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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Am I being ganged up on :)

    Somchai became PM because he was the leader of the elected party, people generally vote for a candidate knowing that if his party wins then the leader will be PM, just like Brown is the current UK PM, he was leader of the party when the PM stood down. The public can decide if they want him at the next election, do they want the labour party.

    I hate to be pedantic, but:

    - Somchai became PM because the party he was leader of had enough support from other parties to form a coalition government

    - when people voted for the party, Samak was leader - they had no way of knowing Somchai would succeed Samak

    - Brown is the current leader of a party which has a majority in its own right in the UK parliament. Neither Samak nor Somchai had that, so apples and oranges.

  2. All is so sad.

    I agree. Who could know for the details such as gesture and cutting on the road???? Why it is not in report? That could be a lead to see what really happened.

    If someone was in his car (who saw what happened on the road) probbably (just guessing) it might be some Thai woman. Younger then his ex was.

    We saw he was separated from his woman (wife?). I would not be happy (i would not be surprised), if he was killed because he nad the new woman (as happened to another German before). If we could know about this some more details (person in the car) we could know it was planned attack.

    I am wondering who made a call to his (separated) woman? What time? Why another man (Thai) picked up her phone? Who is that guy? If the call was late night, why another Thai man answered?If was made by Police in wish to inform some his relatives. Why she wasn't with her phone? Could be like making an alibi, coverage for his ex. (naive)

    Motobike without plate perfectly match in this possible scenario. Seem like a planned murder.

    These are just guessings. But the person who saw details on the road, is the clue. Thus the man who answered to the call, one his ex's phone.

    I don't believe the reason for an argue would be honking to some wild in ride teenagers. There is something more behind.

    German people are not easy to make them be out of control. He was age 66 amd in that age not so many of us would be wild-whatever we experience on the road. Poor guy is probbably long time in Thailand so i assume he knew how dangerous is to react or fight with stupid Thai kids on the road.

    I will not buy this version of story from reports. As always, reports are confusing us all. Makes me sick about it.


    As at least one poster has pointed out here, it would be wrong to jump to conclusions and assume the murderers just attacked a stranger who had "disrespected" them. There could easily be more to this and a very careful investigation of the deceased's finances and investments would reveal a lot more than idle hearsay and speculation.

    I guess when you refer to "idle hearsay and speculation" you are including your own, and that of stepenwolf :)

  3. I agree about the ESRI v10 being the best map for Thailand, although the SEAsia v4.5 has better detail in some of the up-country areas.

    As far as using junction view etc, it is possible to flash the firmware of a UK model to the Asian firmware, so that it will support the extra features.

    If you are comfortable and confident about proceeding, I suggest you google something like "garmin flashing firmware junction view" (no inverted commas). You will find plenty of information on how to do it.

  4. Maybe the nuts here will retire back into their caves for a rest..............................

    I very much doubt it.

    Every time a story like this hits TV, the predictable resident cave dwellers and hang 'em high brigades push aside their respective rocks, and pound away at the keyboard for a few minutes whilst frothing at the mouth.

    Sad lot of buuggers really. :)

  5. dam_n lucky this did not happen in the UK, if it had the would be rapist would be claiming compensation for his injuries, and the police would be arresting and charging the mother with attempted murder. Over here the criminal is the victim and the homeowner attempting to protect their family is the criminal !!!!


    exactly the same in Australia the crims have all the rights.

    Complete nonsense - particularly coming from a self-proclaimed ex-cop. :)

  6. It is not the quantity but simply the fact he broke the law and was subsequently arrested. Don't blame the Thai Police they were simply doing the job they are paid to do. I have arrested and charged kids for having less than this kid did. I to was simply doing my job. Yes I know people will cry bloody police ruin a kids life and it is the police fault that he/ they end up with a criminal conviction. The police did not give it to him. It was he alone that set the wheels in motion not the police.

    I see the "druggie" has now turned into a "kid" :)

    And "if" you arrested and charged kids for having less in Oz, you were not "simply doing your job". You were choosing not to exercise a discretion which you had, in favour of building up your arrest count.

    No it's called not turning a blind eye to criminal activities. I can see which team you like to play with and it is certainly not the good guys.

    I imagine you and I would have wildly different ideas on what constitutes "good".

    I am quite comfortable with mine. :D

  7. In Australia possession without a script carries a prison sentence also. I have locked up a few of these druggies myself.

    Typical arrogant but ignorant pig.

    It is not the quantity but simply the fact he broke the law and was subsequently arrested. Don't blame the Thai Police they were simply doing the job they are paid to do. I have arrested and charged kids for having less than this kid did. I to was simply doing my job. Yes I know people will cry bloody police ruin a kids life and it is the police fault that he/ they end up with a criminal conviction. The police did not give it to him. It was he alone that set the wheels in motion not the police.

