shirts wrote him off some time ago.

  7. So how long before Abhisit resigns? :D

    You mean "told" to resign.....by Anupong ?


    Anupong becomes PM? :) Christmas comes early to the red friendly general. :D

    :D Anupong is too smart wanting to become a PM. No way.

    But I suspect he will tell Abhisit in a friendly manner to stop now....

    Anupong is a very tough cookie and he's fed up the way this circus is proceeding now for 5 weeks. He wants peace and finally........... elections.


    .......and we can assume, a continuation of the palace/army veto of what happens in Thai politics.

  8. So how long before Abhisit resigns? :)

    I (and maybe others) would welcome your rationale for why Abhisit should resign.

    From my perspective, the main reason would be that he does not seem to have control of the royalist army, and the clearly useless police.

    But using those criteria, Thailand would not have had a civilian government any time since 1932.

    I am just trying to think what is the common factor in the problems Thailand has suffered since 1932, and more particularly since 1946.

  9. The uncaring woman from Australian Foreign Affairs quoted as saying "it's a matter for Thai authorities to determine" knowing full well that NOTHING would be done. Getting a result in Thailand in almost all of these events is squarely in the hands of Australian Politicians and other various authorities. They just never bother. They simply don't care about it's citizens abroad. Demanding a result and putting sufficient political and economic presure will always get the right result and justice will be gained.

    A case in point, an Indian student was killed in Melbourne. The Indian government put pressure on Australia and got an immediate and effective result.

    It could be argued that Indian citizens are better protected (or at the very least get justice ) abroad by their government than Australians are

    How many Australian citizens are killed or suffer other horrific events inThailand at the hands of Thais and Australia does nothing?.

    What does it take for the Australian government to send the message loud and clear to Thailand to keep their hands off their citizens?

    In the meantime the Thai "authorities" will continue to do nothing to either prevent or severely punish the perpetrators.

    My condolences. It's now up to the family if they want to seek justice for their son, but don't expect any assistance fromAustralian government as they are too busy sucking up to the Thai authorities.

    Fortunately the Dept Foreign Affairs deals with these issues in a rational and balanced way - as it must if it is wanting to receive ongoing co-operation from other countries.

    Whilst there has been an horrific assault on Mr Oake, it would be only one of many happening every day in the "Land of Smiles".

    What are you suggesting the Australian government should do in cases like this?

    Tell the Thai police how to act, how to investigate, what priorities to assign to cases?

    I am sure telling "Thailand" to do something would not be very effective, and in fact would most likely be counter-productive.

    The murder of the Indian student in Melbourne was solved in the normal course of business by efficient police work. As has been amply demonstrated in Bangkok over the past few weeks, and in the years before that, the words "efficient" and "police" do not belong in the same sentence when it comes to describing the BiB.

    As far as involving the Oz Opposition in this, are these the same people who were the government when the Bali 9 were arrested in Indonesia on a tip-off from the Feds, instead of arresting them when they returned to Australia - thereby consigning them to likely death penalties in Indonesia?

    (And please let's not turn this into a debate on the death penalty).

  10. Regarding "Abhisit's Minefield" I am curious to know that if Abhisit was merely a puppet, as he has so often been tagged, who is the puppet master? And why isn't the puppet master doing anything to take back control of the country?

    I repeat, no one seems to be fully in charge of this country today. This is a very dangerous situation, surely?

    It certainly is.

    However the subject of the puppet master (or these days, the puppet master's family) can neither be discussed on Thai Visa, nor more generally in Thailand. Which of course is one of the great structural deficiencies of the so called Thai democratic political system.

  11. You have to understand Journalism in Australia and the biased, sensationalist, grandiose reporting they enjoy. This was not a story about the situation in Thailand, it was about Eric Campbell.

    The ABC channel is held in very low regard by the Australian public because of it poor quality, biased journalism.

    Have you seen the report yet? I don't think it has even been shown yet. I think your bias is showing.

    The commercial channels in Aus are certainly known for their "biased, sensationalist, grandiose reporting", and the ABC is often anti-government, but their international reporting, particularly their investigative reporting, is often some of the best in the world.

    The general public will not see it until tonight. ABC reporting amongst the best in world? Who are you trying to kid.


    Who are you trying to kid? You sound like a Johnny Howard wet dreamer.

  12. It is not hard to hit man-sized target at 100m with a scope for a proficient marksman.

    The statement is simply ridiculous.

    It is very easy for anybody to hit a man-sized target at 100 meters with any kind of assault rifle which has decent iron sights.

    When I was at the Army (20 years ago), the standard training shooting distance was 200m, and we used the FAMAS with standard iron sights.

    Our targets were not man sized, but triangle-shaped, approx. 30cm large.

    Almost everybody in my group hit the targets.

    Moving targets are of course something totally different.

    Does "not hard" mean (approximately) the same thing as "very easy"?

  13. What would the "third Hand" gain from killing red protesters?

    Continuity of the status quo, thus easing the transition from someone who is very popular, to someone who is almost universally abhorred.

    And the main winners from this scenario are Thaksin, and the long established institution - with whom Thaksin seems have established an unhealthy (for Thailand) relationship with the next generation.

    What a load of bull...

    If you are capable, would you care to elaborate on your eloquent contribution.

  14. What would the "third Hand" gain from killing red protesters?

    Continuity of the status quo, thus easing the transition from someone who is very popular, to someone who is almost universally abhorred.

    And the main winners from this scenario are Thaksin, and the long established institution - with whom Thaksin seems have established an unhealthy (for Thailand) relationship with the next generation.

  15. No, it doesn't.

    I don't have Thai firmware, and I have a fully functioning copy of 10.1 on my Nuvi 260.

    How is your Junction View working? The Thai firmware version requirements have a lot to do with the Junction View function. Without Junction View you do not have a fully functioning copy of ESRI TSM v10.1.

    Au contraire - on my nuvi 260 (as stated above) I have a fully functioning copy of this map.

    Are you suggesting that this map was only made for, and is only suitable for, Garmin units which have JCV and lane assist?

    ps did you bother to read the post which precedes yours?

  16. WebUpdater from the Garmin website does not check the Thai OS firmware version, to the best of my knowledge. ESRI Thailand Street Map (TSM) v10.1 requires the corresponding Thai firmware version, available only from ESRI Thailand.

    No, it doesn't.

    I don't have Thai firmware, and I have a fully functioning copy of 10.1 on my Nuvi 260.

    After some further research it seems IO is partially correct, in that apparently the JCV (3D junction view) and lane assist functions (for GPS units which have these features) will only work with the Thai firmware.

    However, as I stated above, the normal map functions will operate without the Thai firmware.

  17. WebUpdater from the Garmin website does not check the Thai OS firmware version, to the best of my knowledge. ESRI Thailand Street Map (TSM) v10.1 requires the corresponding Thai firmware version, available only from ESRI Thailand.

    No, it doesn't.

    I don't have Thai firmware, and I have a fully functioning copy of 10.1 on my Nuvi 260.

  18. besides what the OP mentioned, what are the differences/additions to this latest map, is it worth to pay & upgrade my current v.10 ESRI map

    Didn't cost me a single baht to upgrade my ESRI TSM v10 to v10.1, map still under warranty - so to speak. Great service from ESRI.

    Didn't cost me a single baht either - and my warranty ran out 2 years ago. :)

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