    I see the "druggie" has now turned into a "kid" :)

    And "if" you arrested and charged kids for having less in Oz, you were not "simply doing your job". You were choosing not to exercise a discretion which you had, in favour of building up your arrest count.

  8. I have a Canon IP3500 inkjet printer, which I bought in Thailand.

    It uses the notorious chipped ink cartridges, which cost an arm and a leg to replace if you go OEM.

    After some research I have discovered that it is now possible to buy replacement (non-genuine) cartridges which already include a chip, thereby (allegedly) enabling the ink level function to be retained. They cost less than 50% of the price of the genuine article.

    w ww.smartone.co.th/products.php?page=2&SubID=88&CatID=

    Does anyone have experience with using these specific cartridges, and if so, do they work?


  9. khao kluk ka pi really stinks. My wife once took it in our room. Smell of dirty feet in the room for days. I forbid her to eat that anymore.

    What a lucky lady to have such a strong, domineering husband :)

  10. .............

    You may mess up in thai and most thai's I believe realize your trying to learn the language so there ok. Try that with the chinese folk and they won't waste there time. You either speak Mandarin 100% or don't try to talk to me

    That certainly wasn't my experience when I was living and working in China.

    My "taxi Chinese" was generally sufficient, because about the only times I needed to speak Chinese (Mandarin) was when I was in a taxi. Otherwise, there were English speakers (of varying proficiency) everywhere, and always willing to help.

  11. Hmmm........while we are on the subject of tax evasion:

    1. I work for Thai company, and am paid in Thailand - can anyone recommend the best way for me to evade paying tax on my income?

    2. I would like a cheap copy of Windows 7 - can anyone recommend the best way to download a free copy, via torrent, including a registration key?

    Whilst neither of the above are true, it highlights an interesting dichotomy/inconsistency on TV, whereby discussion of certain types of illegal conduct seem to be tolerated, whilst discussion of other types of illegal conduct will cause a deletion of posts, or the shutting down of a thread :)

  12. Has anyone tried www.SecondHandGPSmaps.com yet?

    Sorry Gunga - I don't reckon it passes the smell test.

    As far as I am aware, all legitimate copies of Garmin maps are tied to a particular Garmin GPS ie you can only unlock the map for that unit. Otherwise, what is to stop me buying a legit map on a CD or SD card, and letting all my mates (and anyone on the internet for that matter) make a copy of it. Having said that, I am not sure how the maps you buy on SD cards from, eg EBay, work.

    If someone reckons 2nd HandGPSMaps are OK, I can suggest even cheaper ways of getting hold of the maps - but forum rules prevent me from doing so of course :D

    BTW, their website seems to operate from a server located in Bulgaria - good luck with that :)

  13. kid you make some sensible points about how it (legalisation and control) may or may not work in Thailand, then you go on with absurd comments about foreign drug lords and trading houses, and extrapolations back to 100+ years ago. Not to mention carcasses, walking skeletons, and pits of addiction. It tends to dilute the force of your arguments.

    Thailand would certainly not be the ideal place to set up models that appear to to working in other places (research Switzerland and Portugal if you are interested). But at the same time, I would suggest the the drugs issue may be one of Thailand's lesser problems at the moment - certainly on a macro scale.

  14. ^Jack, I actually thought the second one applied to you, more than me. Also, if you thought your answers were so right, wouldnt all the worlds law makers agree and change these laws, of course you will come up with some far fetched excuses for them not doing so......anyway, have your little dreams boys, they will most likely only ever end up being dreams, in the meantime be careful with you drug binged ways or you might end up in the slammer, dam_n shame that would be.

    Sorry, you like drugs and druggies and supporting the worlds losers, I dislike it, as do most countries and their laws, you need to get over that, its that simple.

    I don't need to come up with excuses nd - I just look at the results to date. Have you?

    And again, appropriately, your post ends up with the all telling "simple". :)

  15. neverdie>> It was expected that you would fail to understand what I wrote. Or even that the problems you see now with crimes surrounding drugs in large is the EFFECT of it being illegal and controlled by mafia-organizations, instead of being quality-approved, affordable and not pushed into the darker alleys of the city where a higher amount of crimes are carried out...

    Sorry drug fuelled voilence that is quality approved, your right, I just dont get it. Fortunately the 'nuts' that make the current laws will probably rule supreme over the nuts driving your campaigns.....so sad for you guys, anyway, dont let me stop you, continue with your relentless dribble about this, I doubt much is going to change in my lifetime. :)

    So you continue to prove Einstein right at two levels - both your own signature, and bobbins earlier post quoting Einstein:

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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